自由飞行,free flight
1)free flight自由飞行
1.Conflict resolution in free flight with linear programming;自由飞行中冲突解脱的线性规划法
2.In the condition of free flight, in order to ensure the distance of two aircrafts could not less than a given safety distance, the Pontryagin minimum principle(PMP) of optimal control theory and inner-point restriction condition were introduced to study the conflict resolution problem of free flight aircrafts, in which control vectors were restricted.在自由飞行中,为了保证任何两架飞机之间的距离不能小于给定的安全间隔,采用内点约束条件和最优控制中的庞特里亚金极小值原理,研究了自由飞行中飞机的控制向量受约束时的平面冲突解脱问题,考虑了只改变速度大小和只改变速度方向的解脱策略。
3.This paper imported the Delaunay triangulation method, often used in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the conflict detection in free flight environment after simplification.在对自由飞行进行适当的简化建模后,引入常用于计算流体力学Delaunay网格生成方法,对于空中交通冲突进行检测,能够同时检测到空域内的多架飞机间的冲突。

1.Research on Technologies of the Conflict Detection and Resolution Among Multi-aircraft in Free Flight Airspace;自由飞行空域中多机冲突探测与解脱技术研究
2.Airspace Sector Programming Technique Discussion in Free Flight;自由飞行条件下空域扇区规划方法探讨
3.Research on Coordinated Operation of Multi-Arm Freeflying Space Robot多臂自由飞行空间机器人协调操作研究
4.Investigation on Methods of Characteristic Parameters Identification Using Free-flight Range Data for Projectiles and Rockets弹箭自由飞行试验数据辨识特征参数方法分析
5.large reddish_brown free-flying cockroach originally from southern United States but now widely distributed.红褐色自由飞行的大蟑螂,原产于美国南部但现在分布广泛。
6.Study on Three Dimensional Predictive Simulation System of Teleoperation for Free Flying Space Robot自由飞行空间机器人遥操作三维预测仿真系统研究
7.I like to rise and sail freely.我爱自由的起飞,任意的航行。
8.coast in a vehicle using the freewheel.用自由飞轮坐交通工具沿海岸而行。
9.They figured out how to move the vehicle freely, not juse across land, but up and down on a cushion of air.他们领会到,不只是要飞机飞行一段距离,而且要在空气的垫子上让飞机自由地飞上飞下。
10.Research and Design on 6-DOF Motion System of Flight Simulator;六自由度飞行模拟器运动系统设计研究
11.Development of the Three Degree-of-Freedom Platform for the Flight Simulator;某型战机飞行模拟器三自由度运动平台的研制
12.3D flight track and 6-DOF flight simulation based on Google Earth基于Google Earth的三维航迹监视及六自由度飞行仿真
13.Neural Network PID Control on 3D Hover Model三自由度飞行器模型的神经网络PID控制
14.Swallows fly about, carefree and at liberty.燕子自由自在地飞翔。
15.free flight aviary雀鸟可自由飞翔的鸟舍
16.a method of controlling the flight of a missile by devices that respond to inertial forces.由惯性引导飞行物飞行的操控方法。
17.transition trial过渡飞行状态试验 -由平飞转入垂直飞行
18.Fly Dreams in the Mire: Freedom; Consciousness; Inferiority; Self-destruction;梦想在泥泞中放飞:自由·自觉·自卑·自毁

go ballistic[航]自由飞行
3)free flight; free coasting自由飞行<火>
4)free-flight angle自由飞行角
5)geomagnetism field自由飞行段
1.a new guidance system in ballistic missile free flight phase was present based on geomagnetism field.本文针对战略导弹自由飞行段制导方式存在的不足,利用地磁场的特有属性特点的基础上,提出一种基于地磁场信息的战略导弹自由飞行段制导方式,旨在一定程度上解决现有自由飞行段制导方式存在的不足,提高弹道导弹在复杂电磁环境、恶劣战场条件下的生存能力和抗摧毁能力。
6)Random-flight model自由飞行模型

复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)instrument meteorological conditions flight fuza qixiangfe主xing复杂气象飞行(instrument meteorologiealconditions flight)见飞行技术。