幼虫形态,larval morphology
1)larval morphology幼虫形态
1.The larval morphology of Frontopsylla nakagawai borealosinica (Siphonaptera:Leptopsyllidae);窄板额蚤华北亚种幼虫形态研究(蚤目:细蚤科)

1.A comparative observation on glochidial morphology of two unionid species(unionidae)蚌科两种蚌钩介幼虫形态的比较观察
2.Morphometric Analysis of Trichinella Isolated Muscle Larvae from Different Origins in Dali;云南大理不同来源旋毛虫肌肉幼虫形态学分析
3.The larval form of certain insects, such as silverfish and grasshoppers, usually resembling the adult form but smaller and lacking fully developed wings.蛹某些昆虫,如蠹虫和蚱蜢的幼虫形态。通常和成年形状相像但形状小并且缺少完全发育的翅膀
4.Chronometrical Morphology Changes of Larval of Three Species Necrophagous Flies and Their Valuation in Forensic Medicine三种尸食性蝇类幼虫形态学的变化及在法医学上的意义
5.The relationship between parasites andparasites and chestnut gall wasp was assured.并且通过虫瘿解剖及幼虫形态鉴别确认了它们之间的、以及它们与栗瘿蜂之间的关系。
7.Observation on the larvael morpholog of eight inestinal nem a to des in cattle and sheep in south fuian闽南地区牛、羊消化道8种线虫幼虫的形态观察
8.Butterflies and stag beetles are complete metamorphosis insects with pupa stage; crickets and walkingsticks are incomplete metamorphosis insects whose juveniles are similar to adults.蝴蝶、形虫是具有蛹时期的完全变态昆虫,蟋蟀、节虫是幼期跟成虫相似的不完全变态昆虫。
9.A supplemental description of the pupa and larva stages of Simulium (Odagmia) emeinesis from China (Deptera: Simuliidae)峨眉短蚋幼虫期形态的补充描述(双翅目:蚋科)
10.The Morphology and Differential Variation of Dauerlarvae(L_(Ⅳ)) of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and B.mucronatus(拟)松材线虫耐久型四龄幼虫(L_(Ⅳ))的形态及其分化变异
11.The Comparative Morphology and Phylogenetic Analysis Based on COI Gene and 16S rRNA of a Walble Fly Second-Stage, Thrid-Stage Larva Found in Tibetan Antilopes;藏羚羊皮蝇二期幼虫三期幼虫比较形态学和COI、16S rRNA基因系统发育分析
12.Chronometrical morphology changes of larval cephalopharyngeal skeleton in the different developmental stages of Parasarcophaga crassipalpis and its application in forensic medicine;肥须亚麻蝇幼虫头咽骨形态学分析及其法医学意义
13.Morphological changes of Lucilia sericata larvae and its significance in forensic medicine丝光绿蝇幼虫不同温度下的形态学变化及法医学意义
14.The infective larva of some tapeworms, characterized by its solid elongated body.全尾幼虫以紧密排列的长形身体为特征的一些绦虫的传染性幼虫
15.All the larvae are straight, with a slight taper towards the rear.所有幼虫都是直形背部略带锥形。
16.wormlike larva of various elaterid_beetles; feeds on roots of many crop plants.各种叩头虫科甲虫的形似蠕虫的幼虫;吃多种农作物的根。
17.Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects.小蜂小蜂总科的一种体态微小的蜂虫,许多此类昆虫的幼虫寄生于其他昆虫的幼虫内
18.Objective To separate automatically the imagoes and larvae of Blattela germanica.目的将成虫和幼虫在自然状态下自动分离。

larval description幼虫形态
3)Adult and larval morphology成、幼虫形态
4)infusoriform larva滴虫形幼虫
5)D-shaped larvaeD形幼虫
6)larval form幼虫形

大金头蝇的幼虫(炒肉芽)大金头蝇的幼虫(炒肉芽) 大金头蝇的幼虫(炒肉芽)