越北腹露蝗,Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis
1)Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis越北腹露蝗
1.Changes in the Free Amino Acids of the Diapause and Postdiapause Egg of Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis(Orthoptera:Catantopidae);滞育和滞育后越北腹露蝗卵中游离氨基酸的变化
2.Supercooling of overwintering eggs of Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis;越北腹露蝗卵的过冷却特性
3.Embryonic development of Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis (Orthoptera: Catantopidae);越北腹露蝗胚胎发育的研究

1.Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis was an important insect pest in Northern Guangdong province.越北腹露蝗是广东北部地区的重要害虫。
2.Study on Antennal Sensilla of Eleven Species in Arcypteridae (Insecta: Orthoptera) with Scanning Electron Microscopy;东北网翅蝗科3属11种蝗虫触角感受器研究
3.Study on Antennal Sensilla of Thirteen Species in Oedipodidae (Insecta: Orthoptera) in Northeast with Scanning Electron Microscopy;东北地区斑翅蝗科13种蝗虫触角显微结构研究
4.The Great Wall starts at the shore of the Yellow Sea and stretches through the mountains north of beijing and into the heartland of north China长城始于黄海之滨,穿越燕山山脉,进入华北的腹地
5.Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North-West Africa建立西北非沙漠蝗虫控制委员会协定
6.The New Chinese Initial Period Hebei Province s Locust Plague and the Society Mobilize;新中国初期河北省的蝗灾与社会动员
7.Preliminary observation of the biological characteristics of Acrida cinerea鲁北中华剑角蝗生物学特性初步观察
8.The Research of Meteorological Monitoring and Prediction for Locusta Migratoria in Hebei Province;河北省东亚飞蝗气象监测预测技术应用研究
9.Preliminary Investigation on the Dominant Species of Locust in the Suburb of Baoding in Hebei Province at the End of Autumn河北保定郊区秋末土蝗优势种的初步调查
10.The more he tried to hide his warts, the more he revealed them.他越是要掩盖他的疮疤,就越是会暴露。
11.As the waves roll back, more and more sand can be seen.海浪退下时,露出的沙滩会越来越多。
12.The more he had chattered, the more remote had Ruth seemed to him.他越是唠叨露丝就似乎离他越远。
13.New fashions are exposing more and more of the body.新流行式样服装袒露得越来越多。
14.He who excuses himself exposes himself.越为自己辩解的人越暴露自己的错误。
15.as you go farther north, so the winter becomes longer and more severe.你越往北走,冬天越长也越寒冷。
16.Much has been written about the locusts and other grasshoppers that invade North africa each spring.关于蝗虫、蚱蜢每年春天入侵北非的情况有过许多报道。
17.Rice crops and sheep pastures have been stripped bare by the insects which are slowly moving north.稻米及牧羊的草场被这群缓慢向北的蝗虫群剥得精光。
18.Primary Study on the Diapause Characteristics of Locusta Migratoria Manilensis Meyen from Reservoir Region of Panjiakou;河北省潘家口库区东亚飞蝗滞育特性的初步研究

Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will越北腹露蝗(Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will.)
3)Fruhstoriola spp腹露蝗
1.stenoptera is a perennial plant with a long history of traditional medicinal uses and also has bioactivity with poisoning and allelopathic function to pests such as Oncomelania hupensis and some lepidopteran insects, with attracting function to some insects such as Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)and Fruhstoriola spp.枫杨作为传统的中药已经有很长的历史,同时对一些有害生物如血吸虫的中间寄主钉螺Oncomelaniahupensis和一些鳞翅目昆虫具毒杀和化感作用,对一些害虫如棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(H櫣bner)和直翅目腹露蝗属Fruhstoriolaspp昆虫具有引诱作用。
4)Fruhstorferiola Will腹露蝗属
5)Locust ovum overwintering蝗卵越冬
6)the overwintering locusts越冬蝗虫

北单越【北单越】 (杂名)北郁单越之略。