昆虫行为,insect behavior
1)insect behavior昆虫行为
1.Computing the day length for programming insect behavior;昆虫行为研究中日长的计算
2.Effect of infochemicals on insect behavior.;信息化合物对昆虫行为的影响
3.Application of video trajectory analysis technology in insect behavior research视频轨迹分析技术在昆虫行为学研究中的应用

1.Application of video trajectory analysis technology in insect behavior research视频轨迹分析技术在昆虫行为学研究中的应用
2.Effect of Infochemicals on Insect Behavior and Application in Biological Control信息化合物对昆虫行为的影响及其在生物防治中的应用
3.any of a large group of small songbirds that feed on insects taken on the wing.大群出现的小歌鸟,以飞行的昆虫为食。
4.Study on pollinating insects of Agapanthus africanus and their foraging behavior百子莲的传粉昆虫及其访花行为研究
5.Feeding on insects.食虫的以昆虫为食的
6.insect hormone as insecticides作为杀虫剂的昆虫激素
7.Studies on the Behaviour of Entomopathogenic Nematodes and the Hemolymph Pathology of Galleria Mellonella Larvae Infected with Entomopathogenic Nematodes;几种昆虫病原线虫行为学及其侵染大蜡螟幼虫血淋巴病理学研究
8.Nocturnal Insects Phototactic Behavior to Different Light and the Effects of Black Light on the Enzyme in Bollworm, Helicoverpa Armigera;夜行性昆虫的趋光行为及黑光灯对棉铃虫体内酶系的影响
9.I saw that the insects and spiders were displaying the same kind of aberrant behavior.我看到昆虫和蜘蛛正在表现出 相同反常的行为.
10.Bats fly at night and feed on insects and fruit.蝙辐在夜间飞行并且以昆虫和水果为食物。
11.Food sources also elicit oriented locomotion and recognition behavior patterns in most insects.食物源也引诱大多数昆虫定向迁移和识别行为。
12.The Diversity and Visiting Behavior of Flower-visiting Insect in Changbai Montain;长白山地区访花昆虫多样性及访花行为的研究
13.Feeding on wood, as certain insects or insect larvae.食木的以木头为食的,如某些昆虫或昆虫幼虫
14.Effects of Several Kinds of Insect Growth Regulators on the Reproductive and Feeding Behaviour of Adults of Glenea Cantor (Fabricius);几种昆虫生长调节剂对眉斑并脊天牛成虫繁殖及取食行为的影响
15.two-winged insects characterized by active flight.飞行活跃的双翅昆虫。
16.A spider weaves a web to catch prey.蜘蛛为捕猎昆虫而织网。
17.In the case of flying insects it is possible to release hormone from a trap.对飞行的昆虫而言,可从昆虫捕集器中放出激素。
18.We observed the behavior of pollination in the north slope of Changbai mountain during the florescence from 2004 to 2005.2004-2005年盛花期(7~8月份)对长白山北坡昆虫的访花行为进行了研究。

insect migration behaviour昆虫迁飞行为
3)insect visitor behavior昆虫访花者行为
4)insect behavior responses昆虫行为反应
5)insect behaviour regulator昆虫行为调节剂
6)night activity insects夜行昆虫
1.Part research progresses on the pototaxis of night activity insects were reviewed in this paper.回顾了昆虫学界在夜行昆虫趋光特性方面的部分研究进展,归纳了昆虫趋光性与光的波长、强度以及与感光生理特征之间的联系,探讨了夜行昆虫趋光行为的本质,简要总结了我国将昆虫趋光性用于灯光防治害虫的历史,提出利用害虫趋光性开展灯光防治在当今害虫无公害治理中的重要意义,指出了今后研究的方向。

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学