小峰熊蜂,Bombus hypocrita
1)Bombus hypocrita小峰熊蜂
1.Effects of different diets on worker colony development of the bumblebee Bombus hypocrita Pérez (Hymenoptera:Apidae)不同饲料对小峰熊蜂工蜂群发育的影响
2.In this paper, we studied the different activity patterns in pollination including the time and the temperature of out-nest、the visiting time、inteval time、frequence and the weight of pollen between Bombus hypocrita and Apis mellifera.本文主要研究小峰熊蜂(Bombus hypocrita)和意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)为温室草莓授粉时,它们的传粉行为的区别,包括熊蜂和蜜蜂的出巢时间、出巢温度、访花时间、访花间隔时间、访花频率、携带花粉量等行为上的差异性,进而得出各自为农作物授粉的优越性。

1.Effects of different diets on worker colony development of the bumblebee Bombus hypocrita Pérez (Hymenoptera:Apidae)不同饲料对小峰熊蜂工蜂群发育的影响
2.Evaluation the Oral Toxicity of Four Pyrethroids Pesticides to Bombus hypocrita4种菊酯类杀虫剂对小峰熊蜂的经口毒性测定
3.Does Pooh look hungry when his tummy is full of honey?小熊维尼肚子里装满了蜂蜜,他看上去饿吗?
4.A study of Nosema bombi infections in bumble bees,Bombus spp.熊蜂微孢子虫感染熊蜂(Bombus spp.)试验
5.oh, bee, bee, bee, bee, bee!噢,小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂。
6.Study on Genetics of Changbaishan Bumble-bee and Chinese-Western Bees长白山熊蜂与中、西蜂的遗传学研究
7.Advances in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene of the microsporidia in honey bees and bumble bees蜜蜂及熊蜂微孢子虫rRNA基因研究
9.Red pandas are a distant relative of the giant panda,小熊猫是大熊猫的远亲,
10.Any of various large, hairy, social bees of the genus Bombus that nest underground.熊蜂,大黄蜂一种体型大的,多毛的,群居的蜜蜂,属于熊蜂属,在地下筑巢
11.Mother Bear was teaching her children how to get honey from the bees'home.熊妈妈在教孩子们怎样从蜂房里采到蜂蜜。
12.Gene cloning and expression of Bombus ignitus venom protease from the Bumblebee,Bombus ignitus红光熊蜂蜂毒蛋白酶的基因克隆和表达
13.Studies on Breeding Technology of Bumble Bee (Bombus Lucorum) in Captivity熊蜂(Bombus Lucorum)的人工繁育技术研究
14.The progress in the study of Bombus terretris invasion欧洲熊蜂Bombus terretris入侵研究进展
15.Little panda, black and white,小熊猫,黑白相间,
16.brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear.产于北美洲的黑色熊;比棕熊小且不及棕熊凶恶。
17.A small angular cavity or pit, such as a honeycomb cell.小窝,蜂巢小窝或小泡,如蜂房的巢室
18.Studies on Pollinating Soybean Male Sterile Plant in Caged Plots Using Bumble Bee (Bombus ignites) and Alfalfa Leaf-cutting Bee (Megachile rotundata)熊蜂和苜蓿切叶蜂在网室内对大豆不育系授粉效果的研究

1.Control of Plodia interpunctella Hubner in Bumblebee Rearing;熊蜂饲养中对印度谷螟的防治
2.Advantage of Bumblebee as Pollinator for Solanum in Greenhouse;熊蜂为温室茄属作物授粉的优越性
3.The measurement of queen original quality and proboscis length of three castes on four species bumblebee (Hymenoptera: Bombus);4种熊蜂蜂王初生重和三型蜂喙长的测定
3)Bumble bee熊蜂
1.A Study on the effect of bumble bee pollination to greenhouse tomato;熊蜂为温室西红柿授粉的效果研究
2.The authors investigated the species of bumble bees in field in Changchun,Jilin,Yanbian,Tonghua and Siping.在吉林省长春、吉林、延边、通化、四平、白山地区系统调查了野生熊蜂的种类,共采集到熊蜂12种,其中已鉴定10种。
3.Bumble bees and honey bees are important pollinators, but bumble bees are more efficient than honey bees for pollinating fruits and vegetables in greenhouses, which is mainly due to the different activity patterns in pollination between bumble bees and honey bees.蜜蜂和熊蜂都是理想的授粉昆虫,但熊蜂比蜜蜂更适合为温室果菜授粉,主要由于熊蜂和蜜蜂授粉时的活动方式不同。
4)Bombus lucorum熊蜂
1.In order to evaluate the effect of bumblebee pollination for strawberry in greenhouse, Bombus lucorum, as an insect pollinator, was introduced in the strawberry greenhouse, the control group was manual treatment.为了检验熊蜂为温室草莓授粉的效果,在温室内进行了熊蜂(Bombuslucorum)授粉试验,对照组为人工授粉。
2.Unlike honeybee Apis mellifera, bumblebee Bombus lucorum have different pollination behavior on greenhouse tomato.在番茄温室内,熊蜂和蜜蜂的授粉习性不同。
3.In order to evaluate the effect of bumblebee pollination for strawberry in greenhouse, Bombus lucorum, as an insect pollinator, was introduced in the strawberry greenhouse, the control group was manual treatment.为了检验熊蜂为温室革莓授粉的效果,在温室内进行了熊蜂(Bombus lucorum)授粉试验,对照组为人工授粉。
1.A Study on the Pollination of Bumblebees to Greenhouse White Gourd;熊蜂为温室冬瓜授粉的效果研究
2.An identification under scanning electron microscope about the pollen in the corbicular of bumblebees and study on the co-evolutionary relationship between bumblebees and their food plants;熊蜂携带花粉的电镜鉴定及与采访植物协同演化关系的研究
6)Bombus lucorum明亮熊蜂
1.Morphological characters and bionomics of Plodia interpunctella, a pest in Bombus lucorum colonies breeding in captivity;明亮熊蜂繁育室内印度谷斑螟的形态特征与生物学特性
2.Comparative studies on pollination biologies of Bombus lucorum and Apis mellifera ligustica in Katy apricot greenhouse;温室凯特杏园明亮熊蜂和意大利蜜蜂的传粉生物学比较
3.A Study on Effect of Environmental Temperature on Bombus lucorum Colony Development;环境温度对明亮熊蜂发育影响的研究

熊蜂属  蜜蜂总科蜜蜂科的1属。似蜜蜂,但唇基隆起;颚眼距明显;第1亚缘室被斜脉分割;雌蜂和工蜂后胫具花粉篮,胫节外侧光滑,边缘具长毛;雄蜂阳茎基腹铗和刺缘突突出或明显超过生殖突基节。本属昆虫通称熊蜂。    熊蜂与蜜蜂同属于社会性昆虫。职能有分工,分雌蜂、 雄蜂和工蜂。大多数种类一年1代。一个蜂群只有1个雌蜂。以雌蜂越冬。春暖花开时,越冬的雌蜂开始活动──寻找建筑蜂房的地点、采粉、繁殖等。工蜂羽化以后,立即清理巢房、储备蜂粮、调节巢房温度以及与雌蜂共同照料子蜂。雄蜂出现较晚,专司交配,交配后几天即死亡。    熊蜂是益虫,对于农林作物、牧草、中草药以及野生植物的传粉起一定的作用,特别是对牧草的传粉效果显著。有些国家为了提高牧草的产量,已经开始人工繁殖熊蜂。熊蜂是自然环境的一种良好的指标动物,对于动物地理学和自然地理学的研究均有一定意义。    中国的熊蜂不少于150种。 分布极广。在新疆和东北地区,熊蜂种类极为丰富,新疆有典型的草原荒漠种松熊蜂,大兴安岭和长白山区有典型的针叶林种藓状熊蜂和森林草原种乌苏黑熊蜂。在青海、西藏以及四川和云南的西北部山区,熊蜂种类亦丰,青藏高原有典型的高山种猛熊蜂,云南、四川有喜温的种类鸣熊蜂,但中国南方和西南方的平原上熊蜂很少。