烟夜蛾,Helicoverpa assulta
1)Helicoverpa assulta烟夜蛾
1.Cloning of Ubiquitin Extension Protein Gene from Helicoverpa assulta and Its Expression in Escherichia coli;烟夜蛾泛素延伸蛋白基因的克隆与表达
2.The cold tolerance of the diapause and non-diapuse pupae of Helicoverpa assulta.;烟夜蛾滞育蛹和非滞育蛹的耐寒性
3.Pheromonostatic activity of male accessory gland factors in female Helicoverpa assulta;烟夜蛾雄蛾性附腺因子对雌蛾性信息素合成的抑制作用

2.Studies on the Physiological and Biochemical Mechanism of Diapause Pupae of Oriental Tobacco Budworm, Helicoverpa Assulta;烟夜蛾(Helicoverpa assulta)越冬滞育蛹的生理生化特性研究
3.Studies on the Opvisition Preference of Helicoverpa Assulta Guenée and H.armigera H(?)bner to Two Varieties of Tobacco and Preliminary Selection of Attractant;烟夜蛾和棉铃虫对两种烟草的产卵选择性研究及引诱剂初步筛选
4.Studies on the Regulation Mechanism of Rustic Tobacco to Oviposition of Helicoverpa Assulta Guenée and H.armigera Hübner;黄花烟草对烟夜蛾和棉铃虫产卵行为的调控机理研究
5.Effects of two tobacco species on experimental and natural population dynamics of Helicoverpa assulta Guenée两种烟草对烟夜蛾实验种群和自然种群增长的影响
6.Cloning Diapause Hormone Gene of Helicoverpa Helicoverpa Assulta (Guenée) and Its Expression in Schizosaccharomyces Pombe;烟夜蛾滞育激素基因的克隆及在粟酒裂殖酵母中的表达
7.Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism and Microsatellite Polymorphisms Studies on Population Differentiation of H.assulta;烟夜蛾种群分化的单链构象多态性(SSCP)和微卫星多态性(MP)分析
8.Cloning,sequence analysis and spatio-temporal expression of a pheromone binding protein 2 (PBP2) gene from Helicoverpa assulta (Guenée) (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)烟夜蛾性信息素结合蛋白2(PBP2)基因的克隆、序列分析与时空表达
9.Comparative studies on the contents of amino acids in the diapause and non-diapause pupae of oriental tobacco budworm,Helicoverpa assulta烟夜蛾滞育蛹和非滞育蛹氨基酸含量的比较研究
10.Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of cDNA Encoding Odorant Binding Protein in the Antenna of Helicoverpa Assulta and Its Expression Vector Structure in Yeast烟夜蛾触角气味结合蛋白基因克隆、序列分析及真核表达载体的构建
11.In this paper, the gene of general odorant binding protein 2 in the antenna of Helicoverpa assulta (Guen?)was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli.该论文开展了烟夜蛾触角普通气味结合蛋白2基因的克隆和表达研究。
12.Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of cDNA Encoding General Odorant Binding Protein 2 in the Antenna of Helicoverpa Assulta (Guenée) and Its Expression in Escherichia Coli;烟夜蛾触角普通气味结合蛋白2cDNA的克隆、序列分析及在大肠杆菌中的表达
13.Heliothis virescens nuclear polyhedrosis virus烟芽夜蛾核型多角体病毒
14.Comparative Studys on the Interaction Mechanism of Two Sibling Helicoverpa Species to Tobacco Plant两近缘种铃夜蛾与烟草互作机制的比较研究
15.Damage and Control of Spodoptera litura in Early-planting Summer Tobacco Area in Yunnan Province云南省早植烟区斜纹夜蛾的为害与防治
16.Biological Activities of the Ethanol-soluble Extracts of Allium sativum against Spodoptera litura and Bemisia tabaci in Tobacco Fields烟田斜纹夜蛾及烟粉虱对大蒜乙醇抽提物的生物活性反应
17.Of, relating to, or belonging to the family Noctuidae.夜蛾科的夜蛾科的,关于或属于夜蛾科的
18.A New Record of the Noctuid Genus Ugia Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from China中国夜蛾科优夜蛾属(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)新记录(英文)

Helicoverpa assulta Guenée烟夜蛾
1.cDNA Fragment Clone and Sequence Analysis of Cadherin-like Protein Gene in Tobacco Budworm(Helicoverpa assulta Guenée);烟夜蛾幼虫中肠类钙粘蛋白基因cDNA片段的克隆与序列分析
2.Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of cDNA Fragment Encoding Bt Cry1Ac Toxin Binding Protein from the Midgut of Helicoverpa assulta Guenée Larva;烟夜蛾幼虫中肠Bt Cry1Ac毒素受体蛋白cDNA片段的克隆和序列测定
3.Occurrence and quantity ratio of the oriental tobacco budworm Helicoverpa assulta Guenée and the cotton bollworm H. armigera Hübner in tobacco field of Henan;烟夜蛾及棉铃虫在河南烟区的数量组成及成因分析
3)tobacco budworm烟夜蛾
1.armigera Hubner as research object, considered from insect chemical communication, through a series of experiments in field and laboratory, had determined initially attraction and the action mechanism of the yellow flower tobacco to tobacco budworm.本论文以黄花烟草、红花烟草及其重要害虫烟夜蛾和棉铃虫为研究对象,从昆虫化学通讯的角度考虑,通过田间和室内一系列试验,初步明确了黄花烟草对烟夜蛾的产卵引诱作用及其作用机理,主要结果如下: 田间落卵量调查及有效诱集距离的测定 在河南农业大学科教园区试验田,选用黄花烟草马合烟、莫合烟、93-1及旱小烟4个品种和红花烟草K326间隔套种,调查落卵量,结果表明:黄花烟草上的百株落卵量是红花烟草上的6-20倍,显著高于红花烟。
2.The number of eggs on rustic tobacco overtop that on nicotiana tobacco markedly in field,in order to discover the reason, leaf volatiles and leave surface extract of nicotiana tobacco and rustic tobacco were extracted by steam distillation and drip-rinsing process respectively, and the attraction effect of extractant to oriental tobacco budworm and cotton bollworm on oviposition were analyzed.田间调查表明,烟夜蛾和棉铃虫混合种群在黄花烟草上的落卵量显著高于红花烟草,百株卵量是红花烟草上的6-20倍。
4)Helicoverpa assulta烟实夜蛾
1.Cloning,sequence analysis and expression of a fatty-acid binding protein gene of Helicoverpa assulta (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae);烟实夜蛾脂肪酸结合蛋白基因的克隆、序列分析与表达
2.Contrastive Study on the Biochemistry Characteristics of Diapause and Non-Diapause Pupae of Oriental Tobacco Budworm,Helicoverpa assulta;烟实夜蛾滞育蛹和非滞育蛹生化特性的比较研究
3.Cloning and sequencing of cDNA encoding a chemosensory protein in the antenna of Helicoverpa assulta and its expression in Escherichia coli;烟实夜蛾触角化学感受蛋白cDNA的克隆、序列分析及在大肠杆菌中的表达
5)Prodenia litura(Fabricius)烟草斜纹夜蛾
6)Heliothis virescens烟芽夜蛾,绿棉铃虫

硫异烟胺,乙硫异烟胺药物名称:乙硫异烟胺英文名:Ethionamide 别名: 硫异烟胺,乙硫异烟胺 外文名:Ethionamide 适应症: 常与其他抗结核病药联合应用,以增强疗效和避免病菌产生耐药性。 用量用法: 1日量0.5~0.8g,1次服用或分次服(以1次服效果为好)。必要时也可从小剂量(每日0.3g)开始。 注意事项: 1.服药后有恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻、厌食、胃部不适等症状,多于服药2~3周后发生。如不能耐受,可酌减剂量或暂停服药,俟症状消失后继续服用。如合用碳酸氢钠,或服肠溶片,可减轻反应。在发生呕吐时,可同时使用止吐药物。 2.少数病人有糙皮病症状、精神抑郁、视力紊乱和头痛、末梢神经炎、经期紊乱、男性乳房女性化、脱发、关节痛、皮疹、痤疮等。 3.对20%~30%病人肝功能有影响,引起转氨酶升高,并可发生黄疸,故每月应测肝功能1次。 4.孕妇和12岁以下儿童禁用。 5.大剂量可引起体位性低血压。 规格: 肠溶片:每片0.1g。 类别:抗结核药