非传粉小蜂,non-pollinating fig wasps
1)non-pollinating fig wasps非传粉小蜂
1.The mating behaviors of the non-pollinating fig wasps of Ficus curtipes;钝叶榕(Ficus curtipes)非传粉小蜂交配行为
2.racemosa,a common species in the Xishuangbanna tropical area,is monoecious,and there are five species of non-pollinating fig wasps that coexist with the figpollinating Ceratosolen fusciceps inside the syconium.西双版纳的聚果榕(Ficus racemosa)树上主要有5种非传粉小蜂,分别在榕果发育的不同阶段从果外向果内产卵。
3.From August to November 2005,the ovipositing behaviour of two non-pollinating fig wasps of Philotrypesis in Ficus hispida figs were observed,the figs at post-flora phase were dissected to test the distribution patterns of galls used by the two non-pollinating wasps,and the quantity of wasps in figs were counted from different fig crops of three different years.它们不能为寄主榕树传粉,为非传粉小蜂

1.The Oviposition Ecology of Non-pollinating Fig Wasps and Its Impact Upon the Stability of Fig-Pollinating Fig Wasps Mutualism非传粉小蜂产卵生态学及其对榕树—传粉小蜂系统稳定性的影响
2.Relation between two non-pollinating wasps oviposition and the fruit abscission on Ficus racemosa聚果榕两种非传粉小蜂产卵与果实脱落的关系
3.Identification of Two Walkerella Species and Their Male Morphs from Ficus Benjamina Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidences;垂叶榕非传粉小蜂Walkerella属两个种及其雄性类型的形态和分子学鉴别
4.However, so far, the coexisting mechanism of the exploiter and the mutualistic system still remains unclear.非传粉小蜂则是该系统的资源掠夺者,但它与该系统共存的机制仍不清楚。
5.Reproductive strategy and impact on the fig–pollinator mutualism of one non-pollinating fig wasp species一种非传粉榕小蜂的繁殖策略及其对榕—蜂互利共生系统的影响
6.Antennal sensilla of female fig pollinator Ceratosolen sp. and its ecological implication苹果榕传粉小蜂雌性触角感器及其生态学意义
7.a family of small solitary bees; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture.小型孤独的蜜蜂的总合;许多是对农业有价值的花粉传播者。
8.The workers have little pollen baskets on their legs.工蜂脚上有装花粉的小"篮子"。
9.oh, bee, bee, bee, bee, bee!噢,小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂。
10.small bird of tropical Africa and Asia; feeds on beeswax and honey and larvae.非洲和亚洲热带的小鸟;以蜂蜡、蜂蜜和蜜蜂幼虫为食。
11.Comparison of Pollination Behaviour of Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis cerana cerana in Greenhouse意大利蜜蜂和中华蜜蜂在温室内传粉行为的比较
13.The Genetic Mechanism Study on Alfalfa Luring Honey Bee s Pollination;紫花苜蓿诱引蜜蜂授粉遗传机理的研究
14.Current status on the study of wild bee-pollinators and conservation strategies in China我国野生传粉蜂的研究现状与保护策略
15.Primary Discussion on the Effect of Bumblebee on the Sterile Line of Cotton Pollinated Production in Xinjiang Net Room新疆网室熊蜂传粉制棉花不育系效果初探
16.Returning honey bees dance a figure of eight on the honeycomb to communicate a source of pollen to other members of the hive.采蜜归来的蜜蜂在巢上跳8字形舞以向蜂群的其他蜜蜂传送花粉源的信息。
17.Single pink wasp. Small dark foliage. Miniature.单瓣粉红色黄蜂型花。小的深绿色叶。迷你型。
18.Effect of Bee Pollen on Enzyme Activity in the Peritoneal Macrophage of Mice蜂花粉对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞酶活性的影响

non-pollinating fig wasp非传粉小蜂
1.Sex ratio adjustment of a non-pollinating fig wasp species on Ficus semicordata in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳鸡嗉果榕内一种非传粉小蜂的性比调节
2.The reproductive strategies of non-pollinating fig wasps in Ficus cyrtophylla and their effects on the fig-wasp mutualism;歪叶榕非传粉小蜂的繁殖策略及其对榕-蜂共生系统的影响
3)nonpollinating fig wasp非传粉小蜂
1.The oviposition behavior of the five nonpollinating fig wasp species in the figs of Ficus racemosa L.对聚果榕五种非传粉小蜂的产卵行为进行了详细的观察,并对金小蜂Apocrypta westwoodi和长尾小蜂Platyneura agarensis的食性进行了深入研究。
1.It has long been a fascinating question for researchers that non-pollinators parasite the fig-wasp mutualism for a long time without any benefits to support.榕树隐头果内的非传粉小蜂为什么能在不提供任何利益的情况下与榕-蜂共生体系长期共存,一直以来都是各国榕树-榕小蜂专家们感兴趣的一个热点话题。
5)non-agaonid fig wasp非传粉榕小蜂
1.The other nine non-agaonid fig wasps(Walkerella sp.进入果腔产卵以外,还有2种非传粉榕小蜂(杨氏榕树金小蜂和Lipothymus sp。
1.Impact of Oecophylla smaragina on the Percentage Number of Offspring of Pollinator and Non-pollinating Wasps on Ficus racemosa;聚果榕上黄猄蚁对传粉小蜂和非传粉小蜂后代数量的影响
2.These wasp species include pollinanator species and nonpollinator species.根据小蜂行为把高榕小蜂划分为 2类 ,一类为传粉小蜂 ,另一类为非传粉小蜂 ,其中传粉小蜂有 2种 ,主要的传粉小蜂只有Eupristinaaltissima一种 ,另一种仅在部分季节少量出现。
