中华虎凤蝶,Luehdorfia chinensis
1)Luehdorfia chinensis中华虎凤蝶
1.Larval feeding behavior of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech, a precious and endangered butterfly.;珍贵濒危蝴蝶——中华虎凤蝶幼虫的取食行为
2.This paper deals with rearing technique of the precious and threatened butterfly: Luehdorfia chinensis Leech,and biology and culture technique of its host, Asarum forbesii Maxim.论述了珍稀濒危昆虫中华虎凤蝶的饲养技术和它的寄主植物杜衡的生物学特性和栽培技术。
3.Aim To study the possibility of substitute of food plant for Luehdorfia chinensis in laboratory.目的研究用中华虎凤蝶非天然寄主植物马蹄香和毛细辛进行替代饲养中华虎凤蝶的可行性。

2.Molecular Taxonomy on the Genus Troides from China (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae);中国裳凤蝶属分子分类学研究(鳞翅目:凤蝶科)
3.The cluster analysis of geographical distribution of Papilionidae in China中国凤蝶科昆虫地理分布的聚类分析
4.Role of temperature in the termination of pupal diapause in Papillio xuthus温度在柑橘凤蝶蛹滞育解除中的作用
5.The status and prospect of studies on Teinoplpus aureus Mell金斑喙凤蝶研究中存在的问题与展望
6.The Research of Diapause Ecology of Papilio Memnon L. and P. Xuthus L. and Kallima Inachus Doubleday;美凤蝶与柑橘凤蝶和枯叶蛱蝶三种蝴蝶的滞育生态学研究
7.Ornithoptera alexandrae [Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly]女王亚力山大巨凤蝶
8.Fauna of Gansu Papilionidae;甘肃凤蝶(Papilionidae)区系分析
9.such as "prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix", "dragons rising and tigers leaping-scene of bustling activity",比如“龙凤呈祥”、“龙腾虎跃”、
10.Morphological Records of Immature Stages and Biology of Papilio memnon and P. helenus(Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)美凤蝶和玉斑凤蝶幼期形态记述及生物学初步观察
11.An Account of the Immature Stages and Biology of Chilasa agestor(Gray) and C. clytia(Linnaeus)(Lepidoptera:Papilionidae)褐斑凤蝶和斑凤蝶幼期形态特征记述及生物学初步观察
12.Description of Papilionidae and Parnassiidae in Forest Region of the Greater Xing'an Mountains,Inner Mongolia内蒙古大兴安岭林区蝶类种的记述(一)——凤蝶科和绢蝶科
13.Phoenix s Rebirth from Ashes:The Motif of Death in the Fire in Overseas Chinese-Language Literature;相期浴火凤凰生——海外华文文学中的因果母题
14.Occurrence and Control of Sericinus montelus in Shanghai丝带凤蝶的发生规律及防治初步研究
15.Some people have described his calligraphy as "the dragon jumping over the heavenly gate and the tiger lying in the watchtower of the phoenix."他的书法被誉为"龙跳天门,虎卧凤阙",
16."Embroiders from the Dragon Phoenix Tiger grain" looks at Dynasty Chu the Decoration Spirit;从“龙凤虎纹绣”看楚人的装饰精神
17.Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Vriesea splanens;虎纹凤梨的组织培养与快速繁殖研究
18.Phylogeny of the Main Lineages of Butterflies (Rhopalocera) and Its Subgroup Papilioninae Based on Mitochondrial 16S rRNA Evidences;基于16S rRNA基因的蝶亚目及凤蝶亚科主要类群的分子系统学研究

Luehdorfia chinensis Leech中华虎凤蝶
1.Study on Habitat Environment and Origin of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech in Zijin Mountain;紫金山中华虎凤蝶生态环境及起源探讨
2.Effects of temperature on the larval survival, growth and development of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech.;温度对中华虎凤蝶幼虫生存与生长发育的影响
3.Study on Bionomics of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech;中华虎凤蝶生物学特性的研究
3)Luehdorfia chinensis leei中华虎凤蝶李氏亚种
1.In Henan Provinee,Luehdorfia chinensis leei Chou is distributed above west mountainarea, up to elevations of 1600m.中华虎凤蝶李氏亚种LuehdorfiachinensisleeiChou分布于河南西部山区海拔1600米以上,一年发生一代,春季出现,以蛹越冬,幼虫取食华细辛AsarumsieboldiiMiq。
1.Studies on wing coloration and scale ultrastructure of four Luehdorfia species. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University;四种虎凤蝶翅面斑纹特征及鳞片的超微结构
2.This paper is a research on the distribution, biology and ecology of Luehdorfia butterflies in Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi province.为有效保护虎凤蝶,本论文对陕西秦岭地区虎凤蝶的分布、生物学和生态学特征及部分分布区的数量进行了调查。
5)Luehdorfia taibai太白虎凤蝶
6)Luehdorfia choui周氏虎凤蝶
1.Through the deep observation and the artificial rearing of Luehdorfia choui(Altogether raise successful 31),the paper has clarified the characteristic,the experience time and the ontogenesis rule of each insect state of Luehdorfia choui.通过周氏虎凤蝶(Luehdorfia choui)的深入观察和人工饲养(共养育成功31只),弄清了周氏虎凤蝶各个虫态的特征和经历时间及个体发育的规律。

中华虎凤蝶中华虎凤蝶拉丁文学名:luehdorfia chinensis (leech , 1893 )凤蝶科 papilionodae虎凤蝶属 luehdorfia ( cruger , 1878 )是世界上非常珍稀的蝶类昆虫之一。翅的基色黄,前翅外缘有宽的黑带,翅面有很多黑色短纹,犹如虎皮,故名。后翅外缘波形,尾突短,外缘黑带上镶有弯月形黄斑,黑带的中间嵌有蓝色斑点,最里面一列弯月形红斑。中华虎凤蝶指名亚种主要分布于长江下游,在陕西秦岭和太白山近年还发现李氏亚种和太白虎凤蝶(l. taibai chou)(l. ch. lee chou=l. huashanen lee)均为中国特有珍稀种类。中华虎凤蝶是中国昆虫学会蝴蝶分会的会徽图案。此物种列入:中国国家林业局《[[国家重点保护野生动物名录]]》