豆天蛾,Clanis bilineata Walker
1)Clanis bilineata Walker豆天蛾
1.Developmental period of Clanis bilineata Walker and the ovicidal effects of four insecticides.;豆天蛾胚胎发育特征及药剂对卵的杀伤作用
2.Clanis bilineata Walker is a kind of important pest insect on 1 eguminous crop plants,and also a kind of important food resources insect.豆天蛾是豆类作物生产过程中的一种重要害虫,也是一种重要的食用昆虫资源,在山东省、江苏省的部分地区已形成特色菜肴。
3.[Objective] The study was to explore the high-yield culture techniques for Clanis bilineata Walker.[方法]以老熟豆天蛾幼虫为豆丹种,利用大棚培养豆丹种,用网罩及分批种植大豆的方法进行豆丹高产养殖技术研究,并分析其经济效益。

1.The identification of dominant intestinal bacteriae of Clanis bilineata tsingtauica Mell larva豆天蛾幼虫肠道优势菌株的鉴定研究
2.Sequence Analysis of Variant Photolyase Gene of Clanis bilineata Nucleopolyhedrovirus豆天蛾核型多角体病毒光解酶变异基因序列的解析
3.Study on the Bioactivity of Croton Tiglium Extracts Against Plutella Xylostella L.;巴豆提取物对小菜蛾的生物活性研究
4.European hawkmoth with markings on the back resembling a human skull.背部有类似死人头骨斑纹的欧洲天蛾。
5.These eggs belong to the pale green luna moth.这些卵是淡绿色月形天蚕蛾的。
6.Sphinx fauna in Ziwu Mountain of eastern Gansu陇东子午岭林区天蛾科昆虫区系研究
7.Sterile Research on the Monochamus Alternatus Hope and Hyphantria Cunea Drury;松褐天牛及美国白蛾不育技术的研究
8.Moth Antheraea yamamai different color eggs and larvae color investigation天蚕不同蛾色产卵与幼虫体色的调查
9.Effects of Different Pesticides on Chouioia cunea Yang,An Important Natural Enemy of Hyphantria cunea Drury不同药剂对美国白蛾重要天敌——白蛾周氏啮小蜂的影响
11.Inheritance Analysis of Resistance to Cotton Worm (Prodenia Litura, Fabricius), QTL Mapping and Cloning of Related Genes in Soybean;大豆对斜纹夜蛾抗性的遗传分析、抗性QTL的定位及抗虫基因的克隆
12.Evaluation of Soybean Resistance to Leaf-Feeding Insects and Inheritance of Antibiosis to Cotton Worm (Prodenia Litura);大豆对食叶性害虫抗性的鉴定及对斜纹夜蛾抗生性的遗传研究
13.Courtship and Mating Behaviors of the Female and Male Moths of Maruca vitrata(Fabricius) and Their Influential Factors豇豆荚螟雌雄蛾求偶交配行为及其影响因子研究
14.For breakfast, we have fried rice, potato and green bean soup.今天我们早餐吃炒米饭、土豆和绿豆粥。
15.large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tomato and potato plants; similar to tobacco hornworm.大型的绿色带白条的天蛾幼虫,吃番茄和马铃薯;类似于烟草天蛾幼虫。
16.large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tobacco and related plants; similar to tomato_hornworm.大型的绿色带白条的天蛾幼虫,吃烟草或相关植物;类似于番茄天蛾幼虫。
17.Studies on the Actias selene Multiple-enveloped Nuclear Bolyhedrasis Virus柳天蚕蛾多粒包埋核型多角体病毒的研究
18.Studies on Bionomics and Artificial Feedstuff of Sweet Potato Sphinges, Herse Convolvuli;甘薯天蛾若干生物学特性及人工饲养技术研究

Clanis bilineata tsingtauica豆天蛾
1.Advances in production and comprehensive utilization of Clanis bilineata tsingtauica;豆天蛾生产与综合利用的研究进展
2.Advances of Integrated Utilization on Resource Insect Clanis bilineata tsingtauica资源昆虫豆天蛾综合利用研究进展
3.In this area,a unique insect-eating culture-we can cook a series of dish with clanis bilineata tsingtauica There are two advantages for raising them artificially auording to their life habits.豆天蛾是一种大型的农业害虫 ,在我国西部和北部地区广泛分布。
3)Herse bilineata tsingtauica豆天蛾
1.398 Neutrase, Papain and Flavourzyme to study the enzy\|matic hydrolysis of Herse bilineata tsingtauica .以豆天蛾幼虫为原料 ,用 AS1 。
2.The contents of protein,amino acids,fat and fatty acids of the Herse bilineata tsingtauica are analysed to find out the nutritive value.对豆天蛾幼虫的粗蛋白、氨基酸、粗脂肪、脂肪酸含量进行了测试分析,结果如下(均为质量分数):幼虫粗蛋白含量为65。
4)Clanis bilineata Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus豆天蛾核型多角体病毒
1.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of F Protein Gene of Clanis bilineata Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus;豆天蛾核型多角体病毒F蛋白基因的克隆和序列分析
2.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of gp41 Gene of Clanis bilineata Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus;豆天蛾核型多角体病毒gp41同源基因的克隆和序列分析
1.The species of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera:Sphingidae) in garden plants in Guangzhou and their hosts;广州市危害园林植物的天蛾种类及其寄主
2.Based on the study of species and hostplants of Sphingidae in Beijing,It is reported that there are 24 genus,38 species of SPhingidae distributing in this area,and indicates the existence of Langia zenzeroides szechuana in Beijing at the first time.通过对北京地区天蛾的种类、数量及寄主植物的调查,首次报道北京地区共有天蛾24属38种及亚种,并且首次报道了川锯翅天蛾等种类在北京地区的分布,经调查,北京地区天蛾的寄主植物有27科,通过食性分析发现多食性种类占大多数。
1.A total of 42 species, 24 genera of sphinx are identified, of which 10 species are new records in Gansu province.报道了陇东子午岭林区天蛾科昆虫的种类和区系组成。
