嗅觉记忆,olfactory memory
1)olfactory memory嗅觉记忆
1.Influence of host leaf extractions on the olfactory memory of female adults of the vegetable leafminer, Liriomyza sativae (Diptera:Agromyzidae);三种寄主植物叶片提取物对美洲斑潜蝇雌成虫嗅觉记忆的影响
2.MB is required for olfactory memory formation,especially for memory retrieval.冠和叶在嗅觉记忆中不可或缺,垂直叶(α叶)支持长时记忆,中叶(γ叶)支持短时记忆。
2)Auditory memory听觉记忆

1.by ear:by sound,without ever reading printed music of the pieces played不看乐谱凭听觉记忆
2.She plays the piano entirely by ear.他演奏钢琴完全凭听觉记忆,不用乐谱。
3.She can play the most difficult piano music by ear.她能不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆弹奏最难的钢琴曲。
4.She could play by ear prettily.她不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆就能演奏得很好。
5.She tried to pick out the tune of a song she had heard on the radio.她试图凭着听觉记忆演奏出自己曾收音机中听过的一首歌。
6.He tried to pick out the tune of a song he had heard on the radio.他凭听觉记忆把无线电广播中听到过的一首歌曲弹奏出来。
7.The Difference between Source Monitoring and Recognition of Auditory Words;听觉词源记忆与再认记忆的差异性研究
8.The Effect of Audio Processing on English Vocabulary Retention;听觉加工对于词汇记忆作用的实验研究
9.Cognitive orientation s impact on memory for auditory words;认知定向对单双嗓音源听觉词记忆的影响
10.Auditory Verbal Memory Test in Chinese Elderly;听觉词语记忆测验在中国老人中的试用分析
11.The Role of Working Memory in Deaf Children s Process of Mental Arithmetic;工作记忆子成分在听觉障碍儿童心算过程中的作用
12.Comparing The Visual Attention Between Hearing - impaired Children and Normal Children;听力障碍儿童与正常儿童视觉记忆能力比较研究
13.The Effect of Verbal Working Memory on Visual Working Memory;言语工作记忆对视觉工作记忆的影响
14.To lose consciousness or memory temporarily:暂时失去知觉或记忆。
15.Gregorian chant also appears to have been an aural music, that is, transmitted by ear and committed to memory- like other music of the world at the time.格立高音乐也像同时期其他音乐一样曾是听觉音乐——通过耳朵听而记忆。
16.A Study on the Modality Effect in True Memory and False Memory;正确记忆与错误记忆中的感觉通道效应研究
17.The Interaction Between Visual Search and Visual Working Memory;视觉搜索与视觉工作记忆的交互关系

Auditory memory听觉记忆
3)visual memory视觉记忆
1.But for the function mechanism of visual memory in natural scene, Opinions vary.但对于颜色在自然场景的视觉记忆中的作用机制,仍然是众说纷纭。
4)sensory memory感觉记忆
1.In pattern 1, the target searching was limited strictly in working memory according to the time character of sensory memory and working memory,while in pattern 2,there was no such limit.设计了 2种不同的有意识的靶字母搜索实验 ,研究感觉记忆信息的受控加工 。
5)memory illusion记忆错觉
1.Besides, researches on memory illusion and brain mechanism of SMF were analyzed, and in the end the theoretical and applied value were discussed.该文围绕记忆信息源检测这一二十世纪80年代后出现的新的研究领域,着重介绍了有较大影响的信源检测框架理论及其在源记忆错觉和神经机制方面的主要研究成果,并最后对这一领域研究的理论意义和现实意义进行了讨论。
2.This article discusses detailedly the latest development of relatedness effect in memory illusion.DRM范式极大地促进了关联性记忆错觉的研究。
3.They studied systematically on the influential factors and put forward some theory interpretations on the relatedness effects including the discrepancy-attribution hypothesis which successfully explains this kind of memory illusion.错误记忆是当前记忆研究的一个热点问题,而关联效应是一种普遍的记忆错觉现象。
6)fausse reconnaissance记忆幻觉

促性腺激素低下伴嗅觉减退综合征促性腺激素低下伴嗅觉减退综合征  病名。即家族性嗅神经-性发育不全综合征。详见该条。