昆虫名录,catalogue of insects
1)catalogue of insects昆虫名录
1.A catalogue of insects from Dadongshan (Mt.) of Guangdong Nanlin National Nature Reserve (VI);广东南岭国家级自然保护区大东山昆虫名录(VI)
2.The present paper reports a catalogue of insects from Dadongshan (Mt.本文报道广东南岭国家级自然保护区大东山管理站所辖林区鳞翅目 (蝶类 ) 1 1科90属 1 68种 ,双翅目 6科 2 3属 39种和膜翅目 8科 2 9属 5 6种等三目昆虫名录 ,另蛛形纲蜘蛛目 1 0科 1 5种。

2.First Supplement of Insect List From Jiulianshan Nature Reserve九连山自然保护区昆虫名录(增补Ⅰ)
3.A List of Herminiinae from Jiangxi (Lepidoptera;Noctuidae)江西省长须夜蛾亚科昆虫名录(鳞翅目;夜蛾科)
4.The Basic Catalog of Carabidae Insects of Qianxinan(Coleoptera:Carabidae)黔西南州步甲科昆虫初步名录——鞘翅目:步甲科
5.He catalogued all the insects in his collection.他把自己收集的昆虫编成目录。
6.There are about 750,000 species of named insects and 85% of these are holometabolous.已定名的昆虫约有750,000种,其中85%的昆虫都是完全变态的。
7.The neuter caste in social insects.群居昆虫中的无性昆虫
8.Ask and answer questions about the names of animals and insects on the previous page.问和回答关于上一页的动物和昆虫名字的问题。
9.Tuz Kuz is a powerful lich adept at controlling insect minions.塔兹克兹是名擅长于操纵昆虫仆役的的巫妖。
10.any wingless blood-sucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap.任何无翅、吸血的寄生昆虫,以其跳跃的能力闻名。
11.An aphid, especially one of the genus Aphis.蚜属昆虫蚜虫,尤指蚜虫属昆虫
12.A Check-List of Parasites of Wild Animals in Shanghai Zoo (Ⅱ)上海动物园野生动物寄生虫名录(Ⅱ报)
13.The famous sights in this area are the Entomological Society Museum, with an excellent collection of Egyptian insects and birds.这里的著名景观是昆虫世界博物馆,里面收藏了埃及丰富多采的昆虫和鸟类标本。
14.Indices Analysis and Chinese Paper Distribution of Entomology Journals Included in SCI;SCI收录的昆虫学科期刊评价指标分析及我国论文的分布情况
15.It eats frogs, insects, and larvae, which are the eggs insects' lay.它吃青蛙、昆虫和昆虫卵生成的幼虫。
16.`She's an entomologist.' `Come again?' `An entomologist she studies insects.'`她是昆虫学家.'`请再说一遍.'`昆虫学家--她研究昆虫.',
17.Be careful. The insect has stings.当心,这昆虫有刺。
18.Feeding on insects.食虫的以昆虫为食的

insect flora and directory昆虫区系与名录
3)insect commonname昆虫名称
4)list of pest害虫名录
5)list of pest diseases病虫害名录
6)pest directory食叶害虫名录

《药味别名录及续录》《药味别名录及续录》 《药味别名录及续录》   药学著作。共二册。高洁编。刊于1919年。本书是北京药行商会为药业人员查验常用商品药材的别名而编印的工具书。全书收载500余种药物的别名。分正、续两册。书中所用检索方法也是根据药业人员的习惯而制定,与一般按笔划、部首者不同。是研究地方药店常用药物别名的参考书。