竹子害虫,bamboo pest
1)bamboo pest竹子害虫
2)bamboo insect pest and plant disease竹子病虫害
3)bamboo pest竹类害虫
1.The basic occurring and developing characteristics is analyzed based on the long term study and investigation on bamboo pests in Fujian province.在长期调查研究福建省竹类害虫的基础上 ,深入分析了竹类害虫发生的基本特点 ,主要表现为种类多、分布广、频率高、危害严重且新害虫不断出现 。

1.A list of Insect Pests of Bamboos in Baishuijiang Natural Reserve白水江自然保护区竹类害虫名录初报(一)
2.Investigation on Insect Pests of Bambusa Pervariabilis×Dendrocalamopsis Daii in Chishui and Study on Biology and Ecology of Its Major Pests;赤水市撑绿竹害虫种类调查及主要害虫的生物学、生态学研究
3.Investigation on Species and Damage of Bamboo Shoot Weevil on Phyllostachys pubescens in Fujian Province福建省毛竹林竹笋象种类及危害调查
4.Explorations and Practices for Control Mechanism of Main Insect Pests in Bamboo Forests竹林主要虫害防治机制的探索与实践
5.A Preliminary Report on Investigations of Bamboo Pests in Leshan City,Sichuan Province四川乐山市竹林主要病虫害调查初报
6.Relationships among Cyrtotrachelus buqueti larval density and wormhole number and bamboo shoot damage degree长足大竹象虫口密度与虫孔数、竹笋受害率的关系
7.Thrips palmi plague蓟马类小舌麦蛾虫害
8.Diseases and Pests Investigation and Control Technology for Chimonobabusa utilis金佛山方竹病虫害调查及防治技术研究
9.Fungi also can be used to control insect pests.真菌也能用来抑制昆虫类害虫
10.A Taxonomic Study on the Adults and Eggs in Four Genera of Heteronemiidae in China(Order: Phasmatodea);中国竹节虫异(虫脩)科四属成虫分类及部分卵的初步研究
11.The Species and Occurrence Laws of Main Insect Pests of Chinese Wolfberry in Jingtai景泰枸杞害虫种类及主要害虫的发生规律
12.in some classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera: stick insects; leaf insects.在某些分类中被认为是直翅目的一个亚目;竹节虫;叶虫。
13.Arthropod Diversity in Bamboo Forest of Phyllostachys Heterocycla cv.pubescens and Outbreak Mechanisms of the Main Pests on Bamboo Leaves;毛竹林节肢动物多样性及主要叶部害虫发生机理
14.A finding report of insect pests on Castanea mollissima Blume in Zhejiang.浙江省板栗害虫种类及其危害状况调查
15.Major Species of Insect Pests on the Garden Plant and Their Harm in Linyi District;临沂市区主要园林植物害虫种类及其危害
16.Species and occurrence of important stem borers in Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis in Yunnan Province云南省思茅松重要蛀干害虫种类及其发生危害
17.Investigation on the Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Asparagus officinalis L. in Hebei Province河北省芦笋主要病虫害种类及为害调查
18.Classification and codes for forestry resources--Injurious tree-insectsGB/T15775-1995林业资源分类与代码林木害虫

bamboo insect pest and plant disease竹子病虫害
3)bamboo pest竹类害虫
1.The basic occurring and developing characteristics is analyzed based on the long term study and investigation on bamboo pests in Fujian province.在长期调查研究福建省竹类害虫的基础上 ,深入分析了竹类害虫发生的基本特点 ,主要表现为种类多、分布广、频率高、危害严重且新害虫不断出现 。
4)bamboo diseases and pests竹林病虫害
1.An investigation on bamboo diseases and pests was conducted in Guangdong province from 1995, including its species, distribution and impair status.1995年以来 ,对我省竹林病虫害的种类、分布和危害等情况进行了全面的调查 ,并分析竹林病虫害的发生和危害的动态和特点 ,提出了相应的控制对策。
5)seed pests种子害虫
1.Study on biological characteristics and regularity of occurrence in field of licorice seed pests;甘草种子害虫生物学特性和田间发生规律研究
6)seed pest种子害虫
1.Seed pests have caused heavy losses to Caragana seed industry.近年来,柠条(包括柠条锦鸡儿、小叶锦鸡儿和中间锦鸡儿)种子害虫随种子调用在各地泛滥,给柠条种子产业造成了巨大的经济损失。
