耐寒力,Cold tolerance
1)Cold tolerance耐寒力
1.The acquired cold tolerance is transient and is r.快速冷耐受比冷驯化更能提高越冬松针瘿蚊幼虫的耐寒力

1.Relationship between the Role of Super-Oxide(SOD) and Cold Tolerance in Evergreen Plants;常绿植物SOD活性与植物耐寒力相关性的研究
2.The Effects of Gu-Ben-Yang-Sheng Wine on the Ability of Fatigue-Resistant, Hypoxia-Resistant and Cold-Resistant of Mice.;“固本养生葡萄酒”对小鼠耐疲劳、耐缺氧和耐寒冷能力的影响
3.Simultaneously also should take cold resistant toexercise, enhances the protection against the cold and thedisease-resistant ability, prevents the respiratory tract disease tooccur.同时还应重视耐寒锻炼,提高御寒及抗病能力,预防呼吸道疾病发生。
4.Cold weather did not kill the hardy plants.寒冷的天气并没有冻死耐力很强的植物。
5.Otherness Analysis of Chilling Stress on Chlorophyll Fluoresence Knetics of Mutational E.grandis×E.urophylla化学诱导巨尾桉耐寒突变的叶绿素荧光动力学差异分析
6.He has no tolerance to cold.他一点也不能耐寒。
7.testing methods for cold resistance of leather皮革耐寒性试验方法
8.that can grow in the open air all through the winter可在露天过冬的, 耐寒的.
9.strawberries are hardy and easy to grow; camels are tough and hardy creatures.草莓很耐寒,容易种植;骆驼是强壮、耐寒的动物。
10.Research on breeding of Eucalyptus clone of "Chang Han No.1" with cold-resistance“常寒1号”耐寒桉树无性系选育研究
11."It is much hardier than lemon, however, though less hardy than grapefruit and sour orange."它虽不及葡萄柚和酸橙耐寒,但却比柠檬耐寒得多。
12.Studies on Selection of Drought-tolerance and Cold-tolerance and Cloning of Low-temperature-induced cDNA in Acacia;三种相思苗期耐旱、耐寒性选择与寒胁迫诱导的cDNA片段克隆的研究
13.Cold and drought tolerant, the new variety is adaptable to north China.这一新品种耐寒,耐旱,适合在中国北方生长。
14.A Comparative Study on Characteristics of Drought Resistance, Cold Tolerance and Barren Resistance of Grasses;禾本科牧草抗旱、耐寒、耐贫瘠特性比较研究
15.Variation of Drought-resistance and Cold-resistance Among Species and Provenances in Lespedeza Michx.;胡枝子不同种和种源耐旱、耐寒性变异研究
16.Studies on Drought-resistance and Cold-resistance in Five Specie Tree Seedlings of Evergreen Broad-leaved5种常绿阔叶树幼苗的耐旱性和耐寒性研究
17.The research of multidrug resistant gene in salmonella enterica paratyphi A多重耐药甲型副伤寒沙门菌耐药基因的研究
18.Study on Cold and Drought Resistance Root Regenerate Plants几种耐寒耐旱多年生根蘖型植物的研究

cold hardiness耐寒力
1.Measurement of cold hardiness in overwintering adults of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus;稻水象甲越冬成虫的耐寒力测定
3)freeze resistance capability耐寒能力
1.Comparative research on protein production capacity and freeze resistance capability of duckweed in nitrogen-phosphorus wastewater purification;浮萍净化氮磷污水的蛋白质生产能力及耐寒能力比较研究
4)cold resistance耐寒
1.The development of the product made in our own country and the standards of same type of product at abroad were introduced at the same time, it had originality in cold resistance formula of NBR.介绍了该产品的研制以及国外同类产品达到的水平 ,在丁腈橡胶耐寒性配方技术上有独到之
2.As forage plant, lespedeza has high feeding value, a certain extent ability of drought resistance and cold resistance as well.胡枝子是具有一定耐旱性和耐寒性的木本饲料植物,其饲用价值极高,发展潜力巨大。
1.The introduction and the planting technology of the cold-resistance Eucalyptus in Yongzhou city;耐寒桉树永州引种栽培技术研究
2.The cable used for the construction of Qinghai-Tibet railway must offer anticorrosion,cold-resistance,and UV resistance.用于青藏铁路建设的电缆,必须具有良好的防腐、耐寒、抗紫外线性能。
6)cold tolerance耐寒
1.It has characteristics of high and stable yield,good grain quality, cold tolerance,suitable maturity and wide adaptability.协优 3 3 6系用不育系协青早A与恢复系扬恢 3 3 6配组而成的杂交中籼稻新组合 ,具有高产稳产、米质较好、耐寒性强、熟期适宜、适应性广等特点 ,2 0 0 3年 7月通过贵州省品种审定委员会审

赤力力1.亦作"赤历历"。 2.象声词。