幼期,immature stages
1)immature stages幼期
1.Morphological observation on the immature stages of Agrilus auriventris Saunders (Coleoptera:Buprestidae);柑桔爆皮虫幼期各虫态的形态学观察
2.Morphological descriptions on immature stages of Porisaccus jiuhuaensis(Wu) and the origin of bag-like appendage(Homoptera: Pseudococcidae);九华囊粉蚧幼期形态描记及其袋状附器来源讨论(同翅目:粉蚧科)

1.The Immature Development and Morphology of Tamarixia radiata柑桔木虱姬小蜂的幼期发育及其形态
2.A young animal that has not reached sexual maturity.幼雏还未达到性别成熟期的幼小动物
3.A child receives its early education at home.幼儿在家接受早期教育.
4.Growth is rapid in infancy.幼儿期的成长相当快。
5.juvenile period幼年期(构成中心木质部的一段时期)
6.a genus of chordates in the class Larvacea.幼虫时期具有脊骨的动物种类。
7.a child secretly exchanged for another in infancy.在幼年时期背地里被人偷换的孩子。
8.Supplementary weaning foods for infants and young childrenGB10770-1997婴幼儿断奶期补充食品
9.Formulated Weaning foods for infants and young childrenGB10769-1997婴幼儿断奶期辅助食品
10.Photoperiod produces little influence on the diapause of housefly larvae.光周期对家蝇幼虫滞育的影响不大。
11.a young oyster esp. of a size for transplantation.幼小的牡蛎,特别是在移植期的大
12.the state of a child between infancy and adolescence.幼年至青春期之间的状态。
13.of the insects in the chrysalis (cocoon) or post larval stage.昆虫在蛹(茧)中,或加速的幼虫期的。
14.During my salad days when I was green in judgement I often blundered.少不更事时期我的判断幼稚,常犯错误。
15.The first stage was the Party's infancy.第一阶段是党的幼年时期。
16.Being in an early period of life, development, or growth.年幼的处于生命、发展或成长的早期的
17.Early Clinical Analysis of 30 Cases of Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis;30例幼年强直性脊柱炎早期临床分析
18.Research on the Early Childhood Education and Instruction Patterns of 0-3 Years Old Children;0-3岁婴幼儿早期教养指导形式初探

infant age幼龄期
1.The author researches on the law of infant age concrete strength development under low temperature and influence of complex factors,and sets up efficient and reliable mathematical predicting model to monitor the infant age concrete strength development under low temperature at a construction site.目的研究了低温条件和复杂因素影响下的幼龄期混凝土强度增长规律,并建立有效而可靠的数学预测模型,实现现场施工对低温条件下幼龄期混凝土强度发展的监控。
1.Study on partial influence factors of the intelligence development during infancy.;影响幼儿期智能发育的部分因素研究
4)juvenile stage幼年期
1.[Objective] To explore the effect of low-level lead exposure on the testicle tissue and hormone of male rabbits in juvenile stage.[目的]探讨幼年期低水平铅暴露对雄性幼兔睾丸组织和内分泌激素的影响。
5)Third stage larvaeIII期幼虫
6)young children幼儿期
1.Clinical characteristics and diagnosis of asthma in young children;幼儿期支气管哮喘的临床特点及诊断策略
2.A sample of 3~5-year-old children was included in the present study to examine the development of the Chinese and English phonological awareness of Chinese young children,with the dimension of phonological units and manipulation levels considered in the tasks.本研究选取3~5岁儿童为被试,从语音单位和操作水平两个维度研究幼儿期汉语语音意识和英语语音意识的发展。
