水质监测指标,water quality of monitoring index
1)water quality of monitoring index水质监测指标
2)monitoring index监测指标
1.Analysis on correlation of monitoring indexes of wastewater in oxidation ditch;氧化沟工艺中污水监测指标的相关性分析
2.The brief of eco-environment monitoring index system;试论生态环境监测指标体系
3.Study on monitoring index of individual exposure dose of volatile organic compounds in environment;环境中挥发性有机化合物接触量监测指标的研究

1.The Canonical Correlation Analysis between Physical Chemical Indexes with Biological Indexes of Surface Water;地表水水质理化监测指标与生物监测指标的典型相关分析
2.The Senior High School Education Quality Monitoring Research "Indicator of Teachers Development Monitoring";普通高中教育质量监测“教师成长监测指标”研究
3.Study on Indexes of Health Supervision of Turner Syndrome after Final Diagnosis;Turner综合征诊断后监测指标的研究
4.The Construction of Monitoring Indicator System of Sustainable Consumption in Guizhou;贵州可持续消费监测指标体系的构建
5.Study on SISMA Index of China Region Integrity Monitoring of Galileo ProjectGalileo中国区域完备性监测指标SISMA研究
6.Index system and methods of monitoring gradation of agricultural land quality农用地等级质量监测指标体系与方法
7.The levels of Hcy and usCRP can be used as the pathogenetic condition monitoring index of DN.它们的水平可作为糖尿病肾病病情监测指标
8.Study on Faecal Sterols as Monitoring Indicators in Coastal Sewage Water;粪甾醇作为海岸排污口监测指标的研究
9.Study on Liver Injury Indexes in the Workers Occupationally Exposed to Arsenic;职业砷接触工人肝损伤联合监测指标的研究
10.Dynamic Monitor Indexes and Information System Frame of Forest Environment Resources;森林环境资源动态监测指标及信息系统框架
11.Stress Responsing Profiles and the Sensitive Indexes Selecting to Heat Stress in Growing Pigs;生长猪热应激反应模型及适宜监测指标筛选
12.Pound monitoring includes the parameter of entironment monitoring and guarding against theft.鱼塘监测包括水产养殖生态环境指标监测及防盗监测。
13.key indicators for monitoring child health and监测儿童健康和存活的主要指标
15.Indices of Clinical Monitoring in Disease Activity of Inflammatory Bowel Disease;炎症性肠病病情活动指标的临床监测
16.Monitoring the Biochemical Norms of Load during the Basketball Players Training;足球运动员训练负荷的生化指标监测
17.Tendency analysis on health monitoring characteristic index of Qianjiang 4th Bridge钱江四桥健康监测特征指标趋势分析
18.Physiological and Biochemical Monitoring by Indexes for Physical Performance Test in Chinese Sanda Athletes;全国散手运动员体能测试指标的生理生化监测

monitoring index监测指标
1.Analysis on correlation of monitoring indexes of wastewater in oxidation ditch;氧化沟工艺中污水监测指标的相关性分析
2.The brief of eco-environment monitoring index system;试论生态环境监测指标体系
3.Study on monitoring index of individual exposure dose of volatile organic compounds in environment;环境中挥发性有机化合物接触量监测指标的研究
3)Monitoring indicator监测指标
4)water quality monitor水质监测
1.Constructing the water quality monitor for city life-water recycling system based on virtual instrument;基于虚拟仪器的城市生活用水回用系统水质监测体系的构建
2.The paper deals with how to control water quality by water quality monitor to get a good result and puts forward the concrete operation methods.阐述了水质监测全过程的质量控制技术,为获得合乎质量要求的监测结果,提出了具体的操作方法。
3.The importance and the necessity of wireless sensor networks in water quality monitor are presented.文中说明了无线传感器网络(WSN)在水质监测中应用的重要性和必要性,详细讨论了系统的原理及它的网络结构和各层技术。
5)water quality monitoring水质监测
1.Dynamic similarity and its application to optimized layout in water quality monitoring of river;动态贴近度法及其在水质监测点优化布设中的应用
2.Application of BOD biosensor to water quality monitoring;BOD生物传感器在水质监测中的应用研究
3.Applications of remote sensing techniques to inland water quality monitoring;遥感技术在内陆水体水质监测中的应用
6)monitoring of Water quality水质监测
1.The evaluation of water quality is based on the monitoring of water quality.水质评价是建立在水质监测基础之上的。

渗水水质监测渗水水质监测quality monitoring of seepage water shenshui shuizhi lianee渗水水质监MlJ(quality monitoring ofSeepage water)定期采集水样,用化学分析方法对水工建筑物及其基础的渗水中可溶性物质的成分及含量进行的监测。其目的是了解坝体或坝基渗水的化学性质及其溶蚀规律,判断是否可能产生化学管涌,以便及时采取措施,保证工程正常运用。 渗水水质监测方法是在水工建筑物上游水体和渗水出流部位取水样进行化学分析,对比其可溶性物质成分和含量,据以分析渗水携出可溶物的数量和速度。水工建筑物上游水体取样点需离水工建筑物200米以上,并在水面以下0.2一0.5米处,必要时可在不同深度分层采取。采取方法,通常在建筑物和基础渗水出流有代表性的控制点布设测点,在测点位置上安装直径为70一100毫米的水管取样。取样次数,根据工程运用情况和水头高低而定。水库蓄水初期、库水位骤涨或发生异常现象时,增加取样次数。在汛前、汛后至少要各取水样一次。每次采样的水量,一般为2500毫升。进行简易分析的水样,一般为1500毫升。 在中国,水质分析方法按水利电力部水利司编的《水文测验手册》的规定进行。当水中含有悬浮物和胶体化合物时,透明度显著降低。为了判断排水设备的工作情况,及时发现内部冲刷和管涌现象,在进行水质监测的同时,需进行渗水透明度观测。在渗水出口处用样瓶取水样注入透明度管(见图)中。从管口上端通过管中水样观看规定的字样。观看时逐渐放水,管中水面下降到看清字迹为止,此时读取管壁刻度读数即为透明度。再由事先率定的透明度与含泥量关系线查出含泥量,透明度大于30厘米者为清水。 渗水溶蚀速度一方面取字样决于坝体和基础中可溶性物质的含量;另一方面也与渗透坡降、渗透流量、水温以及岩土组成结构及化学成分等状况有关。因此,渗水水质监测的资料需要结合有关岩土物理性质和渗透观测资料进行分析。渗水水质监测发展趋势是,采用电子及自动化技术,改进化学分析方法和提高精度。