昆虫抗冻蛋白,insect Antifreeze proteins
1)insect Antifreeze proteins昆虫抗冻蛋白
1.The purification and properties analysis of insect antifreeze proteins昆虫抗冻蛋白的分离纯化及特性分析

1.The purification and properties analysis of insect antifreeze proteins昆虫抗冻蛋白的分离纯化及特性分析
2.The Study on Cold Tolerance of Insect Antifreeze Protein Gene Transformation to Tobacco;昆虫抗冻蛋白基因转化烟草抗寒性功能的研究
3.Functional Characterization and Genetic Transformation of Insect Antifreeze Protein Genes;昆虫抗冻蛋白基因的功能鉴定及遗传转化研究
4.Expression and Activity Comparsion of Insect Antifreeze Proteins with Different Structures;不同结构荒漠昆虫抗冻蛋白表达及其活性比较
5.Cold Tolerance of Transplastomic Tobacco Lines Carrying Insect Antifreeze Protein叶绿体型转昆虫抗冻蛋白基因烟草的耐寒性
6.Gene Cloning and Function Assay of Antifreeze Protein From Several Desert Beetles in Xinjiang;几种新疆荒漠昆虫抗冻蛋白基因克隆及其抗冻活性分析
7.Application of Antifreeze Protein from Xinjiang Desert Insect in the Preservation of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae at Low Temperatures;新疆荒漠昆虫抗冻蛋白在酿酒酵母低温保存中的应用
8.Changes of Ultrastructure of Transgenic Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with Insect Antifreeze Protein Gene under –1 ℃ Condition低温下转昆虫抗冻蛋白基因烟草的亚显微结构变化
9.Study on Establishment of Regeneration System of Maca and Saussurea Involucrata and Introduction of Insect Antifreeze Protein Genes into Saussurea Involucrata;玛咖和新疆雪莲再生体系的建立及新疆雪莲转昆虫抗冻蛋白基因的研究
10.Establishment of Genetic Transformation System of Special Economic Plant Sauropus Androgynus and Pelargonium Graveolens and Analysis of Characteristics of the Transgenic Plants with Insect Antifreeze Protein(AFP) Gene;特种经济植物天绿香和驱蚊香草遗传转化体系的建立及转昆虫抗冻蛋白基因的研究
11.Gene Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Antifreeze Protein From Tenebrodae Insects;拟步甲科几种昆虫的抗冻蛋白基因克隆及其原核表达
12.Effect of Antibodies Against Peritrophic Membrane Proteins on Baculovirus Infectivity;昆虫围食膜蛋白抗体对杆状病毒感染性的影响
13.Cloning and Application of Antifreeze Protein Gene of Tenebrio Molitor;黄粉虫抗冻蛋白基因的克隆与应用研究
14.Expression of the main sites of transmissible gastroenteritis virus spike protein in insect cells猪传染性胃肠炎病毒S蛋白主要抗原位点在昆虫细胞中的表达
15.Research Progress of Toxic Protein from Entomopathogenic Nematodes Symbiotic Bacteria昆虫病原线虫共生菌杀虫蛋白的研究进展
16.The interactions between insect cadherin-like proteins and Bt Cry1A protein.昆虫类钙粘蛋白与Bt Cry1A蛋白之间的相互作用
17.Research advance of heat shock protein 70 in Entomology昆虫热休克蛋白Hsp70的研究进展
18.Expression of hepatitis C virus H strain envelope glycoprotein in insect cells and detection of anti-E antibodies in HCV infected serum;丙型肝炎病毒糖蛋白在昆虫细胞中的表达及HCV感染者血清中抗E抗体的检测

insect antifreeze protein gene昆虫抗冻蛋白基因
3)insect protein昆虫蛋白
1.The exploitation and ultilization status of insect proteins available for food,feedstuff,medicine and agriculture were presented in this paper,and some existing problems and the developing prospects were discussed as well.从食品用蛋白、饲料用蛋白、医药用蛋白和农业用蛋白等四个方面,综述了昆虫蛋白的开发利用现状,并就存在的问题和发展前景做了一定的阐述。
4)insect protein selenium昆虫蛋白硒
5)antifreeze protein抗冻蛋白
1.Application and research on antifreeze protein for aquatic product;水产抗冻蛋白的研究进展及在水产行业的应用前景
2.Comparison of activities of fusion antifreeze proteins from Microdera punctipennis dzhungarica (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae);准噶尔小胸鳖甲融合抗冻蛋白活性的比较研究
3.Effects of "leaf-growing-reagent for warm-season turf"on antifreeze protein of Zoysia tenuifolia;暖地型草坪绿叶生长剂对细叶结缕草抗冻蛋白活性的影响
6)antifreeze proteins抗冻蛋白
1.New progress in the study of plant antifreeze proteins and their genetic engineering.;植物抗冻蛋白及其基因工程研究的新进展
2.Preparation and application of antifreeze proteins extracted from winter wheat bran冬小麦抗冻蛋白制备及其在汤圆中的应用研究
3.The principles of antifreeze proteins as well as their applications in food industry are presented.阐述了食品冷藏链的应用现状及发展;介绍了食品聚合物理论在冷冻食品中的应用,在玻璃态下造成食品品质变化的一切受扩散控制的反应,其速率均十分缓慢,甚至不会发生;论述了抗冻蛋白的抗冻机制及在食品工业中的应用。

抗Rh-D球蛋白 ,抗D人免疫球蛋白药物名称:抗D人免疫球蛋白英文名:别名: 抗Rh-D球蛋白 ,抗D人免疫球蛋白适应症: Rh阴性母亲分娩或流产Rh阳性胎儿时,胎儿红细胞中的Rh-D抗原可进入母体血液,与母体的免疫活性细胞反应,而引起异型免疫反应。本品能破坏进入母体血液的Rh-D抗原,抑制母体血液产生抗Rh(D)抗体,从而可预防Rh的异型免疫反应。 用量用法: 口服:40~60mg/日,连服4~6周,其后维持量10~20mg/日。肌注:产后3日内注射0.2g。 注意事项: 有发热、注射局部疼痛。用前应做Rh血型诊断和更精确的凝集试验。 规格: 片剂:20mg;针剂:0.2g。 类别:其他抗变态反应药