1.Modified Design and Application of Electrically Heated Frame in Drying Device;烘干设备电加热框的改进设计与应用
2.The Control of Drying Conditions on Tea Mould Number;烘干工艺条件对茶叶中霉菌的控制研究

1.You can tumble the clothes dry in a dryer.你可以用烘干机将衣服烘干
2.quick-drying amino-resin baking enamel快干氨基树脂烘干磁漆
3.To dry by heating.烘干通过加热使变干
4."shake it dry, blow it dry, wipe it dry,pump it dry,oven dry it, dry it in the air""甩干,吹干,擦干,吸干,烘干,晾干"
5.To dry or roast(corn, for example)by exposing to heat.烘烤用加热的方法烘干(例如玉米)
6.various colors acrylic baking enamel各色丙烯酸烘干磁漆
7.ectro static spraying baking enamel丙烯酸静电烘干磁漆
8.silicone epoxy resin baking varnish有机硅环氧烘干清漆
9.pure phenolic baking electro-deposition primer纯酚醛烘干电泳底漆
10.amino baking electro static hammer paint氨基烘干静电锤纹漆
11.open gas flame dryer敞式煤气火焰烘干装置
12.super black polyester amino baking enamel特黑聚酯氨基烘干磁漆
13.amino baking water soluble primer氨基烘干水溶性底漆
14.blackish-green epoxy baking paint for blackboard墨绿环氧烘干黑板漆
15.polyester and alkyd resin insulating baking varnish聚酯醇酸烘干绝缘漆
16.acrylic low-temperature baking enamel低温丙烯酸烘干磁漆
17.polyester and epoxy resin baking varnish聚酯环氧树脂烘干清漆
18.polyurethane elastic baking enamal聚氨酯弹性烘干磁漆

1.It is pointed out that drying effect after pickling being good or not directly affect whether brittleness fracture of steel wire or not.简述钢丝在拉拔过程中产生的脆断现象,分析脆断产生的原因,指出酸洗后烘干效果的好坏直接影响钢丝是否发生脆性断裂,对烘干设备进行改造并使用清洁能源,可提高烘干效果,减少空气污染,减少脆断的发生。
2.The dry of stator insulating lacquer is a crisis step of submersible motor production.潜油电机定子绝缘漆的烘干是潜油电机生产的一道重要工序。
3.The pressure hot water cleaning me-thod is applied in the bearings cleaning and drying equipment already designed and developed.设计研制的轴承清洗烘干设备采用压力热水冲洗方式,能将磁粉探伤后轴承上附着的磁悬液及润滑脂脂化碳化微粒冲洗干净,并应用远红外烘干器将清洗后的轴承零件烘干,提高了滚动轴承零件清洗的清洁度,防止轴承发生锈蚀。
1.Research and development of technological of bean dregs stoving and its equipment;豆渣烘干工艺及设备的研究和开发
2.The soft jerky with soft quality ,crisp and tender taste,unique flavor is made,on the basis of traditional craft,through improving the main process of reboiling,stoving etc.在传统工艺基础上,通过对复煮、烘干等主要工序的改进,制得的产品质地柔软、口感脆嫩、风味独特。
3.A new kind of stoving equipment - cyclic hot blowing furnace, its structure and mechanism were introduced in this article.本文介绍了一种新型烘干设备──循环式热风护的结构和工作原理。
5)Tumble Dry用烘干机烘干
6)drying time烘干时间
