1.Data Analysis on Standard Parameters of the Rope;对有关绳索标准参数的数据分析
2.Studies on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber ropes for fishing gear;渔用超高分子量聚乙烯纤维绳索的研究
3.The structure,physical properties,impace resistance,fire protection of it were comparaed with other fibers are introduced in this paper,and the application of it in composites,bodyarmor,fireproofing,ropes and advanced fabrics are also summarized.介绍了M5纤维的结构、物理性能、抗冲击性、阻燃性及其与其他几种高强高模纤维的性能对比,概述了M5纤维在复合材料、个体防护用品、防火产品、绳索和先进织物上的应用。

1.A rope used aboard a ship.缆绳用于船上的绳索
2.bind together with a cord or rope.用绳子或绳索绑在一起。
3.bind with a rope, chain, or cord.用绳子,链条,或绳索束缚。
4.Cords or ropes, especially the ropes in the rigging of a ship.绳索尤指船舶索具中的绳索
5.Federation of European Rope and Twine Industries欧洲粗绳和细绳工业联合会(绳索工联)
6.A cable or rope used in mooring or towing a ship.粗绳用于系泊或拖船用的缆绳或绳索
7.Tied or bound with cords.用绳索捆索或缠绕的
8.a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled.绳子或绳索上用打活结的方法打的结;当拉绳子或绳索时结会变紧。
9.One who performs on a tightrope or a slack rope.走绳索演员在一紧绳或松绳上表演的人
10.To secure or bind, as with a rope, cord, or chain.用绳捆扎如用绳子、绳索或链条固定或绑紧,
11.r(of a rope,etc)be passed out;pass(a rope,etc)out(指绳索等)放出,拉出;将(绳等)放出,拉出
12.Something used for securing or binding.绳,绳索固定或捆绑用的东西
13.To let out(a line or cable) by slackening.慢慢放松通过松开使(绳索或缆绳)脱出
14.A mooring rope or chain that secures the bow of a ship to a wharf.系绳使船首靠在码头的系泊绳索或链
15.A line used in towing a vessel or vehicle.拖绳用来拖船只或车辆的绳索
16.A rope or cable used in towing.拖缆用于拖曳的绳索或缆绳
17.To fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord.用绳子,线,或绳索固定或连接。
18.bind(a stitch,the end of a rope,etc)with a close tight covering of thread or string(用线或绳)将(缝线、绳索末端等)缠紧.

1.Anchor is one of the most important components of cable for bridge.锚具是大桥用绳索的重要配件 ,其质量好坏直接影响桥的质量。
2.On the basis of analysis of the fluid drag acting on a suspended cable subjected to transverse fluid excitation, an expression is established for the fluid forces applied on the cable.基于横向流激励下绳索的微段受力分析 ,建立了横向流体对绳索作用力的解析表达· 借助坐标变换 ,将绳索的运动表示为扩张和回转两部分· 在此基础上 ,分析了小垂跨比绳索的流激振动问题 ,对无伸张态临界流速、平衡解稳定性、重力对绳索运动的影响等问题进行了讨论
3.The fluid drag on the suspended cable subject to transverse fluid exiction is analyzed and the dynamic equation of cable is established in the case of small ration of sag-to-span.通过分析横向流体对绳索的作用力 ,建立了绳索的动力学方程。
5)wire-line coring绳索取心
1.Working principle and structural features of SYZX75 wire-line coring hydro-hammer are presented.介绍了SYZX75型绳索取心液动潜孔锤的工作原理及结构特点。
2.7 mm wire-line coring tool driven by a mud motor.7 mm绳索取心钻具现场试验采用螺杆钻具驱动时出现频繁憋泵的问题,换用φ88。
3.To meet the demand of wire-line coring drilling in complicated formation,compound solid-free drilling fluid of CL plant glue was compounded and used instead of drilling mud with the property of wall protection and leaking stoppage.为满足复杂地层绳索取心钻探技术的需要,寻找、配制了既能代替泥浆具有良好的护壁堵漏性能,又能满足绳索取心钻进技术要求的CL植物胶复合无固相冲洗液。
6)wireline coring绳索取心
1.The application instance of wireline coring technique was introduced with the project case of coal-bed methane parameter well in Baotian-Qingshan area of Guizhou,the drilling techniques were brought forward in accordance with complex formation,unstable borehole wall,being hard to core in coal powder.以贵州保田-青山煤层气参数井工程为实例,介绍了绳索取心工艺在该区的应用情况,并针对地层复杂、孔壁不稳定、粉煤取心困难等工程难点,提出相应的工艺技术。
2.The wireline coring technique is an advanced, multi-functional drilling method.绳索取心技术是一种先进的多功能的钻进方法,在地质勘探钻孔愈来愈深、取心难度愈来愈大、施工地点愈来愈偏僻的情况下,采用绳索取心钻探技术可以取得优质、高效、低耗的技术经济效果。
3.It combines the RC drilling with the diamond wireline coring drilling and uses the same drilling pipes and tools to realize several drilling methods adapted to its formations according to the engineering environments and geological requirements and so on.该工艺方法将当今地质找矿钻探最先进和广泛应用的反循环连续取心 (样 )及金刚石绳索取心钻探技术有机地结合起来 ,利用一套器具 ,可实现多种工艺方法 ,并针对地层、施工环境及地质要求 ,采取与之相适应的钻探方法 ,达到优质高效的综合钻探目的。

绳索1.绳子。亦特指粗绳。 2.比喻牵挂;束缚。