1.The conclusion showed that pad-fans system was more effective for the cooling of closed piggery in low humidity area,and high pressure spray system was more effective for the cooling of open piggery and semi-enclosed piggery in high humidity area.湿帘风机降温系统较适合应用于低湿地区的密闭式猪舍;高压喷雾降温系统较适合应用于低湿地区的开放式和密闭式猪舍。
2)fan and pad风机湿帘
1.The vertical ventilation and cooling combination of“ damp curtain-ventilator” is the most inexpensive and effective cooling measurea for greenhouse in summer.湿帘-风机”的纵向通风降温组合是最经济、效的温室夏季降温措施。
2.The vertical ventilation and cooling combination of “damp curtain-ventilator” is the most inexpensive and effective cooling measurea for greenhouse in summer.“湿帘-风机”的纵向通风降温组合是最经济、有效的温室夏季降温措施。
3.Curtain--A Complexity of Diversified Grace and Feature;一帘幽梦——家居窗帘卷起万种风情
4.The curtain fluttered in the breeze.窗帘在微风中飘动。
5."It enters the pearl Blinds, it wets the silk curtains; A fur coat feels cold, a cotton mat flimsy;"散入珠帘湿罗幕, 狐裘不暖锦衾
6.Possible mechanism of melatonin involved rheumatoid arthritis;褪黑素介导类风湿关节炎的可能机制
7.Configuration and Elements: The mechanism is composed of curtain staff, curtain loops, linear motor, controller, remote controller, etc.结构原理:窗帘机由滑杆、帘环、机、制器、控器等组成。
8.Clinical Studies and Principle Discussion on Treating Stagnancy of Cold-Dampness in the Meridian and Joints of RA with BiTongLing Infusion;痹痛灵冲剂治疗类风湿关节炎寒湿阻络证的临床研究和机理探讨
9.As the photo above shows, a circulating cistern is designed on the bottom of the damp curtain. The detailed dimension will depend on the acreage of the curtain.如图所示:在湿帘底部设循环水池一座,具体尺寸应根据湿帘设计的面积的需要来定。
10.Study of the Mechanism of Chronic Atrial Fibrillation of Rheumatic Heart Disease;风湿性心脏病慢性心房纤颤的机制研究
11.Effects of Allicin on Experimental Rheumatoid Arthritis and Mechanism;大蒜素对类风湿性关节炎的作用及机制研究
12.Experimental Study on Effects of Wutou Decoction and Prescription Groups of Anti-rheumatoid Arthritis;乌头汤及其配伍抗风湿作用的机理研究
13.The Treatment Immunity Mechanism of RA by Traditional Chinese Medicine;自拟中医药治疗类风湿关节炎免疫机理研究
14.Approach of Mechanism of IGF-1 in Rheumatoid Arthritis;IGF-1在类风湿关节炎发病中作用机制的探讨
15.Study on the mechanism for treatment for rheumatoid arthritis with methotrexate;氨甲喋呤(MTX)治疗类风湿性关节炎机制的研究
16.Study on the Right Atrial Pathological Mechanism in Chronic Atrial Fibrillation with Rheumatic Heart Disease;风湿性心脏病持续性房颤的右房病理机制研究
17.The Effect of IL-15 on Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis;IL-15在类风湿关节炎发病机制中作用的研究
18.Osteopontin May Play an Important Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis;骨桥蛋白在类风湿关节炎病理机制中的作用
fan and pad风机湿帘
4)pad and fan cooling system湿帘-风机降温系统
1.Through the actual test of the large-scale greenhouse with pad and fan cooling system which located in the high temperature and humid coastal district, the temperature condition in the two kinds of greenhouses were observed.本文通过对位于炎热潮湿沿海地区的大型连栋湿帘-风机降温温室及自然通风温室的环境因素的实际测试,考察了两种温室中的温度状况,分析了湿帘-风机降温系统的降温效果及纵向温度分布,肯定了这一降温方式在当地大型连栋温室中的适用性;同时通过CFD技术的导入,模拟分析了大型湿帘-风机降温温室内的气流和温度分布,为今后进一步研究此类温室的质能传递规律提供了新的方法。
5)Wet curtain湿帘
1.Wet curtain Pre-cooling technology is a new type of air-conditioning energy saving technology,Not increasing the area of condenser and evaporator,under the premise of a substantial increase in the efficiency of refrigeration units.湿帘预冷技术是一种新型的空调节能技术,该技术可以保证在不增加两器面积的前提下,大幅提高机组的制冷效率,还可以在高温天气情况下保护压缩机。
2.The wet curtain refrigeration technology is one kind of new air temperature decrease technology, whose characteristic is that the refrigeration quantity is large, the power consumption is low, the operation is reliable, the installment is convenient, and the service life is long.湿帘制冷技术是一种新型的空气降温技术,特点是制冷量大,耗电省、运行可靠、安装方便,使用寿命长等。
3.The mass transfer coefficient and drop of pressure in wet curtain are meassured bymeans of counterflowing.用气-水逆流接触法测定了湿帘中的传质系数和压降,得到关联式。
6)evaporative pad湿帘
1.To improve evaporative pad s heat and mass transfer efficiency, decades correlative study methods on both experimentation and simulation are summarized, more deeply mainly mechanism in the body of evaporative pad is analyzed,and new ideal of study of evaporative pad using some modern methods are suggested.使用湿帘风机蒸发降温系统是保证温室、畜禽舍夏季正常生产的一项重要手段,而如何提高湿帘的降温效率是其核心问题。
2.Is this paper the research had separately carried out in the experimental barns(including farro- wing barn and weaning barn)which were heated by heated air furnace and cooled by evaporative pad and fan sys- tem,and in the contrast barns which were heated by stove and cooled by natural ventilation.该文分别就热风炉采暖、湿帘风机系统降温与火炉采暖自然通风降温的分娩舍、保育舍二种猪舍进行了对比试验。