1.On the epidemic, prevention and treatment of Kala-Azar in northern Jiangsu in 1930s;20世纪30年代江苏北部黑热病流行及防治初探
2.The Scientific Experimentation on Promoting China s Rural Areas in the 1930s.;20世纪30年代科技兴农试验:定县猪种改良
3.Study on "Birth Control" of 1930s from the perspective of stage characteristics;从阶段特色看20世纪30年代“生育节制”思潮

1.Between the middle nineteen-thirties and the nineteen-eighties,从20世纪30年代中期至20世纪80年代,
2.revive a 1930's musical重新上演20世纪30年代的歌舞喜剧.
3.On the Reorganization of the Hankou Chamber of Commerce in 1930s20世纪30年代汉口商会特点论析
4.The Northwest Travel Notes and Northwest Exploitinge in the 1930s;20世纪30年代西北行记与西北开发
5.The Study of Chinese Cultural Debate in the 1930s and Compare with Another Cultural Debate in the 1980s;20世纪30年代中国文化论战研究
6.An Exploring Analysis on Chinese Film Songs of the 1930s;中国20世纪30年代左翼电影歌曲探析
7.A Research into the Living Standards of Farmers in Guangxi duing the Thirties of 20th Century;20世纪30年代广西农民生活水平研究
8.Smuggling Issue in Northeast at the Beginning of 1930s;20世纪30年代初东北的走私问题
9.On American Neutral Policy in 1930s;20世纪30年代美国中立政策研究
10.A Historical Study on the Agricultural Crisis in the Early 1930 s;20世纪30年代农业危机的历史考察
11.The Study of China-centered Culture Debate in the 1930s;20世纪30年代中国本位文化论战研究
12.Study on Sichuan Primary School Teachers Situation in the 1930s;20世纪30年代四川小学教师状况研究
13.Reading Classics in Chinese Department of Sun Yat-sen University in 1930s;20世纪30年代中山大学读经考察
14.Review on High Cooperative Education of China in 1930s;20世纪30年代中国高级合作教育述评
15.Chiang Kai-shek and the Classics Reading Movement in the 1930s;蒋介石与20世纪30年代的读经运动
16.Commitments on the Activity of Esteeming and Sacrifices Confucius in Hunan in 1930 ;20世纪30年代湖南尊孔祀孔活动述论
17.A Survey of Shantou Lottery in the Early 1930s;20世纪30年代初期汕头彩票述略
18.Regional Geological Survey in North-Western of China from 1920s to 1930s;20世纪20~30年代的西北区域地质调查

the 1930s20世纪30年代
1.The Relationship between Chinese Literature and Economy in the 1930s20世纪30年代的中国文学与经济之关系
2.Previous studies on the development and prosperity of Shanghai\'s leisure life in modern times especially in the 1930s have mainly focused on the cause of the Capitalism\'s proactive impetus and Shanghai\'s passive embracement.以往学者常常以资本主义的主动冲击与上海的被迫回应去说明近代特别是20世纪30年代上海休闲生活的生成、发展与繁荣。
3)in the 1920s to 1930s20世纪20-30年代
1.On the educational right of women in the 1920s to 1930s in GuangDong;论20世纪20-30年代广东妇女受教育权
4)1920s and 1930s20世纪20、30年代
1.In the 1920s and 1930s,it was obvious that there existed the translation of the Japanese aestheticism literature in China,which had once brought about a literary movement of imitating the Japanese aestheticism literature,the causes for which are: the influences of the cultural environment;the influences of the environment and that of the Chinese classical literature.20世纪20、30年代日本唯美主义文学在中国曾有过明显的译介,并在中国现代文坛掀起了一股模仿日本唯美主义文学的浪潮。
1.1930s-1940s Women s Occupational Development and Embarrassment in Fujian;20世纪30~40年代福建女性职业的发展与困境
1.Amounts of Land Rental and Grain Output Per Mu in Western Qingpu During the 1930s-1940s;20世纪30-40年代青浦西部的地租额与粮食亩产量

孙云球(17世纪30~60年代)  中国明末清初光学仪器制造家。字文玉,又字泗滨。生于明崇祯(1628~1644)初年,卒于清康熙(1662~1735)初年,终年33岁。吴江(今江苏省吴江县)人,后寓居苏州虎丘。他曾经设计创制"自然晷"来测定时刻。当时眼镜由国外输入,质料为玻璃,以远视眼镜为主,物稀价贵。孙云球就用手工磨制水晶远视眼镜和近视眼镜,是为苏州自制眼镜的开端(苏州是在明末清初我国制造眼镜的重要地方之一)。他又采用"随目对镜"的办法,所以能使患者配到合适的眼镜。他是在磨制凸透镜和凹透镜的基础上,在中国最早制造出望远镜的人。此外,他还创制出存目镜、多面镜、幻容镜、察微镜、放光镜和夜明镜等约70种光学仪器。后人誉之"巧妙不可思议"。他又总结了制造各种光学仪器的经验,写成《镜史》一卷,当时"市场依法制造,各处行之",在中国光学仪器发展史上起过重要作用。《镜史》现已佚失。    参考书目   王锦光:清初仪器制造家孙云球,《科学史集刊》,第5期,科学出版社,北京,1963。