1.The paper takes empresses of Xizhou Dynasty as the object for research,making an over-all study of their deeds recorded in inscriptions on bronzens.本文以西周王后为研究对象,系统考察了金文中记录的西周王后事迹,其范围涉及到政治、经济、军事、王室祭典及生活礼仪等西周国家事务的各个重大方面,与文献记录的周代妇女形象迥异。
2.With Zan Po and Gong Ren coming under Tang Dynasty and residing Liangzhou in 699AD,then followed Cheng Jie and Wei Xian brothers,three generations of the Lun family joined the Tang army and they performed many meritorious deeds in the battlefields,so they got high and prestigious position in Tang Dynasty.本文对唐代凉州论氏家族三代百余年间事迹作了较深入的探讨。

1.A good deed is never lost.好的事迹永不会消失。
2.Many were his exploits in the Holy Land.他在圣地的事迹很多。
3.The hero was asked to make a speech on the flood fight.英雄就抗洪事迹做报告。
4.laudaBle feats可称颂的功绩[杰出事迹]
5.a gallant deed, effort, struggle英勇的事迹、 尝试、 斗争.
6.The stories and claims were born out by the evidence.事迹和要求被证据证实。
7.She felt a deep urge to write about them.她迫切想写他们的事迹
8."...With quiet surroundings, the mind is at peace, But beset with affairs, it grows restless again...."乐幽心屡止, 遵事迹犹遽;
9.They sang the deeds of heroes.他们歌颂英雄们的事迹
10.He sang the deeds of heroes.他歌颂英雄的事迹
11.Continued Investigation of Women Deeds in Sixteen Nations--the Second Investigation of Women Deeds in Sixteen Nations;十六国妇女事迹续考——十六国妇女事迹考之二
12.tall tales of heroic exploits.关于英雄事迹的荒诞不经的故事
13.stirring tales of derring-do讲述英勇事迹的激动人心的故事.
14.long film,story,etc dealing with heroic deeds and exciting adventures叙述英雄事迹和历险的电影、故事等
15.The heroic deeds that thrill humanity through generations were the deeds of little nations fighting for their freedom.世世代代人们津津乐道的英雄事迹乃是小国争取自由的事迹
16.I like to read his Antarctic adventures.我喜欢读他的南极种种的冒险事迹
17.We will never forget their contribution which has touched us deeply.他们的动人事迹,我们永远记在心中。
18.A Study of the Life Story and Martyrdom Story of Shun Kexian and Ge Nunniang孙克咸、葛嫩娘之生平与殉难事迹

life story生平事迹
1.However, his life story is seldom discovered in the historical documents.可是他的生平事迹却很少见诸史料记载。
2.Though Liu Wengang has drawn a relatively detailed outline of Meng Haoran s life story in his book A Chronicle of Meng Haoran s life,published by People s Literature Press,there are still some questions worthy of rediscussing.人民文学出版社版刘文刚《孟浩然年谱》 ,虽然对孟浩然的生平事迹进行了较为具体的勾勒 ,但却存在着不少值得商榷与需重新讨论的问题。
3)using literary quotation with no trace使事无迹
1.His using literary quotation with no trace has been praised by the critics, which mainly due to his skills on using literary quotation and fusing ancient allusions and the feelings at that time together.庾信是南北朝骈赋大家,其骈赋"使事无迹"历来为评家所称赞,这主要得益于他使事用典之技巧以及古典与今情的融会。
4)Women Deeds妇女事迹
1.Continued Investigation of Women Deeds in Sixteen Nations——the Second Investigation of Women Deeds in Sixteen Nations;十六国妇女事迹续考——十六国妇女事迹考之二
5)the exemplary deeds模范事迹
6)story of the Empire of Zhou周公事迹

事迹【事迹】 (杂语)古人经历之事实踪迹也。四教仪集注上曰:“垂化事迹。”