1.Thucydides: Writing Process and Aims of Narrative;修昔底德的写作过程和叙事目的
2.Thucydides Rational History Construction;修昔底德的理性历史建构

1.The Ideas on Progression of History in Thucydides Archaeology;从《考古学》篇看修昔底德的历史思想
2.Classical Rhetoric and History:On Thucydides;西方古典修辞学与史学——以修昔底德为例
3.On Description about Edict of God in the Works of Herodotos and Thucydides关于希罗多德与修昔底德作品中对神谕的描述
4.“The case of Hermes statue” and the Historical Thoughts of Thucydides“赫尔墨斯神像案”与修昔底德的史学思想
5.The Contrast of the Funeral Orations in the Thucydides′ and Plato′ Works;修昔底德与柏拉图著作中的葬礼演说之比较
6.Varieties of Realism:Thucydides and Machiavelli现实主义的多样性:修昔底德和马基雅维里
7.Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography.希罗多德与修昔底德是西方史学史上两位里程碑式的人物。
8.An Elementary Analysis on the Rational Spirit of Greek Classical History--Taking Herodatus and Thucydides as Example;浅谈希腊古典史学的理性精神——以希罗多德、修昔底德为例
9."Internal disorder" is the direct answer provided by Thucydides, an answer far from superficial yet still limited.对此,修昔底德直接提出了内争这一远非肤浅但仍有限的答案。
10.The Melians attempted to persuade the Athenians to leave them alone. According to Thucydides, the Athenians would have none of it.米洛斯岛人试图说服雅典人离去。根据修昔底德所讲,雅典人不同意。
11.The Narrative Strategy and the Politics after the Expedition to Sicily:A Commentary on Book Eight of Thucydides History;西西里远征之后的叙事策略与政治——修昔底德《战争志》第8卷释义
12.The Influence of Narrative Theory on the Studies of History--A Case of Thucydides s Writing Strategy;叙事理论对历史研究的影响——以修昔底德的写作策略为例
13.The Reviews of Justice of Thucydides--Based on History of the Peloponnesian War as a History Book of Political Thought;修昔底德的正义论——对《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》的一种政治思想史读法
14.Humanism Dawn in the Mythic Atmosphere--Analysis on Thucydides’ Outlook of History神话迷雾中的人本主义曙光——解读修昔底德的历史观
15.Nonetheless, Thucydides does pay a great deal of attention to the differing characters of Athens and Sparta.虽然如此,修昔底德还是对雅典和斯巴达的不同特点给予了大量的关注。
16.The Spartans on the other hand possessed the qualities of piety and moderation, for which Thucydides praised them.在另一方面,斯巴达人拥有了忠诚和容忍的品质,修昔底德赞扬了他们的这些品质。
17.But as the Hudson Building was the glory of Detroit, no one was willing to press the button to destroy the building.但由于哈德逊大厦是底特律昔日的荣耀,因此谁都不愿启动引爆器,亲手摧毁这座建筑物。
18.Seychelles-Mauritius Plateau塞昔尔-模里西斯海底高原

1.To Explore Preliminarily Thucydides Thought of Peace;修昔底德斯和平思想初探
3)Muhammad Shaybānī穆罕默德·昔班尼
1.In the early of the sixteenth century, the Uzbeks Muhammad Shaybānī assembled and led his steppe tribesmen south from Kipchak steppes.乌兹别克人穆罕默德·昔班尼于16世纪初期率其部民从钦察草原南下,在中亚建立了昔班尼王朝。
4)medical morality base line医德底线
1.That sparkplugs and cognizances caution of medical morality base line is a realistic proposition that to spurn mammonism phenomenon filters medical service industry and enhances diathesis of medical affairs personnel.倡导和界定医德底线的警示作用,是摒弃拜金现象渗入医疗服务行业,进而提高医务人员人格素质的一个现实命题。
5)minimal limit"education德育"底线"
6)Baseline of Morality道德底线
1.Baseline of Morality Is the Base of Moral Construction;加强道德建设应从“道德底线”抓起——学习十六大报告的体会
