1.On the Origin and Development of the Tibetan Tribe, Wangshidaihai, Consisting of 18 Smaller Tribes;汪什代海十八部落源流浅谈
2.The Origin and Evolution of Qinghai Mongolian Tribe青海蒙古族部落的溯源与演变特征
3.The issue of tribes has long been a troublesome problem for the rulers,historians and sociologists in Middle Eastern history.部落问题,是中东历史上一直困扰着统治者、历史学家以及社会学家的一个问题。

1.To cause to lose tribal membership and customs.使脱离部落使失去部落成员资格和部落传统
2.the aBsorption of smaller triBes兼并(吸收)小部落
3.tribal customs (legends)部落的风俗(传说)
4.tribal loyalties, dances, gods, wars对部落的效忠、 部落的舞蹈、 部落崇拜的神只、 部落之间的战争.
5.relating to or characteristic of a tribe.关于部落的,或有部落的特征的。
6.a federation of tribes (especially native American tribes).部落的联合(尤指本土美洲部落)。
7.Distinctive tribal tattoos.一部落与他部落相区别的纹身
8.distinctive tribal tattoos.See Usage Note atdistinct一部落与他部落相区别的纹身参见
9.The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.部落主义部落的组织、文化或信仰
10.A nomadic Mongol tribe.游牧部落游牧的蒙古部落
11.A man who is a member of one's own tribe.部落男子某一部落的男性成员
12.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a tribe.部落的,宗族的属于或关于部落的,或有部落的特征的
13.it is, however, not an impossibility that the core of each of the three tribes was a genuine old tribe.也可能,有一个真正的老部落作了三个部落中每一个部落的核心。
14.someone who lives in a tribe.生活在一个部落的人。
15.a tribe threatened by/with extinction受到绝种威胁的部落.
16.sons of the tribe going out to hunt部落中外出打猎的男人
17.Prime of Life (Vigorous Tribe)金色年华(动感部落
18.primitive culture, customs, tribes原始文化、 习俗、 部落

backnard tribes落后部落
3)part collapse局部塌落
4)dropping of components部件脱落
5)Final population终结部落
6)Tibetan tribe藏族部落
1.There were four kinds of the ownership of grasslands in Anduo Tibetan tribe before the democratic reform.民主改革前安多藏族部落草山权属有部落公有、土司占有制、寺庙占有制和私人占有制四种形式。
