1.Manchu Character Recognition Post-Processing Based on Bayes Rules and Substitution Set Confusion Matrix;基于贝斯准则和待定词集模糊矩阵的满文识别后处理
2.Realization of Language Interconversion Algorithm Between Roman-Manchu and Primitive Manchu;满文罗马转写与圈点满文转换算法的实现
3.Implementation of Vector Database of Original Manchu Characters and Manchu/Roman Characters Transform Inputting;满文矢量字库和罗马转写满文输入法的实现

1.A Research on the Relationship between the Han Nationalities Culture and the Manchu Culture in Current Manchu Shamanism;当代满族萨满信仰习俗中的汉满文化关系研究
2.Saman and Its Cultures Continued Orally;萨满与口承文化——萨满文化在口承史诗中的遗存
3.Relationship Between Manchu-Mongol and Chinese Versions of Qing Taizu Shilu(Chronicles of Taizu,Qing Emperor)满文蒙古文和汉文《清太祖实录》之间的关系
4.Huangtaiji s Cultural Contribution:Consolidating the Manchu Culture and Assimilating the Han Culture;皇太极的文化贡献:巩固满文化与吸收汉文化
5.Tibetan Buddhist Paintings in Manchu Kanjur - With Simultaneous Discussion of Manchu Alikali in Deity Titles;《满文大藏经》藏传佛教绘画——兼及尊神名号中的满文阿礼嘎礼字
6.His pages are crowded with literary allusions.他的诗文满是文学典故。
7.Manchu Words Remained in Texts of Contemporary Manchu Spoken Literature;当代满族口头文学文本中保留的满语
8.of or relating to or characteristic of Manchuria or its people or their culture.属于或关于满族、满族人、满族文化,或有其特点的。
9.The extended attribute table file is full.扩展属性表格文件已满。
10.expired provision有效期已届满的条文
11.The event log file is full.事件日志文件已满。
12.a passage full of ornate and flowery language.充满华丽语言的文章。
13.He got full marks (ie the highest marks possible) for his essay.他的文章得了满分.
14.Are the younger Chinese-language teachers up to the mark?对年轻华文老师的语文程度满意吗?
15.a philosophical essay full of obscurities充满晦涩文字的哲学文章.
16.Literature in Puppet Manchou State and“Art and Literature Record” periodicals《艺文志》杂志与伪满洲国时期的文学
17.Develop Cultural Industries and Satisfy Consumers Cultural Needs;大力发展文化产业满足文化消费需求
18.The folk belief of Manchu is the main component of Manchu folk literature.满族民间信仰是满族民俗文化的重要组成部分。

Manchu scripts满文
3)Manchu language满文
1.To optimize the recognition accuracy rate of handwritten Manchu character, the Manchu language knowledge base based on rule and statistics is presented, which is mainly constructed by corpus with the rules aided.为提高手写满文的整体文本识别率,基于规则和统计的方法提出以构建语料为主、规则为辅的满文语言知识库,并将其他应用于满文手写体字符识别结果中候选字的后验概率统计中。
2.Having experienced the process of creation, reform, perfection and decline, Manchu language has now become an ancient language.满文经历了创制、改革、完善、衰落,如今成为一种古文字。
4)Manchu literatures满文文献
1.Introduction to Manchu Literatures in Dalian Library;大连图书馆馆藏满文文献概述
5)Manchu culture满族文化
1.Discipline of History in Jilin Normal University is made of Manchu Culture Research Base,which is chief research base of the Social Science,and the key discipline of specialized history in Jilin Province.吉林师范大学历史学科主要由一个省社科重点基地——满族文化研究基地和一个省重点学科——专门史学科组成,如今已形成三个特色鲜明的研究方向,即满族与东北边疆历史文化研究;高句丽、渤海与东北边疆历史文化研究;中国思想文化、中国近现代移民史等方面的基础性研究。
2.The article mainly introduces the generation and development of Manchu culture,states the impact of Shamanism culture on Northeast Asia points out the tremendous contribution of Manchu culture to the Chinese national culture.文章介绍了满族文化产生与发展的过程,并阐述了萨满文化对东北亚的影响,指出满族文化对中华民族文化作出了巨大贡献。
3.This article mainly discusses the significance of developing Manchu culture traveling and analyzes the present conditions and problems during the development of Manchu culture in Heilongjiang Province.本文主要探讨了满族文化旅游开发的意义,分析了黑龙江省在满族文化旅游开发过程中的现实状况与存在的问题,并尝试构建黑龙江省满族文化旅游开发的模式。
6)Manchu alphabet满文字母
