1.ON the unification of Marxism s nationalization and its globalization;论马克思主义民族化与世界化的统一
2.During its globalization,Chinese advanced culture will go to the world and melt into the big world culture.在这个过程中 ,整个出版业将在WTO环境中推进 ,编辑过程将发生变革 ,编辑角色和出版理念世界化
3.Editor s note:?How will Chinese literature fare against the challenge posed by globalization? Ge Hong-bin discussed this question and published relevant article in May 22nd issue of Wen Hui Bao,which has caused heated debate and discussion among readers and other newspapers and journals.葛红兵就“中国经验的世界化”、“世界经验的中国化”问题进行了讨论,提出了建立“生成论”文学发展观的观点,该观点在读者中引起了重视,《文汇报》等报刊就此展开了争鸣,目前争鸣尚在进行之中。

1.Philosophicalization of the World and Globalization of Philosophy;读解"世界的哲学化同时也就是哲学的世界化
2.World Day for Cultural Development (Day of All the World's Cultures)世界文化发展日(世界一切文化日)
3.Day of All the World's Cultures (World Day for Cultural Development)世界一切文化日(世界文化发展日)
4.Ours is a changing world .我们的世界是一个变化的世界。
5.Today's world is a rapidly changing one.当今世界是一个快速变化的世界。
6.5. Rebellion is the way to change the old world into a new world.5.反叛,是旧世界向新世界转化的途径。
7.Forum mondiale des GPL世界液化石油气论坛
8.World LP Gas Association (WLPGA)世界液化石油气协会
9.World Fund for the Protection of Indigenous Cultures保护土著文化世界基金
10.The world should be the multi-polar one.世界应该是多极化的
11.a study of the pastness of the present and...of the presentness of the past- R.E.Spiller.现在的世界变化很快。
12.World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (WATOC)世界理论化学家协会
13.the shoreward tendency of the current; the trend of the stock market.世界有多元化的倾向。
14.Welcome to @Countries of the World@.欢迎来到“世界文化”。
15.Programme of the World Decade for Cultural Development世界文化发展十年方案
16.Commission mondiale de la culture et du developpement世界文化和发展委员会
17.World Conference on Culture and Development世界文化与发展会议
18.World Report on Culture and Development世界文化和发展报告

1.On the internationalization and nationalization of the cultural development in the global context;全球化背景下文化发展的世界化和民族化
2.This paper explores the internationalization of sinology from the five stages of development: the initial stage,the new era,recent period,modern period and the present age of internationalization of sinology.汉学世界化进程可分五个阶段:"国学"走出国门在东北亚和东南亚传播,汉学世界化起步;16~17世纪之交,以儒学为核心的"东学西渐"标示汉学世界化进入中古期;19世纪中叶英国传教士东来翻译中国典籍和设立汉学讲座标志汉学世界化进程进入近代期;第二次世界大战后西方研究中国学术的中心从欧洲转移到美国,汉学世界化进程进入现代期;"孔子学院"遍及各大洲,汉学世界化进程加速,进入当代期。
1.Cosmopolitanism is the fundamental idea of cosmopolitanization,because of its actuality and.世界主义是世界化的基本观念,世界化以其鲜明的现实性和人类性成为超越全球化的有益方向。
2.The development of Chinese literature experienced from non-consciousness to consciousness in the process of gradual cosmopolitanization.中国文学的演变经历了一个由非自觉到自觉的逐步世界化的过程。
3.The guiding tradition in modern Chinese literature is composed of the following aspects: its foundation stone is the literary nationality, its moving law is nationalization and its precondition is literary cosmopolitan, its moving system is cosmopolitanization as well as the interaction between nationalization and cosmopolitanization.以文学民族性为基石、以民族化为动态规律和以文学世界性为前提、以世界化为运作机制 ,民族化与世界化相互变奏 ,成为现代中国文学的制导性传
4)world man-made fiber世界化纤
5)cultural world文化世界
1.To be concrete,at the beginning it was the discovery of mass media as a cultural world,then as a power world,then as a textual world,and finally a game world.具体来说,最初是对于大众传媒作为文化世界的发现;继而,是对于大众传媒作为权力世界的发现;然后,是对于大众传媒作为文本世界的发现;最后,是对于大众传媒作为游戏世界的发现,它意味着文化世界、权力世界、文本世界的消解,也意味着全新的传媒世界的即将莅临。
2.The cultural world of Cassirer contains multiple connotations,which has the human world as the starting point of its analysis,and carries out the analysis with the adoption of the symbolic world.卡西尔的文化世界具有多重内涵,它以人的世界作为分析的起点,以符号分析作为方法,以文化世界作为分析的结论,以意义世界和人文世界作为文化世界中的应有之义,从而折射出人的多样而又统一的存在样式。
3.ZHU Xi s cultural world is a organic entity which include three levels of learning,politics and living.朱熹的文化世界,是一个包括了学、政、俗三个层面的生命统一体。
6)world culture世界文化
1.Grasping development trend of the world culture and seeking ways for domestic progress;把握世界文化发展趋势 寻求中国文化发展对策
2.The living way of digitalization and network supported by modern information technique has laid a foundation for conformity and emergence of world culture.现代信息技术所支撑的数字化和网络化生存方式为全球文化整合和世界文化的产生奠定了基础。
3.This paper sets forth in some detail the contents of a proposed set of courses dealing with world cultures, and suggests how these courses might be implemented in common by universities around the world in cooperation with international communication media.就世界文化课程内容的具体设置,及联合大学与传媒以更好地实现课程积极目标等诸问题进行探讨。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理