1.Cultural dissemination and the legendary tale of Yu in Shandong;文化播迁与山东境内大禹传说探析

1.There is a legend that..有一个传说,说是…。
2."History become legend, legend become myth...""历史流传成了传说,传说流传成了神话.."
3.A collection or body of legends.传说,传奇,传奇故事传奇故事集或传说本身
4.Celebrated in legend.传奇的传说中有名的
5.Gensou Suikoden Card Stories幻想水浒传-卡片传说
6.popular tradition民间传说,民间传统
7.On the Interaction between the Folklore and Legend of Saints with Respect to Immortalization of Ho Hsien-ku;从何仙姑传说看宗教传说与民间传说的互动
8.tribal customs (legends)部落的风俗(传说
9.Explain Stream Of Consciousness in The Animation Film Legend From The Tradition;解读动画《传说中的传说》里的意识流
10.Tang s Legend "the story of Liuyi"under the influence of the fairyland;论仙乡传说对唐传奇《柳毅传》的影响
11.According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway,根据冰岛和挪威的传说
12.The legend springs from ancient China.这传说来自古代的中国。
13.These legends are useful,这些传说是很有用的,
14.So goes the legend of the horn.这就是号角的传说
15.which praise the hare for traveling swifter传说中野兔跑得更快,
16.Tales of the World Narikiri Dungeo传说世界-换装迷宫
17.It is said that Sun Liang had silver-white hair and a long beard.传说中的孙良白发银须,
18.Robin Hood is a mythical hero.罗宾汉是传说中的英雄。

1.On the Totems and Legends of Wax Printing In Guizhou Province;解读贵州蜡染服饰图腾及其传说
2.A New Probe into the Legends of Mt.Sanshen and Xu Fu s Eastward Voyage;三神山及徐福东渡传说新探
3.The legends about Nuo god and goddess can be divided into two types:"the type of cattle herdsman worship man s head"and"the type of flooding disasters-brother marrying sister".有关傩公傩母的传说大致可分为两个类型:放牛娃供奉人头型;洪水—兄妹婚型。
3)White Snake Legend白蛇传传说
1.The golden name card of Zhenjiang,a gorgeous city——My humble view of the protection project of the "White Snake Legend";神韵镇江的烫金名片——刍议“白蛇传传说”保护工程
5)legendary stories传说故事
1.Those legendary stories are mainly about Bao gong s judging of law cases,taking the form of a kind of popular entertainment consisting of talking and singing.伴随传说故事的发展 ,包公铁面无私、执法如山的艺术形象逐渐形成。
6)Shuo Wen Xi Zhuan说文系传
