1.A New Thought on Excavation and Restoration of Jiankang City in the Six Dynasties Period;六朝建康城的发掘与复原新思路
2)Jian Kang建康
1.The author will study Jian Kang’s warehouses as a center of study and make some study of warehouse’s type, distribution and influence in the article.六朝时期建康的仓库分布颇广,按其经营性质划分,主要可以分为两种类型一为由官府设置之官仓;二为非官府设置之民仓。
2.According to historical data, this article made a simple discussion on the climate、water、natural disasters、ecological、social development and some other aspects of Jian Kang in the Six Dynasties .本文依据史料,对六朝建康的气候、水文、灾害、生态建设及其与社会发展的关系诸方面作了浅显的讨论。
3)healthy building健康建筑
1.This text introduces the concept of the healthy building in the sports facility.今年春季SARS肆虐全国,健康问题倍受人们的关注,本文将健康建筑概念引入到体育设施中,在阐释健康型体育馆的内涵与意义的基础上,结合体育建筑设计特点,提出实现健康型体育馆的设计策
2.Defines the healthy building and the sick building, analyses the influencing factors of architectural design, building management, ventilation, filtration of dust and bacteria, duct and piping maintenance etc.提出了健康建筑和病态建筑的定义,分析了建筑设计、建筑物的运行管理、通风、尘菌过滤、管道维护等因素对室内空气品质以至对病态建筑形成的影响,讨论了空调系统在病态建筑中,包括室内环境参数、新风量、空调系统调节与管理等方面的特征表现。
3.The defination about healthy building and unhealthy building is given out,and the standard of healthy building.给出了健康建筑和有病建筑的定义,提出了健康建筑的标准、实施办法及应开展的几项工作。
4)Jiankang Shilu《建康实录》
1.Jiankang Shilu written by XuSong during the Tang Dynasty, is a significant ancient record of historical facts of over four hundred years, the Six Dynasties, namely, the Sun Wu Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Qi Dynasty, the Liang Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty.唐代许嵩所撰《建康实录》是一部记述孙吴、东晋、宋、齐、梁、陈六朝四百年史事的重要典籍。

1.About Some Problems in Jian Kang Shi Lu(Events of Jian Kang) Proofread 11th Edition;校点本《建康实录》卷十一商榷及思考
2.The Introduction and Application of the Index System for the Construction Quality of Healthy Housings健康住宅建设指标体系的建立与实施
3.Are you sure you wish to delete and rebuild this Full-Text Catalog?确实要删除并重建该全文目录吗?
4.Are you sure you wish to delete your Full-Text Catalogs and rebuild them?确实要删除全文目录并重建它们吗?
5.(II) Exercise daily fire prevention patrol and set up patrol record;(二)实行每日防火巡查,并建立巡查记录;
6.Create, test, and document the lab restore process创建、测试和记录实验室恢复过程
7.The Historial Material Relating to Fujian in the Factual Record of Qing Emperor Xuan Zong;《清宣宗实录》福建省史料及其价值
8.Construction and Practical Application of the Fault Recorder Information System故障录波信息系统的构建与实际应用
9.The Historial Material Relating to Fujian in the Factual Record of Qing Emperor De Zong《德宗景皇帝实录》福建史料及其价值
10.Aerial-City:The Study Record of High-rise Buildings’ Design天空城市——高层建筑设计学习实录
11.Zhu Yuanzhang's Abandonment of His Mid Capital and the Secrets behind Mingtaizu Shilu朱元璋罢建中都与《明太祖实录》的隐讳
12.Establishment and implementation of individualized rehabilitation system for hearing-impaired children;聋儿康复教育中个别化康复系统的构建与实践
13.A Well-off Society in the Countryside is the Key tothe Construction of a Well-off Society in a Fully Rounded Way;农村实现小康是全面建设小康社会的关键
14.Social Ensurance and All-round Construction of Well-off Society --Interview with Prof. Deng Wei-zhi, the Famous Sociologist;社会保障与全面建设小康社会——著名社会学家邓伟志教授访谈录
15.In order to achieve the strategic goal of building the well-being society in China,为实现全面建设小康社会的战略目标,
16.They offer healthy and practical advice on slowing down.他们提出健康实用的建议,适当放缓。
17.How Implementing Strategy of Talents for Building A Well-off Society across the Country全面建设小康社会如何实施人才战略
18.On How to Turn Beizaoxian Township into a Well-off Society;北早现乡小康社会建设的实证性研究

Jian Kang建康
1.The author will study Jian Kang’s warehouses as a center of study and make some study of warehouse’s type, distribution and influence in the article.六朝时期建康的仓库分布颇广,按其经营性质划分,主要可以分为两种类型一为由官府设置之官仓;二为非官府设置之民仓。
2.According to historical data, this article made a simple discussion on the climate、water、natural disasters、ecological、social development and some other aspects of Jian Kang in the Six Dynasties .本文依据史料,对六朝建康的气候、水文、灾害、生态建设及其与社会发展的关系诸方面作了浅显的讨论。
3)healthy building健康建筑
1.This text introduces the concept of the healthy building in the sports facility.今年春季SARS肆虐全国,健康问题倍受人们的关注,本文将健康建筑概念引入到体育设施中,在阐释健康型体育馆的内涵与意义的基础上,结合体育建筑设计特点,提出实现健康型体育馆的设计策
2.Defines the healthy building and the sick building, analyses the influencing factors of architectural design, building management, ventilation, filtration of dust and bacteria, duct and piping maintenance etc.提出了健康建筑和病态建筑的定义,分析了建筑设计、建筑物的运行管理、通风、尘菌过滤、管道维护等因素对室内空气品质以至对病态建筑形成的影响,讨论了空调系统在病态建筑中,包括室内环境参数、新风量、空调系统调节与管理等方面的特征表现。
3.The defination about healthy building and unhealthy building is given out,and the standard of healthy building.给出了健康建筑和有病建筑的定义,提出了健康建筑的标准、实施办法及应开展的几项工作。
4)Jiankang Shilu《建康实录》
1.Jiankang Shilu written by XuSong during the Tang Dynasty, is a significant ancient record of historical facts of over four hundred years, the Six Dynasties, namely, the Sun Wu Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Qi Dynasty, the Liang Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty.唐代许嵩所撰《建康实录》是一部记述孙吴、东晋、宋、齐、梁、陈六朝四百年史事的重要典籍。
5)Jian Kang City建康城
1.Review and Prospect for Archaeological Excavation of Relics of Jian Kang City During Six Dynasties;六朝建康城遗址考古发掘的回顾与展望
2.Role of the Jian Kang City in the Six Dynasties;略论六朝时期建康城的作用
6)healthy construction健康构建

建康建康中国三国吴,东晋,南朝宋、齐、梁、陈的国都,为六朝政治、经济、文化中心。故城在今江苏南京市。原名金陵。秦代称秣陵。东汉建安十七年(212),孙权在此筑石头城,改称建业。西晋统一,仍名秣陵。太康三年(282),分秣陵北另置建邺县。后避愍帝司马邺讳更名建康。东晋南朝相承不改。建安十三年,诸葛亮出使江东,建议孙权以此为都。城周20余里。东傍钟山,南枕秦淮,西倚大江,北临后湖(玄武湖),处天然屏障之内。东晋南朝沿以为都,分置建康、秣陵2县,城区范围扩为东西南北各40里。中心为宫城(台城),四周都屯有重兵。地居形胜,守卫坚固。秦淮河上游有破冈渎东接江南运河,以通吴会。秦淮河两岸手工业作坊和商业廛肆星罗棋布。物资充足,交通便利。建康还是六朝文化中心。东晋时期,达官贵族云集于此,谈玄论道。南齐竟陵王萧子良在鸡笼山开“西邸”,广延名士高僧,研讨文化异同。萧统的《文选 》、刘勰的《文心雕龙》以及范缜的《神灭论》等名著,都是在这里完成的。孙吴时期,佛教已传到建业。南朝建康寺院建筑金碧辉煌,壁画光彩夺目,雕塑精美生动。繁华时的建康,人口达28万户。梁末侯景之乱,人口大量散亡,始呈萧条景象。陈时又加修葺。开皇九年(589),隋兵灭陈,除石头城外,把建康所有宫苑城池夷为平地。建康从此毁灭。南朝旧都建康(今江苏南京)古城墙