1)Fichte[英]['fikt?][美]['f?kt?, 'f?ū-]费希特
1.What Is the Vocation of Scholars——A Study of Fichte s On the Vocation of Scholars;学者的使命是什么——费希特《论学者的使命》研读
2.I can not walk out——Enlightenment of Lost of Descartes and Fichte s Philosophy;走不出的“我”——笛卡尔与费希特哲学迷失的启示
3.Fichte s View on the Relationship between Teachers and Students in Universities on the Basis of Human Theory;费希特论大学师生关系的人学基础

1.Freedom and Action:The Theme and Feature of Fichte s Philosophy;自由与行动:费希特哲学的主题与特色
2.Fichte s and“Scholar s Mission ” Student Training Views;费希特《论学者的使命》与学生培养
3.The Real Character of Human Is the Hope to the Future;“人类的真正特点在于对未来的希望……”——费希特《论学者的使命》阅读札记
4.Fichte My shit is even more idealistic than Kant's shit.费希特:我的大便比康德的大便更要理想化。
5.A Study on Fichte s Activity Ethics Based on Freedom;费希特以自由为原则的行动伦理学研究
6.What Is the Vocation of Scholars--A Study of Fichte s On the Vocation of Scholars;学者的使命是什么——费希特《论学者的使命》研读
7.I can not walk out--Enlightenment of Lost of Descartes and Fichte s Philosophy;走不出的“我”——笛卡尔与费希特哲学迷失的启示
8.The animadversion of Fichte s emprise dialectic on Kant s intellectuality dialectic;费希特“行动辩证法”对康德“知性辩证法”的批判
9.Fichte s Thought on Scholars Mission and Its Enlightment on College Teachers;费希特的学者使命思想及其对当代大学教师的启示
10.To Shoulder up the Sacred Responsibility of Vitalizing the Nation--Thinking Provoked by Fichte.J.G s "Mission of Scholars;担负起民族振兴的神圣职责——费希特关于“学者的使命”引发的思考
11.Fichte and Schelling --the evolution of the principle of self-consciousness from after Kant;费希特与谢林——自我意识原则在康德之后的演变及发展
12.Fichte s Theory of University and its Influence on the Reform of German Universities in the early 19th Century;费希特的大学论及其对19世纪初期德国大学改革的影响
13.The Spread and Impact of Fichte's Nationalistic Idea in China in 1920s and 1930s费希特民族主义思想在20、30年代中国思想界的传播和影响
14.The Introduction of Johann Gottlieb Fichte’s Nationalist Thought after the September Eighteenth Incident and Its Influences“九·一八”事变后费希特民族主义思想的系统传入与影响
15.fischer tropsch process费希尔 特罗普希法
16.Hitler put the blame for Hess's flight to England on the corrupting influence of Professor Haushofer.希特勒把赫斯的飞英归咎于豪斯霍费尔教授的坏影响。
17.Nevertheless the Reich Marshal drafted his telegram to Hitler with great care.但是这位帝国元帅还是煞费脑筋地起草了一份给希特勒的电报。
18.Particular Charges特别费用单独费用特别费用特别费用

3)Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762~1814)费希特,J.G.
4)fischer tropsch process费希尔 特罗普希法
5)Fee Wish's knowledge Study浅谈费希特知识学
6)Fichte's nationalistic idea费希特民族主义思想
