1.Characteristics of Genealogy and Its Exploitation;谱牒的特征及其开发利用
2.Study on the Chinese ink merchants of Huizhou with a genealogy;从谱牒史料谈徽州墨商的几个问题——以光绪戊戌环川《(璁公房修)詹氏支谱》为中心

1.The Function of Hainan s Old Genealogical Table and the Ungovernmental Standing in the Compiling of the New One;海南旧谱牒的功能和新谱牒纂修中的民间立场
2.The genealogy of his family was reduced to ashes in the fire.他家的谱牒已在一次大火中化为灰烬。
3.The Development of Genealogy Resources vs Its Economic and Cultural Significance;谱牒资源开发的经济与文化意义研究
4.The Genealogy--the Family Archives in the Southern and Northern Dynasties;谱牒——魏晋南北朝时期的家族档案
5.View on the Relation between the Manchu Shamanism and Fete from among Eight Banners Genealogy;从八旗谱牒看满族萨满教与祭祀的关系
6.On Sayyid Omer Shams al-Din s Genealogies and Tablets;关于赛典赤·赡思丁身世事迹的碑志谱牒
7.The Social Enlightening Effect of the Huizhou Family Doctrines从徽州谱牒中的族规家训看其社会教化效应
8.To Deliver the Trust with Trust and to Doubt with Doubt--A Talk on the Meaning and the Limitations of the Genealogical Documents as the Historical Materials of the Research信以传信,疑以传疑——浅谈谱牒文献作为研究史料的意义与局限性
9.The Civil Dispute and lawsuit during the Ming and Qing Dynasties from Huizhou genealogies and contracts;从明清徽州谱牒与文书看当时社会的民间纠纷与诉讼
10.Sofeier Coming into Song Dynasty and Sayyid Ajall Omer Shams al-Din Obeying to Yuan Dynasty--The Comparative Research of Family Trees and Historical Records;所非尔入宋与赛典赤归元考略——谱牒与史志记载的比较研究
11.On the Social and Cultural Value of Genealogy Literature寻根问祖,薪火相传——从文化寻根思潮探析谱牒文献的社会文化价值
12.The Historical and Cultural Value of Civil Genealogy:An Initial Investigation of Tianzhu County Located in Downstream Qingshui River民间谱牒的历史价值——对清水江下游天柱县的考察
13.The errors in data from pedigree of a clan were caused by the following causes:a) owing to chaos in war,family genealogical tree scattered and disappeared that led to fault;族谱资料的误差是由以下原因所造成 :(1)由于战乱 ,谱牒散失 ,造成失误 ;
14.Study on the Chinese ink merchants of Huizhou with a genealogy;从谱牒史料谈徽州墨商的几个问题——以光绪戊戌环川《(璁公房修)詹氏支谱》为中心
15.In the Tang and Song dynasties, "Lang Ming" prevailed in Han nationality.本文从史料的考证出发,结合对谱牒资料的分析,提出“郎名”系由数字名转化而来。
16.The Yuan family s political ups-and-downs and changes of native places between the Han and Tang dynasties;汉唐之间袁氏的政治沉浮与籍贯更迭——谱牒与中古史研究的一个例证
17.Ancestral Temple,Genealogy and Organization--An Analysis upon Chen Clan in Chen Village by Means of Sociology;家庙、谱牒与组织——在社会学视野中对陈氏太极拳发源地陈家沟陈氏宗族的一种解析
18.Origin and Development of Family Name of Ye in Huizhou:On Relationship between Regional Family Name Study and Chinese Family Name Study,Family History and Genealogy徽州叶姓的源流——兼论区域姓氏研究与中华姓氏学、宗族史、谱牒学的关系

references of family tree谱牒资料
1.In this paper the author analyzes the social and cultural value of the references of family trees.随着谱牒研究重新成为文化研究热点,搞好谱牒资料的开发利用工作成为当前的紧迫任务,而如何正确、全面地认识谱牒资料的价值则是开发利用工作的首要前提和基础。
3)Eight Banners genealogy八旗谱牒
1.The paper studied the relation between the Manchu shamanism and fete through Eight Banners genealogy.本文运用八旗谱牒资料,对萨满教与祭祀之间的关系展开研究。
5)Huizhou genealogy徽州谱牒
1.Huizhou genealogy is an important component of Chinese genealogy.徽州谱牒是中国谱牒的重要组成部分。
6)Family-lineage records谱牒档案
