1.Brief analysis of the Ming Dynasty Yanzhou woman chastity phenomenon;明代兖州地区妇女贞节现象透视
2.Study of female chastity in "Three Stories" and "Amazing Stories;“三言”“二拍”女性贞节观的还原考察
3.Chastity and Affection as Reflected in Nihuaben Novels in Late Ming Dynasty;明末拟话本小说中的贞节与情爱

1.It is not always for virtue's sake that women are virtuous.女人并非老是为贞节之故而贞节的。
2.Jack: The Virgin Cliffs. Nice name for a Virtuous mission.贞女崖?这名字跟“贞节行动”倒很配。
3.Rosemary is emblematic of constancy.迷迭香是贞节的象征。
4.Women are not virtuous but they have given us the idea of virtue .女人并不贞节,但她们把贞节的观念给了我们。
5.Chaste women are often proud and forward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity.贞节的妇人往往骄傲不逊,一若她们是自恃贞节也者。
6.Reconstruction of Historical Evolution of the Notion of Chastity: Increasing Influence of the Notion of Chastity from Han to Tang Dynasty;贞节观念历史演进轨迹的重构——汉唐间贞节观念的不断加强
7.She is chastity personified.她是贞节的化身 [活生生的例子] 。
8.Jack: Virtuous mission? Sounds like some kind initiation ritual.贞节任务”?听起来好像是某种开场仪式。
9.Analysis of Women s Chastity View in Yuan Dynasty Through Biographies of Chaste Female in the History of Yuan Dynasty;从《元史·列女传》析元代妇女的贞节
10.On Chinese Ancient Chastity: A Criterion not Only for the Female;中国古代的贞节:并非仅对女性的规范
11.Study of female chastity in "Three Stories" and "Amazing Stories;“三言”“二拍”女性贞节观的还原考察
12.The Value of Chastity--"Death by Starvation is Preferable to Loss of Chastity" and the Social Position of Women in Song Dynasty“饿死事小,失节事大”的贞节观与宋朝妇女地位
13.Was once lost always lost really true of chastity of a woman?女人的贞节,真是一次失去了,就永远失去了吗?
14.A wit should be no more sincere than a woman constant.急智者应该同女人的不贞节一样不诚实。
15.There are few virtuous women who do not tire of their role.贞节之妇人而不厌倦其所扮演之角色者鲜矣。
16.There be few virtuous women who do not tire of their role .贞节之妇女而不厌倦其所扮演之角色者鲜矣。
17.On the Evolution of the Concept of Women s Chastity by Terms of the Legendary Drama in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty;论明末清初传奇戏曲中妇女贞节观念的嬗变
18.The Feminine Views in Guizhou on Chasteness in Sinanfu Xuzhi during the Daoguang Reign in the Qing Dynasty;从道光《思南府续志》看清代贵州妇女的贞节

1.In the research of marriage and womens culture in China, Book of Change (Yi Jing) is an invaluable literature revealing mans superiority, the early ideas of virginity, parents decided marriage, marriage age and date, the wife joining the family of her husband, and the sharing of a husband. 研究中国婚姻史、妇女文化史,《易经》是上古时期不可多得的一部文献,其中反映了妻从夫居、男尊女卑、多女共夫、婚姻不自由、贞节萌芽、婚龄、婚期、男主外女主内等现象。
3)chastity idea贞节观念
1.In the period of Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties,while the private family system taking the father right as the center substituted the system taking the blood relation between mother and child,the chastity idea appeared.夏商周时代,在以父权为中心的私有制家庭取代以母子血缘为核心的自然形态的过程中,贞节观念产生了。
2.The ruling circles and the outstanding person social stratum realized that the strict chastity idea was important,so that female′s chastity was repeatedly stressed.魏晋南北朝是个乱世时代,统治阶层和精英阶层,都意识到肃严贞节观念的重要性,女子的贞节被反复强调,并出现了女子由守节到开始殉烈的趋向。
3.This text attempts to regard the phenomena of these loyal woman ,chaste girl as the research object, explore women s chastity idea of Ming Dynasty, analyse the inherent reason behind this phenomenon.本文试图以这些贞妇、贞女的守节现象为研究对象,探索明代妇女的贞节观念,并分析这一现象背后的真正原因。
4)filial piety woman贞节孝妇
1.Dou E is the model of feudalist society chastity or virginity filial piety woman as for "Snow in Midsummer" circumstances.长期以来,人们对窦娥这一形象存在着误读,从《窦娥冤》的情节看,窦娥是封建社会贞节孝妇的典型。
5)chastity view贞节观
1.Combined with the actual extent to which the society identified women s chastity at that time,it probes into the impacts on women s chastity view from several aspects,that is,marriage customs,policy,law and Neo-Confucianism in Yuan Dynasty.列女传》[1]所载的贞节妇女生活状况,结合当时社会对妇女守节的实际认同程度,探讨了元代婚俗、政策、法律及理学传播等几方面对元代妇女贞节观的影响;认为终元之世,元代社会(包括妇女本身)的贞节观是比较淡薄的,只是到元代中期以后才略有所加强,体现出元代妇女贞节观的渐变特色。
6)chastity prevalence贞节风
