1.Several Opinions on The Race of the Hun;关于匈奴人种问题的几点认识
2.The Impact Hun Played On China History During the Period of Sixteen States;十六国时期的匈奴对中国历史所产生的影响
3.Interpretation of the Relationship Between Hun and Han Dynasty with the Anthropology and Ethnology Theories;匈奴与汉朝关系的民族学解读

1.Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Huns.匈奴的,匈奴似的匈奴人的,与匈奴人有关的,匈牙利似的
2.Hun of Tiefu was a Common in race mixed with Hun and Xianbei but regarded Hun as principle.铁弗匈奴是一支匈奴与鲜卑混合,而以匈奴为主的民族共同体。
3.The fifth century was the Hun's century.5世纪是匈奴的世纪。
4."Can a man remain at home while the Huns are still undefeated?"“匈奴未灭,何以家为?”
5.Tuge is not the descendants of Southern Hun, but the Tuge in Bingzhou was exactly integrated into Southern Hun.屠各不是南匈奴后裔,但并州屠各的确融合到南匈奴之中。
6.New Explanation on Criminal Laws of Xiongnu--And the Objective and Characteristics of the Xiongnu Laws in Qin and Han Times;匈奴刑法新解——兼论秦汉时期匈奴法律的立法目的与特点
7.The Academic Life Lies in Bringing Forth New Ideas Constantly;学术的生命在于创新——评《原匈奴匈奴历史与文化的考古学探索》
8.A Restudy on Xiongnu s Shouji Marriage--Series of Xiongnu Marriage Studies;对匈奴收继婚制度的再探讨——匈奴婚姻制度研究之一
9."That downward, headlong, follow the wind. ...In spite of grey grasses, Tartar horses are plump;"随风满地石乱走。 匈奴草黄马正肥,
10.The Proposition and Definition of "the Original Hun"关于“原匈奴”概念的提出与界定
11.In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions were under the rule of the Xiongnu.西汉之初,西域各地处在匈奴统治之下。
12.The Huns and the End of the Western Empire匈奴及西罗马帝国的灭亡
13.Attila struck terror into the people of Eastern Europe.匈奴王阿提拉曾令东欧人民胆寒。
14.There were many Qin people coming from Zhongyuan area.匈奴中有不少来自中原的“秦人”。
15.A Study on the "Tuyan" and "Sheyan" as South and North Respectively in Hun Language“吐延”、“奢延”为匈奴语南北考
16.On the Self-esteem of Hun Leader in the Han Dynasty;略论两汉时期匈奴首领的“自尊”意识
17.An Investigation of the Han Dynasty Officials Surrender to the Huns;对西汉官员投降匈奴问题的初步考察
18.Archaeological and Anthropological Study of Hun Ethnic Group;关于匈奴人种的考古学和人类学研究

1.Genetic analyses on the affinities between tuoba Xianbei and Xiongnu populations;拓跋鲜卑和匈奴之间亲缘关系的遗传学分析
2.New Explanation on Criminal Laws of Xiongnu——And the Objective and Characteristics of the Xiongnu Laws in Qin and Han Times;匈奴刑法新解——兼论秦汉时期匈奴法律的立法目的与特点
3.A Study of Xiongnu Waist Ornaments and Related Issues;匈奴腰饰牌及相关问题研究
1.On the Peace-through-Marriage Policy of the Western Han Dynasty toward the Huns;略论西汉对匈奴的“和亲”政策
2.Juyan Frontier Fortress function at the resisting the Huns in the Han Dynasties;汉代居延塞在抵御匈奴中的作用
3.From Luntai Imperial Order to the Meeting on Salt and Iron——Viewing Big Change of the Policy on Huns During the Midand Late West Han Dynasty from Discourses on Salt and Iron从“轮台诏”到“盐铁会议”——以《盐铁论》观西汉中后期对匈奴政策的重大转变
4)the Huns匈奴
1.An Investigation of the Han Dynasty Officials Surrender to the Huns;对西汉官员投降匈奴问题的初步考察
2.Discussion on the Peace-Making Marriage Policy Between the Western Han Dynasty and the Huns;西汉与匈奴和亲政策述评
6)five Xiongnu tribes五部匈奴
