1.The spiritual characteristic of the rise of china s historiography was characterized by historian s positive concern to reality and praising the right or blaming the wrong.中国史学的兴起发展,是以史学家积极关注现实、褒贬是非为精神特征的。
2.This characteristic should be ascribed to the method of induction usually employed by historians.这个特点应归因于司马迁归纳的论证方式,也就是说,是由其史学家的特质决定的。
3.In North-Song Dynasty, besides some important literary critical forms such as poetry talks, preface, postscript, letter and selected woks, scene historian, idealist and learned scholar also criticized Tang Poetry in the engaging history, criticizing article and talking ideas from their knowledge structure and critical principle.北宋,在诗话、序跋书信、诗选几种主要的文学批评形式对唐诗的论评之外,一些史学家、理 学家、博学家在考史论文、寓道谈理中,从他们自身所具知识结构、所持批评原则出发,对唐人唐诗也有论 评。

1.a historian who writes annals.著述编年史的历史学家
2.Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty.章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。
3.a professed historian一个自称的历史学家
4.Union of Arab Historians阿拉伯历史学家联盟
5.an eminent historian.See Synonyms at noted杰出的历史学家参见
6.Muslim historians, holidays,leaders穆斯林史学家、 节日、 领袖.
7.International Association of Paper Historians国际造纸史学家协会
8.A writer, student, or scholar of history.历史学家研究历史的学生、学者或写历史题材的作家
9.He is a historian with the White House Historical Association.白宫历史协会的历史学家
10.International Committee of French-Speaking Historians and Geographers国际法语历史学家和地理学家委员会
11.The historical philosopher said: "all the history is contemporary history."历史学家克罗齐说“一切历史都是当代史”’。
12.The Historical Textuality in the Humboldt's Gift历史学家?作家?——《洪堡的礼物》的历史文本性解析
13.Sun Lan was a well-known Chinese geographer, astronomer, mathematician, historian, painter and calligrapher in the17 th century.孙兰是十七世纪中国著名地理学家及天文学家、学家、史学家、画家。
14.Zhang Dai was a literature, historian and ideologist in turn from Ming to Qing Dynasty.张岱是明清之际的一位文学家、史学家、思想家。
15.Sima Qian is a famouse historian, literati and editor.司马迁是中国历史上一位著名的史学家、文学家和编辑家。
16.An Interview with Professof Steven Ozment西方家庭史学的新发展——与家庭史学家奥茨曼教授访谈
17.The Study on Chinese Traditional Historiography and the Establishment of New Historiography by Early Marxism Historians;早期马克思主义史学家对中国传统史学的研究与新史学的创建
18.A good historian must have an academic mind.出色的历史学家须有学术头脑。

1.The reason why history and anthropology are combinde is the concern of anthropologists about history and the interest of historians in anthropology.历史学与人类学之所以相汇 ,一是人类学家对历史的关怀 ,二是历史学家对人类学的兴趣。
2.Basing upon the quality of historiography and historians’ missions,Professor Zhang Kaiyuan,the famous historian,interprets his original historical view objectively in connection with the present situation of historiography and the difficulties of historical study.著名历史学家章开沅教授针对史学的现状及历史研究所面临的困境,立足于史学品格与历史学家使命的高度,阐释了自己独到的历史观。
3)historian of science科学史家
1.Zhang Senkai is a historian,but he had engaged in educational practice activities for a long time and achieved great performance.历史学家张森楷热心教育,长期从事教育实践活动,对教育改革不懈思索,成效显著,尤其是他创办并长期主持的四川蚕桑公社在重庆新教育改革中占居重要地位,对四川全省的职业教育产生了推动作用。
2.Xiong Tieji is a well-known historian in contemporary China.熊铁基先生是中国当代著名历史学家
3.As a well-known contemporary historian,archeologist and expert in the study of paleography and document.作为当今负有盛名的历史学家、考古学家、古文字学家和文献学家,李学勤先生早期的治学经历却十分独特。
5)Master of Historiography史学大家
1.Master of Historiography in Guizhou:Contributions Of Mr.Wang Yanyu in Historiography;但贵州史学界对王先生的观点及研究成果一直未给予应有的重视,使得生长于贵州这块土地上的我们自己的史学大家几近湮没。
6)literary historian文史学家
1.to the author,Xiang Chu,also called Xianqiao,and his alias Ji Weng (1877-1961),was a well-known literary historian,teaching respectively in Chengdu Normal School,Chengdu University,Chengdu Normal University and Sichuan University for years as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts,Professor of the Chinese Language Department and President of Sichuan University.按:向楚,字先乔(仙樵),号觙翁(1877—1961),生于四川巴县,著名文史学家

国际皮革化学家和工艺学家协会联合会  国际皮革界最大的学术组织。由世界上各个国家级的皮革学会推派代表组成。1873年,奥地利制革学家W.艾特纳在奥地利建立了世界上第一个皮革研究所,以后欧洲一些国家也相继建立皮革科研机构。1897年,W.艾特纳等人与欧洲其他国家的皮革研究所商议建立国际性组织,以便交流制革技术并制订共同的皮革测试方法。从此逐步开展了皮革专业的国际活动。1948年,由英国、法国、比利时皮革学会发起,有20多个国家的代表参加,在法国巴黎成立国际皮革化学家和工艺学家协会联合会,并决定在正常情况下每两年召开一届大会。联合会有主席、副主席、司库和秘书(主管日常事务)等8人,每4年改选一次。联合会的驻地随秘书的所在国而转移。    联合会的任务是:①在各成员协会之间以及联合会同其他与皮革工业有关的国际组织间建立定期接触和保持有效联系,以便互相交流,促进皮革学术的发展。活动方式包括召开全体大会(以发表和宣读皮革学术论文,交流科技进步等内容为主), 举办各种专题讨论会等。②负责批准国际皮革联合委员会推荐的国际联合方法(IU-methods),以及促进这些方法的正确使用。