1.On the Religious Origins of Struggle for Jerusalem;浅析耶路撒冷之争的宗教根源
2.On the Jerusalem Problem of Prime Minister Barak s Period;论巴拉克时期的耶路撒冷问题
3.The Study of the Israel s Politics of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War (1967-1992);六日战争后以色列耶路撒冷统治政策研究(1967-1992)

1.East Jerusalem Electric Corporatio东耶路撒冷电力公司
2.The pilgrims journeyed to Jerusalem朝圣者前往耶路撒冷
3.Jerusalem Temple Foundation耶路撒冷圣殿基金会
4.Knight of the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem耶路撒冷圣约翰勋爵士
5.Palestinian Jerusalemite巴勒斯坦裔耶路撒冷
6.Jerusalem Revealed耶路撒冷:古城新貌
7.The Saracens of the desert captured Jerusalem.沙漠地区的撒拉逊人占领了耶路撒冷
8.a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified.耶路撒冷附近耶稣被钉死的小山丘。
9.A proclamation was then issued throughout Judah and Jerusalem for all the exiles to assemble in Jerusalem.7他们通告犹大和耶路撒冷被掳归回的人,叫他们在耶路撒冷聚集。
10."So they came together at Jerusalem in the third month, in the fifteenth year of the rule of asa."亚撒十五年三月,他们都聚集在耶路撒冷
11.Armenian Patriarchate, Jerusalem耶路撒冷亚美尼亚教长区
12.And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which was in the seventh year of the king.王第七年五月,以斯拉到了耶路撒冷
13.Jerusalem, 25 November 19361936年11月25日于耶路撒冷
14.How long did he rule over Jerusalem?他(约雅斤)统治耶路撒冷多久?
15.Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover.每年到逾越节,他父母就上耶路撒冷去。
16.the Holy City(Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca)圣地(指耶路撒冷、罗马、麦加等地)
17.Many people go on a pilgrimage to Mecca or Jerusalem.许多人前往麦加或耶路撒冷朝圣。
18.This was a very impressive gate in the eastern walls of Jerusalem.这是耶路撒冷东墙非常显眼的大门。

Jerusalem the Golden《金色的耶路撒冷》
1.A Feminist Reading of Jerusalem the Golden;《金色的耶路撒冷》的女性主义解读
2.Jerusalem the Golden is one of Margaret Drabble s most important early works, for which she won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize in 1967.《金色的耶路撒冷》是玛格利特·德拉布尔早期的代表作之一。
3.The thesis chooses Drabble\'s four early novels created before 1980,Jerusalem the Golden,The Garrick Year,The Millstone and The Realms of Gold,to study how Drabble represents the middle-class females\' living conditions of the 1960s and 1970s of England.本文选取德拉布尔发表于1980年以前的四部早期作品——《金色的耶路撒冷》、《盖瑞克年》、《磨砺》和《黄金国度》,研究作家如何再现20世纪60、70年代英国中产阶级女性的生存状态。
3)Jerusalem's reconstruction耶路撒冷的重建
4)Jerusalem virus耶路撒冷病毒
5)Jerusalem, Temple of耶路撒冷圣殿
6)Jerusalem→the holy city耶路撒冷→圣城。
