1.A written form of dialogues——The interpretation of letters in Pride and Prejudice;对话的书面形式——小说《傲慢与偏见》中书信解读
2.Research about the letters of SuShi during his degradedness in Huizhou;从苏轼寓惠期间的书信看其寓惠心态
3.There are about a thousand letters in Teilhard s Collection of Letters ,which are classified into twelve groups.文章通过读德日进 1 92 3~ 1 92 4年第一次来华工作期间的书信 ,介绍了德日进思想中的几个重要侧面 :其宗教思想中的“上帝”及“现世” ;学术研究应跨学科综合进行 ;精神生活的首要地位以及如何看待东西方文化的异同。

1.A letter, especially a formal one.书信书信,尤指正式信件
2.Of or associated with letters or the writing of letters.书信的与书信或书写书信有关的
3.A Summary of the Study of T.E. Lawrence' LettersT·E·劳伦斯的书信书信观及其相关研究
4.One of the letters included as a book in the New Testament.使徒书信在新约中当作福音书收录的书信
5.piece of such writing;scrawled note or letter潦草的文字或便条、书信
6.The package shouldn't carry written message.包裹内不得夹带书信
7.He took no notice of my letter.他没注意到我的书信
8.write simple notes or letters in Chinese etc......写简单的便条与书信等。
9.I was told the letter telegram is the cheapest.据说书信电报费最便宜。
10.an application, a business licence, a credit certificate, a letter of attorney,申请书、开业证书、资信证书、授权书,
11.He paints love letters and their recipients.他画情书和情书收信人;
12.a written examination, request, message笔试、 书面请求、 书面信息
13.Only believing books, clinging to them without analyzing, then it's hard not to be called a bookworm.唯书是信,“泥书不化”,难免被称为书呆子。
14.A certificate chain for the signature certificate, but not the trusted root certificate.用于签名证书而不是可信根证书的证书链。
15.A certificate chain for the signature certificate, including the trusted root certificate.用于签名证书(包含可信根证书)的证书链。
16.The manager dictated a letter to his secretary.经理向秘书口授一封信。
17.The manager was dictating a letter to the secretary.经理在向秘书口授信稿。
18.She dictated a letter to her secretary.她向秘书口授一封信。

1.A study of the art of letter writing:Pondering on the aestheticism of letters;运用之妙 存乎一心——书信艺术的美学思考
2.Among them are two paintings and a letter,which have attracted much attention.对这些画作、书信进行实证性的研究考证,并作学术解读,将有助于弘一大师李叔同的研究。
3.This paper tidies up the literary thinking of LiuZongyuan’s letters:The characteristics of “the literature to convey the systematic learning,” which include the political reality;Rich and flexible knowledge is the article’s foundation.柳宗元书信反映的文学思想十分丰富,主要有:1。
1.There are fewer researches about Liu Zongyuan s epistles among the investigations of his writings.在柳宗元诗文作品的研究中,书信几乎是个盲点。
4)information secretary信息秘书
1.Setting up unit information secretary to improve the quality of nursing management;增设病区信息秘书 提高护理管理质量
5)library information图书信息
1.Quantitative analysis of the establishment and development of shared resources of library information;通过对 1987~ 2 0 0 2年期间《中文科技期刊数据库》关于图书信息资源共享网络建设的论文检索 ,用文献定量统计的方法分析图书信息资源共享网络建设的提出、形成和推广的过程 ,客观评价图书信息资源共享网络建设水平 ,总结建设经验 ,探讨现实问题 ,提出了统筹规划 ,协调发展 ,建设规范化图书信息资源共享网络的建议以推进我国文献信息资源共享事业的深入发
1.When a trust was established between strangers,their credentials were exchanged only once,and two parties exchanged the secret keys iteratively until the trust negotiation succeeded or failed.陌生的双方在建立信任关系时,仅仅交换一次信任书,随后多次交换对称密钥,直到协商完成或者失败。

《毛泽东书信手迹选》  中国档案汇编。中共中央文献研究室、中央档案馆合编,邓小平题写书名,文物出版社、档案出版社1983年出版,分线装、甲级精装、乙级精装、平装4种。该选集是为了纪念毛泽东诞辰90周年而编印的,共收入1936~1965年的书信84封,按时间顺序排列。绝大部分根据中央档案馆收藏的手迹原件印制,是第一次公开发表。其中有写给任弼时、陈云、董必武、杨尚昆、胡乔木、田家英等革命战友和身边工作人员的;有写给宋庆龄、何香凝、柳亚子、郭沫若等爱国民主人士和社会名流的;有写给艾思奇、范文澜、周扬、沈雁冰、郑振铎、齐白石等文化理论界知名人士的;有写给毛岸英、毛岸青、李淑一等亲属和故旧的。这些书信从多方面反映了毛泽东的革命实践活动,反映了他同党内外人士广泛的联系,也反映了毛泽东精湛的书法艺术。