1)Dulles[英]['d?lis, '-l?s][美]['d?l?s]杜勒斯
1.A Brief Analysis on Dulles and the Policy of Military Alliance of United States to Pakistan;浅析杜勒斯与美对巴军事结盟政策
2.Dulles and Anglo-American Relationship during the Second Middle East War;杜勒斯与第二次中东战争时的英美关系

1.The Role of Eisenhower and Dulles in the Formulating of USA Foreign Policy(1953-1959)艾森豪威尔、杜勒斯与美国外交政策的制定(1953—1959)
2.Dulles greeted me with a bemused look.杜勒斯欢迎我时,满脸是呆若木鸡的表情。
3.Dulles s Theory and Practice of American Policy Towards China;杜勒斯关于美国对华政策的理论与实践
4.Dulles and Anglo-American Relationship during the Second Middle East War;杜勒斯与第二次中东战争时的英美关系
5.An Inquiry into the Intellectual Background of J. F. Dulles Diplomatic Strategy toward the USSR (1919-1952);略论杜勒斯对苏战略的早期思想背景(1919-1952)
6.Transformation in 20 years--Polices to China Held by Dulles and Kissinger二十年转变——杜勒斯与基辛格的对华政策
7.The imperialists also use this sword to slay people with. Dulles, for instance, has brandished it for some time.帝国主义也拿这把刀子杀人,杜勒斯就拿起来要了一顿。
8.Dulles said Russia had overextended herself in her drive for world domination.杜勒斯说苏俄在称霸美世界的驱使下过分扩张其势力。
9.Both Eisenhower and Dulles made efforts to maintain strong bipartisan support in Congress;艾森豪威尔和杜勒斯致力于维护与国会的良好关系的努力 ;
10.So was John Foster Dulles, the American Secretary of Stale, when he flew to Egypt to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam.美国国务卿约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯从美国飞往埃及谈判阿斯旺水坝问题时就被弄糊涂了。
11.In the 1950s, MacArthur and Dulles regarded Taiwan as an unsinkable U.S. aircraft carrier in Asia and the Pacific.在五十年代,麦克阿瑟、杜勒斯就把台湾看作是美国在亚洲和太平洋的“永不沉没的航空母舰”,
12.American public official.Director of the C.I.A.(1953 - 1961), he resigned after the failed invasion of the Bay of Pigs.杜勒斯,艾伦 威尔士1893-1969美国政府官员,中央情报局局长,袭击猪猡湾失败后辞职
13.BY prohibiting American journalists from coming to China, Eisenhower and Dulles have now in fact admitted that it does have good points.现在艾森豪威尔、杜勒斯不让美国的新闻记者到中国来,实际上就是承认我们的政策有这个好处。
14.There is a group of people in the United States today who, carrying on the "Dulles doctrine", regard Taiwan as a U.S. aircraft carrier or as a territory within the U.S. sphere of influence.美国目前有一股势力,继承“杜勒斯主义”,把台湾当作美国的“航空母舰”和势力范围。
15.A Gorgon; sister of Medusa and Stheno.欧律阿勒蛇发女怪之一,墨杜萨和斯忒诺的姐妹
16.There is the Paris of Catherine de Medicis at the Tuileries;在杜伊勒里宫,那是卡特琳·德·梅迪西斯的巴黎;
17.Agro-Obrtnicka Banka d.d.: Zagreb; Gen. Man.- Durdica Kunstic.农业手工业银行:萨格勒布;总经理-杜尔迪查·昆斯蒂奇。
18.ABDUL MOMIN, Pengira彭吉兰·阿卜杜勒·莫敏

3)Dulles-Morrison Agreement《杜勒斯-莫里森协定》
4)Dulles and America-Japan negotiation杜勒斯与美日媾和
5)Durer's magic square杜勒幻方
6)Eugene Viollet-le-Duc勒-杜克

杜勒杜勒 lloyd doyley国籍: 英格兰出生日期: 1982-12-01身高: 179 cm体重: 73 kg场上位置: 后卫场上编号: 20所属团队: 沃特福德