1.Culture Identity of Christian and the Cultural Change of Rural China——A Case Study of Conflict and Adaption of Christian Funeral Rites in Li Cun:from Idea and Symbol Perspectives;基督徒的文化认同与乡土文化变迁的模式——从理念与符号的视角来探讨豫西李村基督徒在葬礼上的冲突与调适
2.A Probe into Moral Emotion of the Christians in Middle Ages;析中世纪基督徒的道德情感
3.The Study of Christian s Faith State in a Small Town during Transformation Period in China;转型期小城镇基督徒信仰状况研究

1.Protestants and Catholics,基督徒和天主教徒们,
2.a heathen (especially a Muslim).非基督徒(尤指回教徒)。
3.becoming to or like a Christian.配称为基督徒或者像基督徒
4.not becoming to or like a Christian.不配称基督徒或者不像基督徒
5.The state or fact of being a Christian.基督徒成为基督徒的状态或事实
6.To convert(another) to Christianity; make Christian.使成基督徒转变(他人)而信基督;变成基督徒
7.Christians believe that the soul lives forever.基督徒相信灵魂永生。
8.He lived the life of a Christian.他过着基督徒的生活。
9.The Church has a duty to condemn violence.基督徒有责任谴责暴力.
10."What has made a Christian of you?"你怎么变成基督徒了?
11.He denied himself to be a Christian.他否认自己是基督徒
12.Art thou a Christian child -- ha?你是基督徒的孩子吗,啊?
13.But I want him to become a Christian.但我要他成为基督徒。”
14.She is a Christian, in every sense of the word.她是个十足的基督徒
16.Young Women Christian Association青年妇女基督徒协会
17.Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture基督徒废除酷刑行动
18.Christian Scientist; person who believes in this system基督教科学派信徒.

1.Eden by the Soul Lake: Wordsworth as a Deistic Christian;心灵湖畔的伊甸园——作为自然神论者的基督教徒华兹华斯
2.Christian s Social Integration the Research;基督教徒的社会融入研究
3.A Study on the Christians' Idea of Suffering in Yantai City of Shandong Province山东省烟台市区的基督教徒苦难观研究
3)youth Christians青年基督徒
1.The number of youth Christians in Kunming is increasingly more it needs to be studied using a questionnaire survey of the primary data, trying to survey of Christians to understand the psychological state of reasons.本文根据昆明市青年基督徒数量日趋增多的现象,以昆明市三一国际礼拜堂为调查地点,按照随机抽样的调查方式,采用问卷调查方法获取了第一手资料,试图通过本次调查活动来分析目前基督徒信教的心理状态及其变化的原因。
4)anonymous Christian匿名基督徒
5)Christian community基督徒群体
1.But is also insutticient to the national minority Christian community Society point of view research.目前,学术界对基督教在西南少数民族地区的传播史的研究大多集中在教会活动方面,而对少数民族基督徒群体社会心态研究还很不够。
6)Christian awareness基督徒意识
1.During the periods depicted in Beowulf, Christianity had not been accepted in the Anglo-Saxon area, but the epic already revealed a vague Christian awareness.《贝奥武甫》所反映的时代 ,是盎格鲁撒克逊地区尚未归顺基督教的时代 ,但诗中已经流露出朦胧的基督徒意识。

徒居徒居 徒居   独居,指闲静休养。《灵枢·厥病》:“厥心痛,卧若徒居,心痛间,动作痛益甚。”