1.Women s foot-binding in Ming and Qing Dynasties is a sex matter and also has the purpose of making distinctions between different nationalities,which is obviously different from the aesthetic pursuit in Song Dynasty.明清的妇女缠足是性问题,亦有民族区分之目的。

1.Anatomizing the traditional ideology in Chinese culture from the phenomenon of women′s feet-binding with bandages;从缠足透析我国传统文化的思想要素
2.Analysis of the View on Women in Outlaws in the Marsh from the Perspective of Marriage,Prostitution and Foot-binding;从缠足、女伎、婚姻看《水浒传》的女性观
3.The Devastation of Ethnics in Song and Ming Dynasties to Females in the Corrupt Customs of Footbinding;从缠足陋习看宋明理学对女性的摧残
4.On Foot-binding Movement of Wuxu Period from the Culture of Man s Right;从男权文化的视角看戊戌不缠足运动
5.The Great Communique and the promotion of feminism-A case study of its argument against feet-wrapping;《大公报》(1902—1912)与女权——以劝戒缠足为例
6.To Know Foot Releasing Movement in the Late Period of Qing Dynasty From the Perspective of " Dead cases of Some Girls Caused by the Practice of Foot Releasing ";从“女士放足被逼毙命案”看晚清的不缠足运动
7.Sample Survey of Foot-binding Deformity in Part Regions of Four Provinces, China;中国四省部分地区现存缠足畸形抽样调查
8.The Gender Study of Chinese Women in the Late Ming Dynasty and the Early Qing Dynasty;明清女性的社会性别解读—从缠足到才女写作
9.The Difficulties in Footbinding Policy in the Early Qing Dynasty;清朝初年缠足禁令难以推行的原因分析
10.Christianity and the Movements against Foot-binding in Modern China;基督教与近代中国的反缠足运动——以福建为中心
11.From Persuasion to Punishment: A Brief Account of the Anti Foot Binding Movement in the Qing Dynasty;从劝导到禁罚:清季四川反缠足努力述略
12.Changes from Binding to Unbinding of Women's Feet in the Suiyuan Area in the First Half of the Repubic of China民国前期绥远地区汉族妇女由缠足到放足的嬗变
13.After the Opium War,coincidental with the influx of bourgeois democratic ideas,anti-foot-binding ideas arose in modern China.鸦片战争后 ,随着资产阶级民主思想的输入 ,戒缠足思潮萌发了。
14.Depending on the efforts of the Christian and the missionary,the movement of not binding the feet comes into being.近代不缠足运动肇始于基督教会和传教士的努力。
15.The Reform Movement of 1898 advocated and ignited the wave to ban feet binding and establish schools for women.戊戌维新运动倡导并一度引发了戒缠足和兴女学运动;
16.A Study on Philanthropic Enterprise of Female in Shandong(1928~1937)--As the Example of the Anti-foot-binding Movement;略论山东妇女的慈善救助问题(1928~1937)——以不缠足为例
17.The Media in Late Qing and Women Giving up Foot-Binding--Focus on the Vernacular Writings of "Ta Kung Pao";清末的媒体与女性的戒缠足——以《大公报》白话文宣传为中心
18.Foot-binding,Sexual Division of Labor and Economy Change:in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Rural China;妇女缠足、性别分工和经济变革:19世纪和20世纪早期的中国农村

1.Existing for a long time in the history of China,footbinding once greatly ruined the Chinese women s body and mind,thus causing the deep interest and in-depth exploration of domestic and foreign scholars in modern times.缠足在中国历史上曾经长期存在,给中国妇女的身心造成过严重的摧残,也因此引起当今中外学者的浓厚兴趣和深入探讨。
2.Braid was successful but footbinding was out of control Footbinding was most popular in Qing dynasty than any other dynasty.自1644年清军入关后,征服了广大明朝统治地区,为了维护本民族风俗,颁布(?)发令、易衣冠法令,强迫汉人满化,并以汉人辫发作为归顺的标志,与此同时下令禁止汉人缠足
3.They attacked the evil of the footbinding by masses medias, advocated the new trend of setting the foot free and took the lead in setting the schoolgirls feet free in the church women schools.他们利用大众传媒抨击缠足陋习,剖析缠足之害。
3)female Foot-Binding女性缠足
4)giving up foot-binding戒缠足
1.This paper mainly takes vernacular writings of "Ta Kung Pao" in late Qing as the basic historical data to reveal the point of view of the underprivileged on the issue of women giving up foot-binding.论文主要是以《大公报》白话文为基本史料,从下层民众的角度切入,深入分析戒缠足问题。
5)not-binding feet禁缠足
6)foot-binding custom缠足风俗
