1.The Centralization, Management and Repatriation of Japanese Nationals in Peking after the Anti-Japan War;抗战胜利后北平市对日侨的集中、管理与遣返
2.At present,Canada start the immigration repatriation process to Gaoshan,the principal criminal of the Bank of China mountains to send him back to China.目前加拿大方面启动移民遣返程序欲将原中国银行案主犯高山遣返回中国。
3.Firstly"voluntary repatriation principle"was out of consideration for psycho- logical warfare,and then it was used in the purpose of politics.美国在中国人民志愿军战俘遣返问题上的政策出台经历了一个复杂的过程。

1.Repatriation and Return Operation 1997 [UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina]1997年遣返和回返行动
2.Comision Especial de Actuacion遣返事务特别委员会
3.Tripartite Voluntary Repatriation Commission三方自愿遣返委员会
4.Inter-American Convention on the Repatriation of Minors美洲未成年人遣返公约
5.Convention concerning the Repatriation of Seafarers (Revised)海员遣返公约(修正本)
6.clearing of mines from repatriation routes排除遣返通道上的地雷
7.Contingency Plan for Large-Scale Repatriation大规模遣返应急计划
8.The cost of repatriation shall be borne by the shipowner.遣返费用应由船东负担。
9.Repatriation Programme for Western Sahara西撒哈拉难民遣返方案
10.National Coordinating Committee on Repatriation全国遣返协调委员会
11.The Volrep programme is the preferred means of repatriation.政府认为自愿遣返计划的遣返方法较为可
12.Thematic Consultation on Repatriation, Reinstallation and Social Reintegration关于遣返、安置和重返社会的专题协商
13.He was arrested and repatriated to China in late2003.他于2003年底被抓获并遣返回中国。
14.repatriate war refugees.把战争期间的难民遣返回国
15.First Secretary of the Afghan Repatriation Committee阿富汗遣返委员会第一书记
16.Joint Commission for the Repatriation of Rwandan Refugees遣返卢旺达难民联合委员会
17.Don't waste taxpayer's money, deport Gaoshan now!不要浪费纳税人金钱,马上遣返高山!
18.Tripartite Commission on Voluntary Repatriation自愿遣返问题三方委员会

The repatriation of prisoners of war战俘遣返
3)Repatriate of Crew船员遣返
4)Repatriation Agreement遣返协议
5)Repatriation Component遣返部门
6)voluntary repatriation自愿遣返
