1.Wonderful Fairyland in Royal Garclen——Study on the Scenes Imitating the Fairylands in Yuanmingyuan Park;庙堂待起烟霞侣,昆峤方壶缩地来——试论圆明三园中的神仙境界塑造
2.Illusion fairyland state——Try to discuss the beauty of Border Town;梦幻的仙境国度——论《边城》之美
3.This paper elaborates the mysterious dreamland in Li Bai’s Poem "Saying Goodbye in the Dream of Visiting Mount Tianmu" from the aspects of the relationship between dream and literature, the combination of dreamland with fairyland, the regression of dream and spiritual homeland, etc.通过梦与文学的关系、梦境与仙境的结合、梦与精神家园的回归等几方面的剖析来阐释李白《梦游天姥吟留别》一诗中神秘的梦境,可以看出李白在《梦游天姥吟留别》中,正是以梦的方式在矛盾中寻求精神的解脱,寻求愿望的达成。

1.Studies on the carved stone of "the Penglai fairyland" in Lv Xianci,Huang Liangmeng黄粱梦吕仙祠“蓬莱仙境”石刻考略
2.On the Artistic Value of Fairyland Excursion Novels of Wei,Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties魏晋南北朝游仙小说仙境的艺术价值
3.I felt as if I were in a fabled abode of immortals.我好像进入了蓬莱仙境
4.It is really a fairyland on earth.这里真是人间仙境
5.Yes, we're in a wonderland.是的,我们好像到了仙境
6.Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land.孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。
7.A realm of imagination or fantasy.仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国
8.The scenery in Hawaii is out of this world.夏威夷的风景美得非凡,宛如仙境
9.We find ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境
10.We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境中。
11.The leisurely and melodious music took us to fairyland.那舒缓而优美的音乐把我们带入仙境
12.They are like magnificent Buildings in heaven, with a thousand and one faBulous scenes.它们就像人间仙境,景象万千。
13.Even a glimpse of an occasional mirage would gratify one's wish that they really are there.即使一睹海市奇观,亦权当神山仙境
14.The wonderland Alice travelled in her dream was beneath the ground.艾丽丝梦中所游的仙境是在地下的。
15.It is turning into a winter wonderland here.雪把冬天的北极装点成仙境
16.A marvelous imaginary realm.仙境美妙的想像中的王国
17.Let loose the child within you to play in this fairy wonderland.让你心中的孩子在这个仙境中玩耍。
18.The land or realm of the fairies.仙境想象中的地域或王国

1.The essential feature of wonderland belief is the ideology of longevity in life,which originates from immortality of soul in ancient time.长生不死思想是仙境信仰的本质特征,这种思想导源于远古时期的灵魂不朽观念。
2.The atmosphere around brothel makes it a wonderland,which is relevant to women\'s appearance,speech,behavior and manners.古代青楼环境呈现出园林化、雅洁化、神秘化的特点,青楼园林的文人化倾向主要是为了迎合文人士子的需要,青楼建筑内部的淡雅布置主要是青楼女子试图改变自身命运的心理在环境上的投射,青楼氛围的宛若仙境,则和青楼女子的容貌、言语、行为举止有关。
3)The imaginary land of fairies.仙境想象的仙境
4)paradise on earth人间仙境
5)simulating of paradise模仿仙境
1.Pei Xing s fairyland subject in Chuanqi as viewed from Peihang;由《裴航》看裴铏《传奇》的神仙境遇题材
