1.The Comparative Research on the Motif of the Hero and the Courser Born at the Same Time in the Mongolian-Turki Epics;蒙古——突厥史诗英雄与骏马同时诞生母题的比较研究
2.Comparison of Motifs Between Chinese Flood Mystery and Greek Flood Mystery;中希洪水神话母题的比较
3.Research on the Motif of the Legend of Mongolian Toponym——Heroes Come from the Good Landscape Geomancy;科尔沁地名传说中的英雄与故乡——“风水宝地出英雄”母题探讨

1.The Motif of Infanticide in Western Literature and Reconstruction of Motherhood;西方文学中母亲杀婴母题和母性的重构
2.A discussion of the motif that a mother s character may change according to her pregnancy;论“母怀孕贵子影响自身性情”母题
3.Research on Original Subject of Moshangsang;采桑母题与《陌上桑》的题材与人物
4.The Comparison between the Series Motives of A Mo Yao Bai and Several Motives of the Mythes about Creating World of the Han Nationality;基诺族《阿嫫腰白》系列母题与汉族创世神话母题的比较
5.How to Recognize and Classify the Literature Motif (Part one): Its Creating,Recognizing,Naming and Orientating;母题的产生、识别、命名和定位——文学母题的重新认识与分类之一
6.The Foreign Source of Information on the Motif of Chinese Novels;中土小说母题的外域信息源——再论古代小说中的赌技服人母题
7.Another Discussion of the Origin of "Finding Treasure by Chasing Rabbit" in Ancient Chinese Literature and of Its Foreign Culture Source;再论中国古代文学中的“逐兔见宝”母题——兼谈该母题的外域文化渊源
8.Man and Mother Nature人与大自然——新时期小说的母题之一
9.Incestuous Love: Exploration of Narrrative Motif of Jude the Obscure不伦之恋:《无名的裘德》的叙事母题探析
10.American Dream is one of the most important motifs of American literature.“美国梦”是美国文学最重要的母题之一。
11.On Female Painters,Maternal Consciousness and Maternal Material;小议女性画家、母性意识与母性题材
12.titles set in upper case以大写字母排版的标题
13.The "seeking mother" voice--"Mother" topic in modern Chinese literature;寻找“母亲”的声音——中国现代文学中的“母性”主题
14.The sullen girl refused to answer her mother's questions.愠怒的女孩拒绝回答她母亲的问题。
15.International Symposium of Policy Makers on Breastfeeding母乳喂养政策制定者国际专题讨论会
16.Parents needn't stand shoulder to shoulder on every issue.父母不必在每一个问题上观点一致。
17.Have you talked to your parents about this?你把这个问题和你父母说了吗?
18.My mother taught me how to solve physics problems:我母亲教我如何解决物理学问题:

1.On ancient China s general motive types of stories of the unseen world and their evolution process——and discussing about the exposure of the septic of this world by the nether world;中国古代冥游母题几种类型及演变过程——兼谈冥间世界对于阳世官场腐败的揭露
2.The definition of thematology and motive are introduced.介绍了主题学和母题的定义。
1.Considering “theme”,The Catcher in the Rye by American writer,J.从“母题”角度看 ,美国作家塞林格《麦田里的守望者》无疑是一部反映“自然的母题”的佳作。
2.Su shi′s The Mid-Autumn Moon,through the description of the setting of a mid-autumn night,conveyed the literary theme of short life and loneliness.文学母题是文学发展过程中被不断书写和反复表现的共同主题 ,苏轼的《中秋月》,通过对中秋月夜情境的描绘 ,表达了生命易逝、人生无常及与此相伴的孤独体验的文学母题
3.Wudang folktale\'s Taoism connotation is manifested in the following three aspects: First,Taoist classical text provides not only excellent model for folktale creation,but also the direct source of theme and subject matter.武当民间故事的道教文化内涵表现为三方面:道教经典文本不仅在文学性方面为民间故事的创作提供了优秀范本,而且直接成为其母题和题材的源泉;惩恶与扬善是体现武当道教伦理观念的两种基本母题,反映了人们追求平等、弘扬正义的无意识心理;武当民间故事的审美人类学内涵体现了武当道教氛围中民众的审美文化心理。
4)the motif母题
1.There is a broad and profoud relationship between Shun King s legends and folk tales,on one hand, as the prototypes, the plot units of the aboriginal Shun King s legends are having a profound influence on the motif of folk tales.舜帝传说与民间故事有着宽广而深刻的联系,一方面,原生态舜帝传说的情节单元作为原型对民间故事的母题产生着源远流长的影响。
2.It often plays a function of making predictions and realizing them in the novel, overstates the godlike qualities of the hero, and demonstrates that he is the only master of the sealed book, which is a most favorable chance of the hero development, which associates with the motif of the hero s God - given weapon.“铭知发者”母题有着多种文化内蕴,在小说中,往往起到预言——应验的功能,渲染了英雄的神性,交代天书得主非其莫属,作为幸运英雄发迹的一个契机,与英雄兵器神授的母题贯通,还偶或与幸运英雄的婚姻大事产生纠葛。
5)motif design母题设计
6)diamond motif钻石母题
