1.The Contribution,Insufficiency and Innovation of the System of National Compensation of Our Country;我国国家赔偿制度的功绩、不足及创新
2.To look closely at the historical contribution made by the 1911 Revolution objectively and exactly is the premise to judge the success-failure of it correctly.客观、准确地审视辛亥革命的历史功绩,是正确评判辛亥革命成败的前提,当然,关键还是不能把辛亥革命与中国资产阶级革命混为一谈。

1.The Central Committee takes no credit for this.这不是我们中央的功绩
2.rate one's merits high高度评价某人的功绩
3.The merits of the Sunshine Act are controversial.《阳光法》的功绩众说纷
4.promotions Based on merit alone.完全根据功绩进行提升
5.His achievements were blotted out at one stroke.他的功绩被一笔抹杀。
6.That will subtract nothing from his merit.那将无损于他的功绩
7.We cannot make a merit of disgrace.不能将耻辱说成功绩
8.His achievements are worthy record.他的功绩是值得记载的。
9.Promotion goes by seniority [merit].晋升以年资 [功绩] 为依据。
10.laudaBle feats可称颂的功绩[杰出事迹]
11.Honour is a reward of merit.荣誉是功绩的报偿。
12.overestimate (=overrate) one's own merit过高估计自己的功绩
13.This, too, is one of the achievements of the peasant associations.这也是农会的一件功绩
14.An act or deed to one's credit;a distinctive achievement.功绩增添某人荣誉的行为或事情;不凡的功绩
15.Its greatest triumph has come from work of gases.它的最大功绩在于对气体解释的成功。
16.The exploits of the Greek Army have been an enormous help to us.希腊军队的功绩给了我们很大的帮助。
17.She was conspicuous by her brilliant merits.她以卓越的功绩而受人注意。
18.My merit is little beside yours.我的功绩比起你的来是微不足道的。

1.Thus this paper will take Song Yun as the object who was recorded in history for his contributions in gove.本文希望通过以因“治边功最多”留于史册的清代封疆大吏松筠为研究对象,以他的治边思想与功绩作为独立的研究课题,从微观具体实践的角度对清的治边政策做更为具体的探究。
3)historical achievements历史功绩
1.The historical achievements of Hong Band are of many ways.红帮的历史功绩是多方面的,主要有以下4个方面:在中国历史大转型时期,创立了中国历史上第一个服装流派;以其为主力军,揭开了中国服装发展史崭新的一页——中国现代服装史;重视服装文化和科技探索,是中国服装科学研究的开拓者;自筹经费,兴办服装职业教育,是中国服装职业教育的先驱者。
4)administrative contributions政治功绩
5)historic achievements历史功绩
1.The Historic Achievements of A Jiangsu Native Musician: Wu Bochao;江苏籍音乐家吴伯超的历史功绩——“国立音乐院幼年班”史料钩沉暨亲身感受
6)discrimination achievements辨伪功绩
