1.A volume format has the characteristic of self-description is different from the traditional tape.文章针对网络备份系统的数据存储问题,在分析现有磁带格式的基础上,提出一种具有自描述特征的格式(SDVF)。
2.In this paper, client-proxy-server based volume callback algorithms are introduced to address two key issues that face the traditional algorithms: scalability and client disconnection.提出一种基于客户-代理-服务器的回调算法来解决传统回调算法所面临的两个主要问题:可扩充性和客户端断连。

1.A roll of parchment;a scroll.书羊皮纸、
2.end of volume (EOV)结束;结束;结束符;结束符;终;
3.The paper winder will rewind the interleaving paper, as the strip is paid off.取机将开机拆开的重新起来。
4.beginning-of-volume label (VOL)标的开始;标的开始;开始标号;开始标号;头标;头标
5.A tendril or similar part.须或类似的部分
6.fabric take-up and batching device织物取和打装置
7.She curls her hair with rollers.她用发器头发。
8.a roll of cloth一呢绒, 成的一匹布
9.I'll buy a faster film for my camera.我要买一快速胶
10.Please develop this roll of film for me.请给我洗印一
11.I have got a spool of color film .我有一彩色胶
12.expansible coil preparatory coiler胀缩筒式带材预
13.reel gripper jaws取机筒的夹紧爪
14.degree of residual crimp剩余曲度,残余曲度
15.To tuck up(something) around the body.起(某物)绕在身上
16.tornado, whirlwind, and waterspout龙、旋风和水龙
17.forced choice questionnaire必选式问必选式问
18.I bought a roll of film for a camera.我买了一照相胶

uniform and tight winding卷紧卷齐
3)unwind coil diameter开卷卷径
1.The model of unwind coil diameter calculation for the No.分析了从联邦德国引进的1#1350铝箔轧机开径计算模型。
4)reel to reel卷到卷
1.A new style of electro-component is introduced in this article, that is reel to reel.阐述了一种电子元件制造业中较新的生产方式———的带料生产 ,较详细地分析了其主要过程、要点 ,以及一些模具方面的关键知
5)barrel,drum,roll,reel drum,roll folding,insulating frame,spool卷筒<卷取>

卷卷 卷   ㈠(juǎn)   ①短缩不利。《素问·脉要精微论》:“心脉搏坚而长,当病舌卷不能言。”   ②卷曲。《素问·六元正纪大论》:“天道可见,民气可调,阴阳卷舒,近而无惑,数之可数者。”   ㈡(juàn,音倦)书卷,书册。《灵枢·刺节真邪》:“针之极也,神明之类也,口说书卷,犹不能及也。”   ⑶(quán,音全)通“拳”。《灵枢·阴阳二十五人》:“手少阳之下,血气盛则手拳多肉以温。”