1.Historical Truth and Historical Discomfiture——Research on Hsing king of Manchukuo Architecture;历史的真实与历史的尴尬——关于伪满洲国“新京”建筑研究
2.Northeastern Shamanism in Manchukuo(1931-1945);伪满洲国时期东北萨满教状况述略
3.For the last few decades, Manchukuo studies have been done not only in China but all over the world.迄今为止,无论在中国国内还是国外,对伪满洲国问题的研究成果已经很多。

1.Northeastern Shamanism in Manchukuo(1931-1945)伪满洲国时期东北萨满教状况述略
2.Germany Recognizing Puppet Manzhouguo in 1938: Reasons;德国1938年承认伪满洲国的原因
3.Literature in Puppet Manchou State and“Art and Literature Record” periodicals《艺文志》杂志与伪满洲国时期的文学
4.Changchun is the capital of Manchuria.如何翻译“长春市伪满洲国的首都”?
5.The Research of Characteristics and Influence of the Colonial Education in Puppet Manchurian;伪满洲国殖民教育特征及其影响研究
6.Investigation of the Periodical Youth Culture in Puppet Manchuria State;伪满洲国时期《青年文化》杂志考述
7.An Outstanding Text of Human Nature and History -- Reflections after reading the novel The Illegal Manchu State;人性激活历史的出色文本——读《伪满洲国
8.Colonization Culture and "Films Entertaining People" in the Puppet Manchukuo殖民文化与伪满洲国的“娱民电影”
9.Consonance union and Manzhou puppet regime were two pillars in the process of colonization. Guandong Army reorganized Consonance union many times to reconcile it with the puppet government.它同伪满政府是伪满洲国实行殖民统治的两大支柱。
10.The Fact of Jpanese Life of the Lower Class and Japanese Capital in the "Manshu";从《满洲》看伪满洲国底层的日本人生存状态和日本资本实况
11.Literature in the Puppet State of Manchukuo: A Supplement to the Study of Modern Chinese Literature;伪满洲国文学:中国现代文学研究的补订
12.Cognition of Japan-from the Perspective of Northeast Chinese Intellectuals in Manchoukuo;伪满洲国时期东北知识分子的日本认识
13.The Establishment of Japanese Women Organizations and Their Activities;日本妇女组织在伪满洲国的建立与活动
14.An Analysis of the Characteristics and Impact of the Manchurian Normal Education试析伪满洲国师范教育的特点及其影响
15.The “Manchoukuo” Puppet Regime s “Nationality Law”: Its Failure and Koreans Nationality in Northeast China;伪满洲国《国籍法》的难产与在满朝鲜人的国籍问题
16.Research in American’s disavowal doctrine to puppet regime in Manchuria and the economical relations between them(1932-1941);美国对伪满洲国的不承认主义及经济关系探究(1932—1941)
17.A Marvelous Works on Facing Calmly the History of Japanese Imperialist Aggression against China--on Manchukuo Written by OkaBe MaKio一部坦然正视日本侵华历史的力作——读冈部牧夫《伪满洲国
18.With the founding of the Manchurian government, a set of colonial system of education is established in the northeast of China.伪满洲国成立后,在东北建立了一整套殖民教育体系。

puppet manchou state伪满洲国
1.Literature in Puppet Manchou State and“Art and Literature Record” periodicals;《艺文志》杂志与伪满洲国时期的文学
2.By analyzing on the ideological influence of Japanese cultural aggression during 1931 year and 1945 year on female writers who lived in Puppet Manchou State and Huabei occupied area, The paper try to discuss the internal rules of literature origin and alienation of female writers in colonies.本论文试图通过1931~1945年间,日本殖民文化侵略对伪满洲国殖民地和华北沦陷区女性作家精神意识的塑造的分析,总结殖民地女性文学发生和异化的内在规律。
1.Missionary work of Shinto during pseudo-Manchukuo period;伪满洲国的“惟神之道”
4)puppet Manchurian regime伪满洲国
1.Analysis of the characteristics of the colonial education in puppet Manchurian regime and historical reflection;伪满洲国殖民教育特点及历史反思
5)literature in the Japanese puppet regime in Northeast China伪满洲国文学
6)history of "Manchoukuo"伪满洲国历史
