1.dragon and phoenix are Chinese totems.龙是中国图腾,但在岭南的表现有所差别。
2.Dealing with graded image of phoenix reflected ancient Chinese people culture from Shanhaijing to Shuowen-Jiezi,based on the theory of Chinese character and culture.以《山海经》到《说文解字》中""的形象流变为研究对象,从汉字文化学的角度,从中发现""的形象历经从单一走向杂糅,趋于多元,并蕴涵丰富的伦理美德的流变过程,最终上升为中华民族共同的图腾象征。
3.By analyzing the historical background, this article reveals that"Galloping Horse Tready on a Flying Swallow" is a specific expression of dragon worship in Han dynasty, and also a portrayal of the coordinated dragon and phoenix culture in that time.通过分析其历史背景,揭示出它是汉代崇龙文化的具体表现,也是汉代龙文化进入和谐的时代写照。

1."Ming-feng, who are the guests?"“鸣,什么客?”
2.Investigation in Zhejiang Shes Phoenix Coronet,Veins-of-Phoenix and Phoenix Cultural;浙江畲族纹及其凰文化探讨
3.Phoenix Traffic Network and Phoenix Investment Network are in no way associated with Phoenixsurf.凰流量项目和凰投资项目和老凰无关!
4."You suffer too much, Ming-feng !“鸣,真苦了你了。
5.Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse son can make hole!!龙胜龙,,老鼠的儿子回打洞。
6.Like beget like.龙生龙,,老鼠生儿打地洞。
7."Ming-feng, Madam wants you to put tobacco in the water-pipes!"“鸣,鸣,太太喊你去装烟
8.Let beggars match with beggars.龙配龙,,瘸驴配破磨。
9.Let Beggars mach with Beggars龙配龙,,亚崩配亚聋
10.Disscussion again on MingFeng and SiFeng s Death;“天使”的命运——再议鸣、四之死
11.Argument for "Phoenix Man"“凰男”探源——兼论“凰”的语义嬗变
12.Madam Yung Fung Shee Maternal and Child Health Centre元朗容书母婴健康院
13.vinaigrette and mashed anchovies.调味汁和捣碎的尾鱼。
14.Ornithoptera alexandrae [Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly]女王亚力山大巨
15.Madam Yung Fung Shee Dental Clinic元朗容书牙科诊所
16.So Yao Chin-feng is out to lead us again!—姚金这回又领头!
17.such as "prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix", "dragons rising and tigers leaping-scene of bustling activity",比如“龙呈祥”、“龙腾虎跃”、
18.Impatiens wallerana Hook. f.何氏仙(俗称:玻璃翠)

1.In vitro culture of pineapple (a review);梨科植物的离体培养(综述)
2.Control and Cultivation Measures on Heart Rot,Root Rot of Ornamental Pineapple观赏梨心腐病、根腐病的栽培防治措施
1.Reform of Xifeng:an Interview of Manager Zhang Suoxiang;西谋变——访陕西西酒股份公司常务副总经理兼营销公司总经理张锁祥
5)Paeonia ostii凤丹
1.Enzyme activities in Paeonia ostii rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil of Tongling copper mining;铜陵铜矿区丹根际和非根际土壤酶活性
2.Heavy metals pollution of Paeonia ostii land at copper-tailings reservoir of Tongling city:A preliminary study;铜陵铜尾矿丹种植基地重金属污染初探
3.Heavy metals accumulation in different parts of Paeonia ostii and soils at copper tailings yard.;铜尾矿区土壤与丹植株重金属富集研究
6)Feng Yang凤阳
1.The Preliminary Reaearch on Growing Situation of the Intro-duced Medicinal Plants in Feng Yang Area;阳地区外来药用植物生长状况的探讨
2.A Research into the Exploitation of the Tourist Resources of Feng Yang, a Famous City with Historical and Cultural Significance;历史文化名城阳旅游资源开发利用研究
