1.The Socio-Historical Analysis on the Decline of English Aristocracy in the Victorian Age维多利亚时期英国世袭贵族衰落的社会史分析
2.In the portrayal of the different characters we could see Fielding s disappointment about aristocracy and his hope for the lower class people,an indication of his turning from conservatism to liberal ideology.《阿米莉亚》中有三个贵族形象,都是腐败堕落的化身。
3.Mother in Setting Sun is generally recognized as one of representatives of declining aristocracy.一般认为《斜阳》中的母亲是没落贵族的全权代表。

1.The members of the nobility, especially the French nobility.贵族贵族的成员,尤指法国贵族的成员
2.A man of noble rank.贵族有高贵地位的人
3.The House of Lords is made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.贵族院(上议院)由神职贵族和世俗贵族组成。
4.A book listing peers, peeresses, and their families.贵族名册列有男贵族、女贵族及其世系的贵族姓名录
5.A person who advocates government by an aristocracy.赞成贵族的一个主张贵族统治的人
6.the nobiliary particle [ prefix ]贵族前缀(用于姓名前表示某人系贵族)
7.A nobleman of varying status or rank.贵族各种爵位或地位的贵族
8.members of the nobility (especially of the French nobility).贵族成员(特别指法国贵族)。
9.She's a peeress in her own right, ie not merely by marriage to a peer.她本身就是贵族(并非因嫁给了贵族).
10.British Aristocracy as Reflected in English Vocabulary;英语的贵族语汇与不列颠的贵族体制
11.The rank, title, or jurisdiction of a peer or peeress; a duchy, marquisate, county, viscountcy, or barony.贵族贵族或女贵族的爵位、头衔或权限;公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵
12.Betty wasn't born into the nobility,she married in.贝蒂并不是贵族出身,而是嫁给贵族而成为贵族的一员的。
13.She gives herself aristocratic airs.她装出一副贵族的样子。
14.of or befitting a lord.关于或适合于贵族的。
15.a secretary to a monarch or noble.国王的秘书,贵族的秘书.
16.The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds.贵族盯着纸看了几秒钟,
17.Comitia Curiata库里亚大会,贵族大会
18.[England] Lord Spiritual宗教议员[贵族院,上院

1.The five scene comedy Poverty and Prejudice by Danish playwright Holberg depicted the falling nobles of their poverty and arrogance with exaggeration and ridicule and indicated the inevitable tendency of rise of capital owners and fall of the nobles.丹麦剧作家霍尔堡的五幕喜剧《贫穷与傲慢》,以夸张、滑稽的手法刻画了没落贵族的贫穷与自大,表现了资产者兴起、贵族衰落的必然趋势。
2.The unit form is not only different from the tombs of commoners which sacrificed only pottery vessels,but also distinct with those of the nobles which sacrificed suits of bronze ritual vessels.其器物组合形式既区别于单纯随葬陶质生活器皿的平民墓葬,也不同于随葬成套铜礼器的贵族墓葬。
3.In the Western medieval society, the values of nobles was the core of the social value system, which not only has a radiated effect on values of other status, but greatly impacts the bourgeois values.在西欧中世纪社会,贵族社会的价值观念是当时社会价值体系的核心部分,不仅对当时社会其他阶层的价值观念具有辐射影响作用,而且对近代资产阶级的价值观念也具有不可低估的影响作用。
1.Tocqueville regards nobility as natural defense for liberty and against absolute royal power,but in the last years of the Old Regime,the french nobility had lost its political vigor,and attachment to the ideas of privilege,its isolation from peasant presents a disequilibrium between rights and duty.托克维尔把贵族看作制约绝对王权、保障自由的天然屏障,但旧制度末年的法国贵族已经丧失了政治上的生气;特权等级观念、同政治生活和农民的隔绝使他们的权利和义务失去了平衡,使他们成为了社会的赘物;与此同时,绝对主义王权垄断了一切政治生活,锻造了一个人们日益要求平等的社会,但其代价是自由精神的丧失和空想政治的产生。
2.It is always believed that the powerful monarchy and the weak nobility were the main contents of the relationship between the Tudor monarchy and nobility.强大的王权与衰弱不堪的贵族,一直是人们对都铎王权与贵族关系的传统看法。
3.The nobility is an important part of the age of Elizabeth I .贵族阶层是伊丽莎白时期英国社会分层体系中的一个重要组成部分,英国贵族的兴衰演变一直是学术界十分关注的问题。
1.The conclusion that it was only a palace coup can be reached through reviewing the history of England during the EdwardⅡ ruled(England suffered from economic crisis,political chaos and foreign aggression) especially the deposition process and analyzing the relations between king and parliament, aristocrat and law.经济危机严重、政局混乱不堪、外患频仍的社会背景,以及爱德华二世被废黜过程中国王与议会、贵族、法律之间的错综复杂的关系,表明这只是一场宫廷政变。
2.The paradox of Russian reform in 18th contury brought out contradiction in the hierachical mentality of aristocrat:the conceptually confusion about sovereign and the country;departing from traditional idea the absolut submission and absolutel deny;The ideal path-mocking political affairs;aristocrat s contradictory mentality toward serf.18世纪改革的悖论性导致了俄国贵族等级社会心理的矛盾化:贵族个性的发展——君主、国家概念的混淆;与传统价值观的背离——绝对服从又怀疑否定;理想之路——嘲弄时政、离群索居;贵族对农奴制度的矛盾心理。
3.The mid-Koryo period witnesses the peak of aristocratic power and glory when the family oligarchy dynasteia expands,and the Kyongwon Yi kinship group is a typical representative among them that intervenes in the state affairs within a century.高丽中期是贵族政治达到鼎盛时期,门阀贵族势力膨胀,庆源李氏家族是最典型的代表,在百年间国家大小事件都离不开庆源李氏一族。
1.There was a conflict between plebs and patricians in ancient Rome in 494BC.在公元前494年,罗马发生了一次平民反对贵族的斗争。
2.With the struggle of plebs for the equal political rights with the patricians in the early Republic, the institutions gradually developed and the official position was gradually open to the plebs.在推翻王政、初建共和的过程中,罗马出现了执政官一职;伴随着共和早期平民争取与贵族平等的政治权利的斗争,其形制逐步完善,官职人选也逐步向平民开放。
3.Since the time of classical antiquity,people in foreign country have focused on the origin of Roman plebeians,the essential differences between plebeians and patricians,and the nature of social order conflicts.在国外 ,自 19世纪以来 ,学者们对此问题的探讨 ,主要围绕着罗马平民的起源、平民与贵族的本质区别及等级冲突的实质等问题展开。

大贵族  见俄国农奴制度。