1.Comparison of taking bear gall with cannulation or not;有管与无管取胆的对比分析
2.Effects of compound green additive on the quality and output of bear bile;复合绿色饲料添加剂对胆汁质量及产量的影响

1.Bears, bears, everywhere!,到处都有
2.raccoons; coatis; cacomistles; kinkajous; and sometimes pandas.浣;长鼻浣;环尾猫;蜜;某些领域包括猫。
3.The light of that conflagration will fade away.这烈火会渐渐熄灭。
4.The torches flamed in the wind.火炬在风中燃烧。
5.Red pandas are a distant relative of the giant panda,小猫是大猫的远亲,
6.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch the ground.玩具,玩具,碰到地上。
7.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.玩具,玩具,转过来。
8.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go up-stairs.玩具,玩具,上楼梯。
9.Of or characteristic of bears or a bear.的或具有的特征的
10.The oil wells turned into a raging inferno.油井化为的火海。
11.Here's a bear, a father bear.这有一只,一只爸爸。
12.There are black bears and brown bears.有黑,还有棕色的
13.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Say Good-night.玩具,玩具 说晚安。
14.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear that will do.玩具,玩具 会这样做。
15.Like all bears, the black bear is timid, clumsy, and rarely dangerous, but if attacked, most can climb trees and cover ground at great speeds.像所有的一样,黑
16.Quantitative Morphology of the Panda Brain in Comparison with Those of the Raccoon and the American Bear大猫脑与美洲黑和浣脑的定量比较研究
17.The giant panda, a black-and-white bear, has a body typical of bears.大猫,黑白相间的,有的典型的体征。
18.brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear.产于北美洲的黑色;比棕小且不及棕凶恶。

The Bear熊
1.The Paradigm of The Bear and Faulkner s Literary Anxiety;《》的创作范式及福克纳对人类的焦虑
2.This thesis takes three representative woks——Coleridge’s The Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner, Melville’s Moby Dick and Faulkner’s The Bear as examples, focuses on eco-ethics .人与自然的关系历来就是文学作品中经久不衰的母题,本文以柯勒律治的《古舟子咏》、麦尔维尔的《白鲸》和福克纳的《》三部在文学史上具有代表性的作品为例,以生态伦理为切入点来考察三部作品中关于人与自然关系的衍变过程,通过对文本的分析来论述人与自然生态伦理关系的演进,从文学的侧面再现人类生态伦理思想衍变过程中的几种主要形态,有着一定的新意和可行性。
3)The Bear《熊》
1.Antinomy in Sorrow——On the Metaphor of Boon s Killing the Bear in William Faulkner s The Bear;悲壮之中的悖论——论福克纳小说《》中“布恩屠”之隐喻
2.“The Bear”:Calling for Natural Consciousness and Social Morality——On McCaslin in William Faulkner s The Bear;“”:呼唤自然意识和社会道德——威廉·福克纳《》的主人公解读
3.Faulkner s Reflection on White American Civilization Through The Bear;从《》看福克纳对美国白人文明的反思
4)A Blazing fire熊熊大火
5)a quick fire熊熊的火
6)bear bile熊胆
1.Anti-inflammatory effects of the bear bile lyophilized powder injection;胆冻干针剂的抗炎作用研究
2.Studies on Quality Evaluation on Drawed Bear Bile Power;人工引流胆粉的品质评价研究
