1.The Wonderful Feeling of Narration and Comment in Three-Sixteen Parallel Prose;三十六体骈文的叙事议论之美
2.Some news researchers also suggest that news report can be a mixture of factual description and personal comments.但在新闻工作实际中,对事实的报道中又大量搀杂着记者的主观议论,一些新闻研究者也提出新闻报道可以夹叙夹议。
3.The comments were often combined with other forms of expression besides the direct lyrical form.以议论为诗在初盛唐不同题材的诗歌中广泛存在。

1.have [say] the last word(于议论等) 驳倒人
2.He lost the thread of his argument.他失去了议论的条理。
3.follow an argument closely密切注意一议论的进行
4.I hate people who gossip of my friends我厌恶议论我朋友的人。
5.bitter exchanges between MP's in parliament下议院议员在议会上的激烈争论.
6.adjourn, postpone the debate (the sitting, the discussion)暂停、延期辩论(会议、讨论)
7.On Administrative Dispute;论行政争议——兼论行政争议与民事争议之区分
8.He moved to lay on the table the bill for increasing the duty on coffee.他提议把增收咖啡税的议案提交讨论。
9.After a long debate, the House of Commons approved the bill.经过长时间的辩论, 下议院通过了议案.
10.Your suggestion will come up at the committee meeting你的建议将提交委员会会议讨论。
11.query a statement, suggestion, conclusion, etc对一言论、 建议、 决议等表示怀疑
12.Mps are asking for the recall of parliament to debate the crisis .下院议员要求召回所有议员辩论危机。
13.There are five things on the agenda to discuss at the meeting.本次会议议程有五个事项要讨论。
14.A meeting for consultation or discussion.咨商会议磋商或讨论的会议
15.The final item on the agenda will be held over until our next meeting.最后一项议程将留待下次会议再讨论。
16.The House of Representatives debated the proposal for three days.众议院用了3 天时间讨论这个建议。
17.Draft of new law which will be discussed in parliament法案,议案,将在议会讨论的新法草稿
18.Draft of new law which will is discus in parliament.法案,议案,将在议会讨论的新法草稿。

1.The characteristics of the Song Dynasty poems are: In terms of technique of expression they are “poems of verse and poems of discussion”; in terms of content they are characterized by reasoning.宋代诗歌的特点是 :在表现方法上“以文为诗 ,以议论为诗” ,在内容上有较多的说理。
1.In his works,metaphors are widely used in description, arguments,and emotional outpourings.鲁迅的比喻具有描写生动、构思新颖、议论精辟、结构多样等艺术特色,充分显示了鲁迅高度的语言艺术技巧。
2.To express these arguments dir.在杜甫的一生当中 ,做左拾遗时那段“小臣议论”的生活 ,是实现其政治抱负的最真实、最具体的行动 ,本文以《北征》为例 ,分析了杜甫对哥舒翰潼关败亡、唐王朝向回纥借兵平叛、马嵬兵变等重要事件的看法 ,展示了杜甫作为一个诗人对国家大事的深刻见解和关切之情。
3.This essay covers the argumentational issue in writing audit reports that is easily ne-glected by the author.该文就审计报告撰写者当前易忽视的议论问题,从写作态度、思维逻辑和语言运用等方面提出了在撰写过程中应坚持的四个基本原则。
1.In his "Fortress Besieged", Qian Zhongshu has taken up all together the artistic forms of satiric humor, metaphor,"voice-over" comments, etc.钱钟书在《围城》中运用讽刺幽默的艺术形式、比喻的修辞手法以及"画外音"般议论的表达方式,使《围城》中的丑在艺术中产生了强烈的美感,从而完成了对丑恶的审视和批判。
2.Both are dominated by the omniscient point of view and supplemented by the characters point of view, and both contain lots of comments from their respective authors.《名利场》与《围城》在叙事手法上很相似 ,都是以全知叙事视角为主 ,人物叙事视角为辅 ,并且都有大量的议论
1.Wenfu of the Northern Song Dynasty takes two orientations: One, influenced by the argumentative writings sprung up in early Song, breaks away from the intrinsic aesthetic trait, and, while seeking argumentation and expressiveness, is lacking in literary grace.一路受宋初兴起的议论文的影响,突破故有的美学特质,只求说理达意,疏略文采。

议论1.谓评论人或事物的是非﹑高低﹑好坏。亦指非议﹐批评。 2.对人或事物所发表的评论性意见或言论。