曹魏,Cao Wei
1)Cao Wei曹魏
1.Evolution of the crime of treason and heresy in Cao Wei and question of women s being punished for being related to somebody who committed an offence;曹魏大逆不道罪的演变及妇女连坐问题
2.On Cao Wei s Management Ideology and Administration System in Opening up Wasteland;曹魏屯田经营思想及管理制度研究
3.A Textual Research of the Cao Wei Dynasty’s Policy of Severely Restricting the Power of Imperial Clansmen;曹魏苛禁宗室政策之考论

1.The Relationship Between Cao Cao s Management Art of His Surbordination and Nine Ranks of Evaluation of the Wei State;曹操用人之道与曹魏“九品官人法”的关系
2.The substitution of Wei royalty for Han royalty and Jin royalty for Wei royalty were importing and profound political affairs.曹魏代汉和晋代魏都是魏晋南北朝时期重大的政治事件,影响深远。
3.The Literary Criticism in the Period of Cao and Wei in the View of Wen Xin Diao Long;《文心雕龙》学术视野下的曹魏文学批评
4.The Relationship between the Ruling Legitimacy and the Ideological Transformation in the Wei Dynasty;论曹魏权力合法性与思想演变的关系
5.The Explorations of the Characteristics of the Poems from Three Generations of Cao Wei Emperors曹魏三祖的个性气质与诗歌风格探析
6.The Discussion on the Strategic Advantage of Cao Wei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms--From "Praise Shu and Suppress Wei" in Longzhong Countermeasures《三国演义》曹魏之战略优势缀述——从“隆中对”的“扬蜀抑魏”说起
7.The irrigation and water conservancy project laid solid material foundation for the resuscitation and development of the Cao Wei period's economy.曹魏的农田灌溉水利工程为曹魏经济的恢复和发展奠定了坚实的物质基础;
8.The militarization became stronger step by step from the end of Han dynasty、CaoWei to the southern dynasties.军事化自汉末、曹魏直到南朝,有逐渐加强的趋向。
9.The Natural and Cultural Landscape of the Ye City in the Period of Caowei;论曹魏邺城及其周边自然景观和文化景观
10.A Sketchy Argumentation about the Security of CaoWei Martial Provisions during the SanGuo Period;屯田·水系·运输——三国时期曹魏军粮保障略论
11.Setting and Denomination of the Bell Music Office in Caowei Dynasty;曹魏清商署的设置、得名及相关问题新论
12."Temporization" and the Official Philosophy of Politics from Jianan Period to that of Jingchu;"因循"与建安至景初之际曹魏官方政治哲学
13.Reading 《History of the Three Kingdoms·Japanese Biography》--Contact between Cao Wei and the countries on Japanese islands;读《三国志·倭人传》——曹魏与日本列岛诸国的往来
14.Formation and Organizational Setup of the Powerful Sima Family during the Reign of the Cao Family in the Wei Period;曹魏时期司马氏霸府的形成与机构设置考论
15.Evolution of the crime of treason and heresy in Cao Wei and question of women s being punished for being related to somebody who committed an offence;曹魏大逆不道罪的演变及妇女连坐问题
16.Political Cliques and Their Conflicts in Wei State;曹魏政权内两大政治集团的产生与竞争
17.The state of Wu was ruled by Sun Chuan, and the state of Wei by Tsao Tsao.吴指孙权方面,魏指曹操方面。
18.Its subject-matter, a rhapsody of the same title by Cao Zhi, a poet of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), is included in The Selections of Refined Literature by Xiao Tong.取材于三国魏曹植《洛神赋》原著载于《文

1.The Natural and Cultural Landscape of the Ye City in the Period of Caowei;论曹魏邺城及其周边自然景观和文化景观
2.A Sketchy Argumentation about the Security of CaoWei Martial Provisions during the SanGuo Period;屯田·水系·运输——三国时期曹魏军粮保障略论
3)the Wei Dynasty曹魏
1.The Officials from Qingxuyan Region and the Politics in the Wei Dynasty;青徐兖籍官吏与曹魏政治
5)the Kingdom of Wei曹魏
1.In 1978,a stray fragment of stone inscription in the ancient, seal and offical scripts dating back to the Zhengshi years (240-249) of the Kingdom of Wei was found near Jiaocun Village,Yanshi,18km southeast of the site of the Imperial College.1978年,洛阳汉魏太学遗址东南约18公里的偃师焦村之野发现一块刻有古文、小篆、隶书三体之曹魏正始石经残石,6行19字,经文“家……勤劳……不则……昔在……宁……外”,为《尚书·无逸》篇开首,复原后知为正始石经第廿石中心偏左部位残石。
6)Caowei rule曹魏政治

曹魏1.朝代名。即三国魏。因系曹氏所建,故后称曹魏,以别于拓跋魏。 2.指《诗.国风》中的《曹风》﹑《魏风》。