1.A comment on the refugees and the political pattern o ver bo th Jin dynasties;论流民与两晋之际的政治格局
2.Shandong s Agriculture Development and the Refugee Problem in Earlier Ming Dynasty Period;明前期山东农业开发与流民问题

1.Re-establishment of the Vagrants of the Migrants in Early Ming Dynasty in Yellow River Delta;黄河三角洲明初移民中的流民复业问题
2.Migration of Farmers and Autonomy of Villagers:A Perspective of the Villages from and into which Farmers Migrate;农民流动与村民自治——流出村和流入村的分析
3.The story circulates among the people.这个故事在人民中流传。
4.rootless refugees in a strange country.流落陌生国家的难民
5.Ordinary Chinese are also fascinated by Singapore as a tourist spot.民间访客流连忘返。
6.The new folk song caught on really quickly.这首新民歌流行得真快。
7.Analysis of Ecology Flow, Citizenizing and Urbanization of Countryside Laborer;农民工生态流动与市民化、城市化研究
8.Language Contacts and Cultural Exchange in Xinjiang;从民汉语言的接触看民汉文化的交流
9.Dynamic Mechanics of Farmers Migration in Southern Jiangsu Province of Republic of China;民国时期苏南农民分化流动的“激素”
10.On Evolution of National Revolution Ideas in the Peasant Movement;论国民革命思想在农民运动中的流变
11.The Changing of “Folk” in the 20th Century in the Perspective of Folklore;20世纪民俗学视野下“民间”的流变
12.Peasant Movement,SARS and Citizen Security Network;农民流动、SARS与公民保障网络
13.A Research on the Returning Geographical Choices of Returning Migrant Rural Workers;回流农民工的回流地域选择问题研究
14.A Comparison Analysis to Participating of Transient Peasant and Permanent Peasant in Villagers’Autonomy流动农民与非流动农民参与村民自治的比较分析
15.The democratic forces are the main current in the world today, while reaction is only a counter-current.现在的世界潮流,民主是主流,反民主的反动只是一股逆流。
16.The reactionary counter-current is trying to swamp the main current of national independence and people's democracy, but it can never become the main current.目前反动的逆流企图压倒民族独立和人民民主的主流,但反动的逆流终究不会变为主流。
17.Diasporic Writing and National Identity:Speculation also on Identity Issues in Chinese American Literature;流散书写与民族认同——兼谈美国华裔流散文学中的民族认同
18.Croatian Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees克罗地亚流离失所者和难民事务处(难民处)

1.Disasters,social changes and refugees ——a focus on modern Hebei at the turn of the 20th century;灾荒、社会变迁与流民——以19、20世纪之交的直隶为中心
2.At the later period of The Western Han Dynasty,refugees become disasters,the society is turbulent.西汉后期,流民成患,社会动荡。
1.During the East Jin Dynasty, the vagrant went on the historical stage as an important kind of strength.东晋时,流民作为一种重要的政治力量,走上历史舞台。
4)Peasant Movement农民流动
1.System Lag Characteristic of Peasant Movement and System Innovation;农民流动的制度惰距特征与制度创新
5)countryside labor flow民工流
1.From the aspect of economics, the paper analyzes the reasonswhy the countryside labor flow becomes the weak colony while it amounts upan important part of spring festival transport market.从经济学的角度分析占春运市场重要份额的民工流成为弱势群体的原因、民工流成分的演变及其发展,根据民工流的分析,提出铁路部门在春运中应采取的措施,使铁路运输企业更新观念,研究制定以务工流为中心的客运快速反应体系,更好地占领春运市场。
6)traveler flow of civil aviation民航客流
