1.The Sorrowful Wind Comes From the Heaven for Me:—The Suffering Contain and Aesthetic Mening of the Poem about Longyou of Du Fu;悲风为我从天来——杜甫陇右诗歌的悲苦色彩蕴涵暨美学意蕴

1.Phenological Depictions of Emotion--Two Additional Notes on Du Fu s Poems in Longyou Area;物候关情——对杜甫陇右诗的补注(二则)
2.The Loss of Longyou and Its Impact on the Security of the Imperial Capital in Late Tang Dynasty唐后期陇右失陷与京畿安全危机述略
3.The Study of Clans of West Rong People in Longyou Area--Discussing the Formation of the People in Longyou during the Legendary Period and Three Dynasties;陇右地区西戎民族集团的诸族考辨——兼论传说时代和三代时期陇右民族格局的形成
4.Wei Aos Thought and His Position in the History of Culture in the Area of LongYou;隗嚣的思想及其在陇右文化史上的地位
5.Influences of Tang Dynasty s Horse Administration at Long You Zone on Northwest Control;略论唐代陇右地区马政对经略西北的影响
6.The New Changes of Dufu Ideology During His Stay in LongYou;试论杜甫客居陇右时期思想意识的新变
7.Longyou Culture of Silk Road and Flourish of Changan Sports of Tang Dynasty;丝绸之路陇右文化与唐代长安体育的繁荣
8.Perspective into the Position of LongYou Historical Culture in China s Culture History;陇右历史文化在中国文化史上的地位检视
9.The Textual Research on the Starting and Ending of Cotton Planting in Middle South of Gansu from Qing to Minguo Period清至民国甘肃陇右地区植棉兴废过程考
10.Longyou Legendary Novels Writers in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties and their Works唐五代陇右传奇小说作家及其作品述论
11.The Sorrowful Wind Comes From the Heaven for Me:-The Suffering Contain and Aesthetic Mening of the Poem about Longyou of Du Fu;悲风为我从天来——杜甫陇右诗歌的悲苦色彩蕴涵暨美学意蕴
12.A Revision of The index of Poems in Qing Dynasty--Focusing on the Authors of An Anthology of Modern Poems in Gansu;《清人诗文集总目提要》订补——以《陇右近代诗钞》作家为中心
13.The Qin people originate in the east. After moving westward three times, they finally settled down in a place around Tianshui.秦人族出东夷,经夏末商初、商末和周公东征后三次西迁,终于由东方民族而定居于陇右天水一带。
14.No man be content .人心不知足,得陇复望蜀。
15.A New Synonym of Malus kansuensis(Batal.)Rehd.陇东海棠(Malus kansuensis)一新异名
16.Longdong, Longzhong Regions Folk Woodcut Status and Consider of Cultural陇东、陇中地区民间木版画现状及文化思考
17.preferring to use right foot or hand or eye.喜欢用右脚、右手和右眼。
18.Turn right and right again.右转弯,再右转弯。

Longyou dao陇右道
3)Longyou Culture陇右文化
1.Keep Footing on the Local Advantages and Explore New Ways to the Construction of Key Subject Matters——An Initial Discussion on the Construction of Longyou Culture,the Key Subject Matter at the Provincial Level;立足地域优势,探索重点学科建设的新途径——甘肃高校省级重点学科“陇右文化”学科建设实践初探
2.Starting from the situation of increasing enrollment and its future development, Tianshui Normal University established Longyou culture research center and a data storage, indicating a new stage of the cause of developm.陇右是黄河流域文化的渊薮之一 ,陇右文化在中国文化史上占有十分重要的地位。
4)Longyou poems陇右诗
1.Du Fu s Longyou poems are much more different from the former ones in the aspects of theme,contents,forms and styles.杜甫的陇右诗在题材、内容、体裁、风格等许多方面均呈现出与此前不同的态势。
5)Longyou area陇右地区
1.Discussion About the Economic Development of Longyou Area in History;试论历史时期陇右地区的经济开发
6)famous historical figures陇右名人

陇右1.古地区名。泛指陇山以西地区。古代以西为右﹐故名。约当今甘肃六盘山以西﹐黄河以东一带。 2.甘肃省旧时别称之一。